

Court Ordered Alcohol Addiction Treatment is an Option in Florida

Families and society pay a high price for alcoholism and other addictions. Alcohol addiction alone costs an estimated $235 billion per year in the United States due to costs for health care, loss of productivity, lost wages, and the costs of alcohol-related crime. Families can be torn apart by addiction, and innocent people can lose their lives due to tragedies like drunk driving accidents. If you love someone who is an addict, you have probably spent many sleepless nights worrying about them or coping with the problems addicts leave in their wake.

Some Addicts Refuse to Get Help on Their Own

One of the main problems with addiction is that addicts often don't see themselves as having a problem, and when that is the case, they aren't going to get treatment. As much as you may encourage an alcoholic relative or loved one to attend 12-step meetings or otherwise seek help, they won't make a serious effort unless they conclude for themselves that they have to get help. The result may be a series of relapses, further disintegration of relationships, brushes with the law, job loss, and sometimes the collapse of families. If the addict you love is able to admit that he or she has a problem, then you have hope that they may choose treatment. If not, your options are much more limited.

Personal Interventions Don't Always Work

You have probably seen inspiring stories on television of addicts and alcoholics who undergo a family intervention and realize what they have to lose, coming to the conclusion that they must go through rehabilitation. The problem is that personal interventions don't always work. If you have tried this and still your loved one refuses treatment, it isn't your fault, and it may be time to use the court system to get your loved one into court ordered addiction treatment.

Your Options Under the Law

In Florida, the Florida Marchman Law provides a way for family members and / or friends of an alcoholic or addict to legally compel that person to undergo rehabilitation. It isn't that easy, because the rights of the addict must be protected too, but in many cases it is the only way to make sure the person you love gets the help they need. A series of hearings in your county's court determine whether an addict needs to undergo evaluation and detox, and then if he or she needs to be in longer term treatment such as court ordered alcohol addiction treatment.

An Attorney Can Ensure You Follow All Procedures Correctly

The Florida Marchman Act requires very specific paperwork and evidence, and your loved one will be assigned their own attorney for the process. Having an attorney helping you through the process makes it less stressful and helps ensure that the case won't get thrown out on a technicality. Nobody enjoys having to use the Florida Marchman Act, but in some cases it is the only way to get court ordered addiction treatment for someone you love.

Court ordered alcohol addiction treatment can be the difference between life and death for those in the midst of a destructive addiction. If you or a loved one needs help, go to to find someone who understands how to get court ordered addiction treatment and get started on a new life today.

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