

The Marchman Act and Your Family

In an ideal world, drug addicts would recognize and accept that they have a problem and choose to undergo drug treatment. In reality, however, many people with substance abuse problems refuse to believe that they have a problem, or they think their case is hopeless. At some point many addicts become a danger both to themselves and to loved ones. In the state of Florida, families and friends of those with serious drug abuse problems can compel an addict to undergo forced drug treatment. In some cases this can be life saving treatment, and can prevent families from being permanently torn apart due to addiction.

How the Marchman Act Works

Family members and friends of an out-of-control addict may invoke the Florida Marchman Act in order to force the addict into treatment. The process starts with requesting a hearing in front of a judge, who may determine that the addict needs addiction assessment. If the addict is deemed to need assessment, and if the assessment results in the recommendation of drug rehabilitation, the addict can be sent into treatment by court order. If the addict leaves treatment before completing their program, they can be forced to return to treatment, or they can be incarcerated. Because the consequences of leaving rehab are severe, the addict is more likely to stick with treatment.

Specialized Help Is Available to Families in Crisis

When a loved one is addicted and has become a danger to himself or herself or to others, the family is already in crisis. The stress of watching a loved one's life fall apart due to substance abuse is tremendous. That's why there are attorneys who know how to use the Marchman Act and who make it their job to help families work through the courts to get the addict life-saving treatment.

The Risks of Going it Alone

While you do not have to use the services of an attorney when trying to get a loved one into court ordered drug treatment, there are benefits to doing so. At these hearings, the addict is appointed counsel as well, and it is their job to try to prove that the addict does not need forced treatment. Furthermore, paperwork and court filings can be complex, and you risk failing to get help for your loved one by making a mistake on a form or missing a deadline. Working with an attorney with experience in this area can be a smart investment.

When You Have No Other Options

Going through the court system to force an addict into treatment is not something to be taken lightly. But it is an option that is available when nothing else has worked. The truth is, some addicts simply will not get treatment unless they are forced to. Without treatment, they could die, and tear their family apart in the process. If your family is in crisis due to drug addiction, invoking the Marchman Act to get treatment for your loved one could save a life and prevent other lives from being permanently destroyed.

The Marchman Act was created to help families in crises that are dealing with an addict's out of control behavior. The Act allows for forced drug treatment ordered by a court that requires the addict to get help before they can injure themselves or anyone else. To learn more and help your loved one, go to

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