

All about addiction social networking for addiction recovery (Nicholas Grimaldi)

What are the major problems ailing the youth section all over the world? Any person, who takes certain amount of interest in sociological developments and changing trends of the surrounding, would point a finger at substance abuse. While youths have been found to be the victims of the crisis most frequently, on the other hand it is also true that individuals, belonging to higher age groups also find it difficult to deal with addiction recovery and its consequences. And this is exactly where the online platform of addiction social networking plays its part.

There already have been quite a lot of discussions regarding the possible factors that may contribute to an individual's inclination over addictive substances, such as chemicals, drugs, anti-depressants and alcohols. While behavioral psychologists are of opinion that youths of the modern world suffer more from identity crisis and in order to suppress their anguish they incline more to such addictive substances, on the other hand, sociological scholars have opined that addiction has been projected in a glorified manner by the pop-cultural mediums; consequently, have made the vice appear more like a status symbol and integral part of the youth personality.

A recent report, published in the CNN, clearly suggests that only in the United States, over 68 million adults require special addiction help in order to get back to the normal course of life. Almost 25 million among them are addicted to more than one substance and every year several millions are reported to have suffered from different consequences of this problem that may ultimately lead to fatality.

Another major problem with substance abuse is that not only it continues to gnaw the physical condition of a person but also impacts significantly over the behavioral aspect. While these problems may not be realized at the very initial stage, within a year or two the victim starts realizing gravity of the situation and without special help it becomes almost impossible for him/her to get over the problem completely. As the behavioral condition of an addict gets severely affected, drug or alcohol abuse is also considered to be responsible for the increasing number of domestic violence cases in the United States. The CNN report further suggests that genetic heritability shares a strong connection with substance addition; thus, it is highly possible that the same tendency to depend on addictive substances may pass on from one generation to another.

Behavioral psychologists are of opinion that when it comes to helping a person with addiction recovery, the two most important factors are patient and empathy. The assistance providing individual, Addiction Social Networking group or organization should realize that the process won't be smooth or easy as the person was indulged in the addiction for quite some time. Today, the victim is both physically as well as psychologically dependent on the substance. However, simply giving the suffered time isn't enough as the chance of relapse remains pretty high at least during the first one or two years.

It is indeed important that a strict schedule of activities is followed and the subject is treated in a manner that is fused with empathy. With time, sincerity of the effort of many support groups like Amity Connect will surely bring positive results and definitely will also pave the path for accelerating the recovery process from substance abuse.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who educates people regarding drug rehabs and addiction recovery programs. He also helps by building Addiction Social Networking and communities such as Amity Connect that encourage learning and sharing problems as a method to fight addiction.
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Addicts Not All The Same

There is a tendency to think that all addicts are the same. Addiction and survivors of abuse are first of all people. Stereotyping all alcoholics, all drug users and any other form of addiction as a common personality type does not work.

Would you say that all people with a broken leg are the same?

What has to be thought about at all times is 'Are we treating the disease or are we trying to change what we perceive to be a personality defect.' Which may indeed be a personality defect. Even if it is not a personality defect is it what you want? Some addicts are basically nice people. Others can be very horrible. Others still are nice people but we don't want to be with them.

There are commonalities due to the disease but not everything we do not like is the disease. Mostly it is the person. The not very nice addicts will often play on their addiction to excuse unacceptable behaviour.

More than one person has spent years getting their addict sober or dry only to find that they do not actually like the addict. Those wasted years can never be recovered.

It is not fashionable to say walk away but there is a good case for looking at the addict and asking 'Do I like this person.' If you do not like this person then walk away. Your health and well-being is more important than someone you don't like.

This is a major problem for anyone caught up in the addiction merry-go-round. It is very easy for the focus to be on the addict full time and lose sight of who we are and what we want. Where is it written that you have to care for a person you do not like just because they have a self-inflicted condition?

Even if there is a problem such as childhood abuse it is still up to the addict to do something about it. The usual thing that happens is the addict will use the problem as the excuse for not doing anything to help themselves. Why change when everything they want can be obtained by manipulating those around them?

Addicts, as part of the disease, are Zen Masters at manipulation. Even the nicest of addicts are very manipulative. This is the thing that as a partner of significant other of an addict must be constantly aware off. The addict will try to manipulate you at all times.

If there is to be progress towards the recovery of an addict the manipulation has to stop. That is up to you because it won't be in the addict's interest to stop the manipulation. They thrive on it. If the manipulation stops the addict will sometimes leave to find someone they can manipulate. If they do it can cause grief but it is a sign that your recovery is well under way.

If a basically OK person teams up with an addict the addict does not get better, the OK person gets sick. If you are reading this you will probably already know the sickness is called co-dependency.

Most literature on co-dependency will concentrate on how to survive and restore our sanity in a relationship with an addict. What is often forgotten is whether or not you want to be there is the first place. Often the reason we stay is a misguided sense of duty and fear.

These are the addict's weapons. Misguided duty and fear. Even if the addict is your son or daughter what is your duty to them? Is it you duty to fall into a deep hole of fear and shame for all the things your addict blames you for or says you should have done? So you made mistakes, some real but mostly they are the mistakes your addict invents to manipulate you.

Do you want to continue to sink deeper into this dark place? The way out of the dark place starts by looking at your situation and asking yourself quietly and calmly if this is really where you want to be. It must be quietly and calmly because spur of the moment decisions will not work long term. The first secret is to see the situation as it is and decide if this is what you want. It is difficult to imagine what it would be like with this person without the disease and it might take a long time to see, but that is what is required if the decision is to be right for you.

If you decide to physically leave be certain that it is because you want something better; not just that you are running away.

You may want to physically stay or you might want to leave. Either way this is the beginning. If you physically stay you can still leave that dark place by learning not to be controlled or manipulated. The game of addiction takes at least two to play. Learn how not to play and things have to change.

Addicts are not all the same. There is still the person that you may or may not like. The problem is that it all gets blamed on the disease without any understanding of the person. The disease masks everything else. See the disease as it is and the size it is and it is not everything. There is much more. It is this much more that needs to be looked at.

The control and manipulation must stop. What is needed to stop the addicts control and manipulation, and to stop your control and manipulation? There is no way known you can control or manipulate an addict. It is part of the disease that they will always be one step ahead of you. The only way forward is to end the manipulation, which means stopping your manipulation. If you don't then today is the best day of your life. From here on in it is down hill all the way.

Yosef Albric Photo I only write about things that I have experienced. In all things to do with addictions it has to be experienced to understand. I come from the postion of not sacrificing ourself on the alter of someone else's addiction. Please visit my website for more of my work. Yosef Albric
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Different Menthol Flavors of Electronic Cigarette (Rakesh Sharma Jack)

Flavors in cigarettes were something unheard of before the introduction of the e-cigs. Though flavors such as fruits, chocolate, natural tobacco and specialty flavors made their way into the market, the electronic cigarette menthol flavor seems to be the much sought-after brand after the original tobacco one. Given below is the most popular menthol flavor introduced by many of the electronic cigarette manufacturing companies:

* Fresh Mint Menthol: This gives a refreshing feeling to the smokers and tastes like a true menthol cigarette. It sooths your mood and gives you a revitalized feeling. These cigs are available to the customers in full, light, ultra light and zero strengths. The strength of the menthol differs from each company and the customer can go in for the strongest or the least strong one.

All about Quality E Cigs
Whenever you purchase an e-cig kit, you have to ensure that you buy the quality stuff. It can be cheap in terms of the cost but it should be good to use. Given below are the good quality e cigs and the customers should keep these in mind while purchasing the e-cig kits.

The Construction: The make of the e-cig kit and its accompaniments should have a good feel and look to it. Sometimes, a kit may have the good look but it may lack in quality. When you touch the product, it should feel strong and solid in your hands.

Quality of the Liquid: The liquid that you inhale should be of good quality because of the health factors involved. Do not go in for those brands, the names of which you have not heard at all. Go for those e-cigs with a market niche for itself.

Consistency: When you use a product for one time or many times, the taste and the quality should not change. If it remains always consistent, you can easily trust the brand. A different taste each time means a poor quality e-cig and it will be best to avoid the product.

Usage and Maintenance: All high quality e-cigs will be easy to maintain and you will find them easy to use at all times. Ease of use means the simple method of refilling the cartridges, changing the atomizers and recharging the batteries. The equipment should function properly.

Reviews: Every product in the market will have a customer review. If you have any particular company in mind, go to their website and look at the reviews. Most of the good companies will have excellent reviews and name in the market.

Smoking is a different experience with e-cigs and the electronic cigarette menthol, mint, chocolate, fruit and other spicy flavors adds a special touch to the taste of the smoking.

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Court-Ordered Drug Treatment Information (Juanita Darling)

It is a strange fact of life that ugly and evil things often have interesting histories. The word "slave," for example, dates back to the Ancient Romans and was coined shortly after they conquered and enslaved most of Slavonia. As a result, the eponym became synonymous with a subjugated population. These slaves were given as rewards to Roman soldiers, but were known by their Latin name, "addict." In modern usage, the word describes someone whose life is controlled by anything other than his own will. This description is fitting when applied to any form of addition.

According to the latest report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an estimated 22 million Americans were dependent on or abused drugs. That's more than 8 percent of the total population over the age of 12! Most of these addicts were heavy or binge drinkers. About one-third of them required treatment for a drug problem and rest needed help with a serious alcohol issue.

The Problem behind the Problem

As anyone who has ever staged an intervention could tell you, the most difficult step on the road to recovery is getting the addict to admit he actually has a problem. Only about one in ten substance abusers say they need help. Fortunately then, most of them get it! But what are the other 90 percent of friends, family members, and loved ones to do with an addict that refuses to admit and accept that he has a problem?

Court-Ordered Drug Treatment

As a general rule, Americans have a live-and-let-live attitude toward most issues. But when something impacts their lives or the lives of their loved one, they have no compunction about speaking up. Nearly one-third of all driving fatalities involve alcohol! On a national scale, that's nearly 10,000 people who were killed by addicts, abusers, and people with extremely poor judgment.

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), a nonprofit organization, Florida has more drunk driving deaths than all but two U.S. states (Texas and California). It is no surprise then that legislators in the Sunshine State have taken extreme measures to stop motorists from driving under the influence. In addition to having some of the toughest drunk driving laws in the nation, Florida also follows the problem to its roots. In other words, it seeks to identify and provide treatment for the people who are most likely to drive under the influence, i.e., alcoholics.

The Florida Marchman Act gives the families and friends of addicts the power to have them involuntarily committed for addiction treatment should they refuse to listen to reason. It is one of the most progressive pieces of legistlation that addresses a problem that has become a public safety threat.

How does it work?

Under the law, only a spouse, blood relative, or any three people who have proof of a person's addiction can invoke the Marchman Act. In most cases, it is the final recourse that loved ones can utilize to force an addict to get the help and treatment they so desperately need but won't accept on their own.

Although each case is different, most begin with a court-ordered intervention assessment. If the subject is found to be an addict, the court may then order stabilization or detox as well as long-term treatment and monitoring. Because it is a legal procedure, the petitioner must file paperwork with the court that essentially asks the judge to assess an accused addict for involuntary treatment under the Marchman Act. If the judge determines that the individual is a threat to society or to himself, he/she may sanction court-ordered drug treatment.

Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC provides guidance, advice, and legal aid to the families of substance abusers through the Florida Marchman Act. The law gives loved ones the legal right and authority to compel an addict to receive court-ordered drug treatment. For more information on this legal intervention process, please visit us at
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Identifying Alcoholism And Finding Treatment Options in Pennsylvania

Alcoholism is essentially defined as an addiction to alcohol, to the point where it disturbs the functioning of your life. The truth is that it is possible to be an alcoholic without even knowing it. If you have been noticing that your alcohol consumption seems high or that it has recently been on the rise, it is worth looking into whether or not you have an alcohol problem, and if you do, to consider alcoholism treatment options. If you happen to live in Pennsylvania, there are plenty of alcoholism treatment options that might suit you.

Do I Have Alcoholism?

One indication that you might have an alcohol problem involves drinking even when it has caused you problems in the past. For example, has your drinking ever caused you to drive while intoxicated, to skip out on your responsibilities, to miss work or to get in trouble with the police? These are all things that indicate that your problem is out of control. Similarly, regularly drinking until you get sick or until you black out can definitely be a sign that you need to seek treatment.

Alcoholism is also a condition that affects the people around you and the way that you interact with them. For example, have you considered whether or not you hide the fact that you are drinking too much from the people around you? Do they treat you differently when you have been drinking, or have they ever told you that you are drinking too much? These are all signs that you might be experiencing a problem.

Analyze when you are drinking. Alcoholics are more likely to drink while they are alone, and they tend to use alcohol as a relief from stress. Do you find that you drink on your own a fair amount, and do you find that you are reaching for alcohol as a relief whenever you feel angry or upset? The problem is that alcohol tends to be a mood amplifier, and if you start to drink when you are upset, it can make your emotional state even worse.

Similarly, consider how you react to the idea that you might be dependent on alcohol. Do you immediately feel a sense of fear, anger or dread? Some people who are alcoholics fight or deny the idea that they could be addicted because if they are addicted, they know they should change.

How Can I Help Myself

When it comes to looking at alcohol abuse symptoms PA, also known as Pennsylvania, is one place where you can definitely get help. When you are trying to identify alcohol abuse symptoms PA public services has a number of different resources for you. There are local support groups, both public and private, that can give you the information to quit as well as the support to help you get clean, and on top of that, you will be able to get advice from people who have been in the same situation that you are going through. These support networks understand what you are going through and genuinely wish to help you through the challenge of healing yourself.

The truth is that while there is plenty of help available, you have to take the first step yourself. This is something that you have to decide that you want, so consider what it means to you.

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Understanding Drug And Alcohol Abuse And How to Cope With It

Ever wondered what turns a sober individual into a drug and alcohol addict? The reason may differ from person to person but the fact remains the same that it can potentially ruin the life of the addicts and distress those who are attached to them. Some people do not understand why individuals become addicted to drugs and alcohol, and how it can change the brain to foster compulsive drug abuse; instead, they mistake the addiction as a social issue and may also characterize those who are into drugs and alcohol as morally feeble.

In fact, there is a common belief among people that the addicts should be able to quit taking drugs and alcohol if they are willing to change their behavior and live a better life. However, what people often underestimate is the intricacy involved with drug addiction. It is a condition that affects the brain, due to which, stopping drug and alcohol abuse is not simply a matter of choice. However, the good news is that drug addiction can be successfully treated and patients can stop drugs and alcohol abuse with correct help.

Various alcoholism clinics are present today that provide correct treatment and help the patients resume their productive and healthy lives.

Why do some people become addicted to alcohol and drugs while others do not?

There is no single factor that can predict whether or not a person will become addicted to drugs or alcohol. However, the risk for addiction may get influenced by social environment, family environment, person's biology, circumstances and age, as well as stage of development. The higher the number of the risk factors an individual has, the higher are the chances that taking drugs and alcohol would lead to addiction.

Treatment and Prevention are the Keys

Thankfully, drug and alcohol addiction is preventable and can be treated with the help of experts. There are various treatment programs offered by drug and alcoholism clinics that include detox, inpatient, and outpatient programs, all aimed at helping the addicts lead a healthier life. These treatments play a major role in helping dependent drinkers control their drug and drinking habit and rebuild their lives. Furthermore, it is also advisable to involve your kids in such prevention programs and make them understand the harms of drug and alcohol abuse.

How to find rehab centers and alcohol treatment clinics

Thanks to the web, today, we can search everything related to drug and alcohol clinics and more from the comfort of our homes. Just make sure to select a nearby rehab center so that the near and dear ones of those to be treated can meet them on a regular basis.

Simentha Williams is an expert writter and analyst in online marketing related topics. She is a web specialist and written a number of articles on Stop drinking, addiction treatment, clinicas de alcoholismo, alcohol addiction, effects of alcohol, addiction recovery, alcohol addiction treatment and tratamiento del alcoholismo.
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How I Got Rid of Processed Foods and Addictive Substances?

It all started when I was twenty years old (37 years ago). My partner and I moved in the country in the spring and we spent the summer building our house, which was dome shaped.

During that period a stranger saw what we were doing and was interested in the design and architecture of our would-be house. He also happened to have an interest in health, which he eagerly shared with us. When he left he gave me the book Food Combining Made Easy by Herbert Shelton.

This book really fascinated me and I read it twice cover to cover. In reading it I discovered many health secrets that were completely new to me. Shelton stated many of the natural hygiene principles, such as human are frugivores and have naturally adapted to a diet of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. He elaborated on the importance of good digestion with proper combination of foods. If the food doesn't digest well then it ferments, putrefies, and creates toxins in your body, which are the causes of a myriad of diseases. To experience superior health you need to follow the principles of natural hygiene. The foods allowed in the menu were fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds, clabbered milk, and steamed vegetables such as potatoes. The sample menus were very simple. For example breakfast was fruit, lunch with some vegetables and nuts, and dinner could be more vegetables with steamed potatoes. I started applying the principles I learned right away. I picked two meals a day from the menu section, and for the first time in my life I was eating raw fruits and vegetables in big quantities. A year later eating a whole foods, plant-based and high raw diet I found myself in great shape. My energy soared and I lost 5 pounds (that was all I needed to lose as I wasn't fat).

Now I want to tell you how I got rid of smoking cigarettes and marijuana, drinking alcohol and coffee, and eating processed foods.

Smoking: I started smoking cigarettes when I was 14 years old. It was the cool thing to do and my friends and I were buying cigarettes by the units at a little store. We felt great imitating the adults and sure we didn't know at the time, 40 years ago, of all the negative effects of smoking such as lung cancer. I got hooked and kept smoking perhaps 7-8 cigarettes a day until I was 22 years old. Although my diet was pretty good I haven't given any thought about kicking nicotine out of my life. One day I was out of cigarettes and decided to spend the day without smoking as an experiment. Hurrah, it went surprisingly well! The next morning I made the decision to quit for good. It has been super easy as my body was clean and didn't go through many withdrawals. Sometimes it is better to start a healthy diet plan with lots of raw and living foods as it will be easier to quit smoking rather than trying while eating processed foods. The withdrawal symptoms will be lighter as your body will have more energy to clean all you cells polluted by nicotine and other chemicals.

I never smoked a cigarette since and could feel the difference in my breathing and strength capacity.

Smoking and fitness don't go together. Smoking robs your cells of oxygen and all the cells of your body are affected. Since oxygen plays a major role in energy production, even a minor depletion has an impact on physical performance. The heart would have to work harder to compensate for the lack of oxygen reaching the muscles. The result is you become out of breath sooner than a non- smoker and can't be classified as a healthy and fit individual.

Alcohol: I discovered drinking when I was 17. I liked to hang out with friends and get drunk occasionally. Typical teenage behavior I must say. Then I went to live with a man who liked to drink. I just didn't mind as I liked that too. So when we were drinking together I also kept the same pace with him. No wonder I would get drunk and he wasn't as drunk as he was used to it. Women need less alcohol to get inebriated, another thing I didn't know at the time.

When I moved to the country and started to dramatically improve me diet my desire for alcohol became nil. Strange enough I wasn't interested anymore in drinking and stopped altogether. A few years later I was invited to a party and I decided to drink. In no time I got drunk and was acting silly. The next day when I got up I felt horrible with a tremendous hangover. My head was aching like it wanted to explode, my stomach was in pain and I felt nauseous. My muscles were aching too and I couldn't do anything that day, feeling really miserable. I made the decision then to not get drunk again as it wasn't worth it. There is no way I'll give any more of my precious life to feel less than great. Health is my most precious commodity and no substance like alcohol can rival its value.

Over the years I drank very little and only on a few social occasions. I found that I didn't like the effects of alcohol at all. It sure doesn't have the same effects when you have a clean body. With a healthier body I just don't like any substances interfering with the well-being I experience on a daily basis. Superior health has so much more to offer than any addictive substance in the world. You see when you are healthy you just feel great, are in control of your life and you are more aware of your body and mind. When you operate on an unconscious mode you can ingest substances without being aware of the damages they have on your health and well-being. When you eat and live consciously these behaviors make no sense anymore and you become disinterested in purchasing brief pleasures. There is always a big price to pay after indulging in these brief buzz. Health offers so much more pleasure all day. It gives you the energy to do the myriad of things you like to do. The day with the hangover was so intense, it was a long day of learning for me.

Alcohol misuse has been shown to damage the brain and nervous system; affect the immune system; harm bones, skin, and muscles; cause fertility problems and impair fetal development. It is associated with harmful effects on the cardiovascular. It's well known that alcohol and cancer are related. Alcohol consumption leads to mild withdrawal sensations the next day that are commonly mistaken for hunger and quelled by overeating.

Marijuana:I started smoking marijuana when I was 17. At this time was the big movement of love and peace, Woodstock festival, flower power and many young people were attracted to psychedelic drugs and pot. I never really liked the effects of pot mainly when the stuff was very high in THC ((the active chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). I was smoking because my friends were and again it was the cool thing to do. I continued to smoke after my big health makeover but found I couldn't ingest more than a puff and that was it. I was really flabbergasted when people would continue inhaling up to 10 times the amount I myself found really strong. I was already in the land of nowhere and just one inhalation was all I could take. One time I went on a road trip with friends and they smoked pot all the time. I did smoke with them though perhaps ten times less. When I got home a week later I found myself depressed and anxious. My outlook in life became scary as well. The effects of pot didn't suit me at all and I decided to quit for good. Evidently I had to reconsider whom I hung out with and made new friends that were more in alignment with my new lifestyle. When you make radical lifestyle changes you might be criticized by people. You need to be sure of your core values and know why you're doing what you're doing. Sometimes success in your life means marching to the beat of your own drum.

Being different or behaving differently than the masses might bring some challenges along the road. You have the choice to follow the crowd and then later on sink with them, or you can lead your own unique path and reap rewards along the way. It all starts with having your core values and goals in place and knowing your big whys.

New friends will appear who will be more aligned with your beliefs. For me this took me travelling the United States and I met wonderful people and made lifetime friends that I got to visit a number of times.

"THC in marijuana is an element that puts you to sleep rather than elevating consciousness. In my 40 years of clinical experience, I am clear that the use of marijuana disrupts adrenal function and is associated with increased amounts of hypoglycemia. The munchies effect of smoking cannabis is a sign of this adrenal disruption. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the active chemical in cannabis. While THC and other chemicals in marijuana can reduce pain and nausea, they do this by destroying very sensitive brain cells related to perception and coordination. The drug is highly toxic and literally destroys the brain. Given the importance of brain health for concentration, meditation, and spiritual growth, marijuana use threatens the integrity of all aspects of our health and spiritual well-being. The symptoms of THC brain damage include distorted perception, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, and memory difficulty. These are short-term side effects, but long-term marijuana use has been shown to increase activity of stress response and to alter the activity of dopamine containing nerve cells. In short this diminishes motivation and perseverance in work, relationships, and on the spiritual path. While some people mistakenly believe this to be a more evolved state on non-attachment or emptiness, it is, in reality, a numbness to life that inhibits our full expression." Gabriel Cousens MD, Founder of Tree of Life Rejuvenation Centre, AZ.

Coffee: I used to drink one cup of coffee a day in my teenage years until I moved to the country and started to reform my eating habits. I stopped completely until a few years later when I was around coffee drinkers. I joined them for this one time only and soon enough I was addicted and kept drinking one cup of coffee in the morning for about one and a half month. I liked the intellectual stimulation and instant surge of energy it gave me. But aside those good feelings I had other unpleasant symptoms such as nausea. I lost my ravenous appetite for healthy foods and was not feeling my old self. I didn't feel like exercising in the same way and I was totally out of synch with my body. This experiment ended with a terrible tooth ache and I had to fast for several days to re-establish homeostasis. I had to give up coffee totally and realized that it was not worth it. Thereafter once I drank one cup of coffee and I was shaking and not having control of my body. I felt really bad and never touched regular coffee again. Coffee is acidic, it sets you up a roller coaster day of highs and lows, and eventually depletes your adrenals and end up exhausted. You need more and more coffee to get going or reach for something sweet to get another lift, leading to daily fluctuations in energy and alertness. Caffeine will give you fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, sleep disturbance, irritability and depression. You are no more in control of your body and it becomes difficult to experience good stable energy. Vibrant health and coffee just don't go together.

Processed foods: I couldn't say I was very much attracted to processed foods except chocolate. When I was 17 I wanted to become a vegetarian and was baking my own whole wheat bread and cooking with whole grains such as barley and wheat. I wasn't high on processed foods, instinctively was gravitating more towards whole foods. After my diet makeover I would go on a trip and my healthy diet was derailed. I would consume cookies, white rice or white bread and come back home sick and in pain. My body was telling me that it wasn't too happy with my behavior and that's how I learned about its limits. My body showed me what it liked and didn't like and I had to listen or it meant suffering. I haven't used any medications for 38 years so when in pain I just fast until the symptoms of illness subside. I couldn't cheat without paying the consequences. It is a fact that the healthier and more vitalized we become, the more intense the symptoms of detoxification will be and the quicker we get well. The more raw and living foods I ate, the better I felt. I could finally say goodbye to frequent colds, belly aches, sinusitis, otitis, and other sicknesses I experienced while transitioning to a whole foods, plant-based and high raw diet.

Indiscriminate use of pharmaceuticals and destructive habits like consumption of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, caffeine, and processed foods push the body into toxic overload. Sooner or later you'll pay the consequences and will not like it. A good detox, followed by a nutritious diet, will help get rid of toxins and bring a higher state of health.

TODAY I am so grateful for living an addiction-free life and that I could live vibrantly healthy with boundless energy. Health is a blessing and worthy of any effort or expense. I am far from being perfect as it a work constantly in progress.

In my work I like to inspire and empower people make lifestyle changes and regain their health.

What a difference one book can make! It shaped my destiny from that day on. Most possibly did you stumble into reading such a book? If so, share it in your comments below.

Guylaine Lacerte is a Raw Food and Detox Expert, Nutrition Coach and Energy Recharge Practitioner. To get healthy delicious raw food recipes and nutrition information go on her website and subscribe to her well popular newsletter 'Vibrant Health and Energy'.
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Telltale Signs of Addiction

When the words drug addict are mentioned, there is typically an image produced in the mind. Past experience often comes from the media and is used to shape that image into something dramatic. However, it is possible that someone in your life could be struggling with an addiction and you may never even know it. Many of the Texas drug rehab facilities warn families that there are many symptoms of drug addiction that can completely miss the radar. There are a few things that you should definitely be on the lookout for if you suspect that a loved one is struggling with an addiction.

One of the first changes that you may notice if someone is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, is changes in their sleeping patterns. Addicts often have trouble sleeping at night and may seem to not sleep well at all. On the other hand, they may be sleeping way too much. When an addiction is severe, a person may sleep in between highs and lose interest in anything else besides getting high.

Another key indication that someone is addicted to something is if you begin to see dramatic changes in their values and overall personality. A person could be one of the most honest people that you have ever met but when it comes to getting what they want, they may lie, cheat, or even steal from their loved ones. You may notice a difference in their personality as well. For example, mood swings between depression and extreme euphoria could be traits displayed by an addict.

Texas drug rehab facilities also advise people to be on the lookout for changes in the way a person lives their life and interacts with other people. In order to hide their addiction from their loved ones, an addict may become withdrawn from their family and friends. They may not go out as often as they once did, visit friends or family members, and they may even avoid family functions that they once enjoyed.

If you have saw any of these symptoms or changes with your loved one, there is a good chance that they could be struggling with a secret addiction. It is imperative that you do all that you can to help this individual seek treatment and get help because addiction can be deadly. This is especially true if a person keeps the problem hidden away from the rest of the world. If you believe that you are dealing with this issue, it is a good idea to contact one of the many Texas drug rehab facilities in the area. They can provide you with a variety of different types of tips and information about addiction and what you can do to help.

The author has an immense knowledge on Texas drug rehab facilities. Know more about drug rehab Texas related info in his website
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Amity Connect - Learn More about Alcoholism Treatment (Nicholas Grimaldi)

People who are addicted to alcohol can opt for certain medicines to get rid of this obnoxious habit. Though, cure is impossible if one takes to drinking after some time. So, a lot depends on your determination to quit the habit. Platforms like Amity Connect provide addicts with credible information related to treatment that actually works. Medicines help you to lessen the craving for booze but cannot cure it if you start drinking again. There are several treatment programs, for addicts to help them quit boozing and live a decent and sober life.

Alcoholism makes one a victim of withdrawal symptoms if he or she stop drinking all of a sudden. These indications include shaking of hands, delirium, hallucinations, perspiration, anxiety, and insomnia. Therefore, it is not wise to create pressure on an alcoholic person to quit the habit. Here are some ways to deal with alcoholism, particularly those who are chronic drinkers.

Getting Support

Getting support from friends, family members, colleagues, neighbors, and counselors is essential for people undergoing therapy. It will be easy for you to recover if you have people to encourage and support you. You know there are people you can rely on to guide you. Then, there are community forums like Sober Recovery providing information about treatment and rehab centers in the United States.


As far as detoxification is concerned, it means making alcoholics self-disciplined so that they can abstain from drinking. However, it is done in a controlled and casual environment. The results and withdrawal symptoms are monitored. Detoxification takes around 4-7 days and might require sedatives to prevent symptoms like confusion, shaking of hands, and hallucinations.

Implementing a Treatment Strategy

When it comes to the implementation of plans, one has to set goals and take the help of alcohol abuse specialists. Alcoholics are also required to opt for counseling sessions, and use self-help manuals. They should also follow the instructions of a specialist at a rehab center.

Connect with Non-Drinkers

If you are really serious about quitting, try building a social network of friends, acquaintances, and colleagues who are non-alcoholics. Interact with new and sober people around you. This is the best way to recover quickly. Learn how non-drinkers are living a happy and decent life without resorting to the bottle. It will motivate you to quit the habit easily. You can also join a church, prayer service, meditation classes, or participate in sports and events in your local community.


Alcohol sensitizing medicines help you to stay you away from the bottle. Medications like Disulfiram produce reactions like vomiting, nausea, and headaches when you take to drinking. These physical reactions will make you detest the habit of boozing. However, such medicines can neither cure nor eliminate your craving for alcoholic beverages. Addicts can interact with members associated with platforms such as Amity Connect to learn more about treatment and how to deal with withdrawal symptoms.

Dealing with post withdrawal reactions is not always easy. Therefore, alcoholics must be associated with social networking sites that help them to recover quickly.

Do you have any questions? Please share your valuable comments.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who educates people regarding drug rehabs, addiction recovery and Sober Recovery programs. He also helps by building Addiction Social Networking and communities such as Amity Connect that encourage learning and sharing problems as a method to fight addiction.
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What is Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning (AP) occurs when a person consumes an excessive amount of alcohol, usually in a short period of time, creating a toxic blood alcohol level. AP is dangerous and can be life-threatening.

How alcohol can become toxic

The liver metabolizes approximately one alcoholic drink per hour. A drink is defined as one 12 ounce beer, one 5 ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces of spirits (80 proof). When a person consumes several drinks in a period of time before the liver can process the alcohol through the blood, the person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level can become dangerously high. Rapid drinking and binge drinking puts a person at risk for AP. Alcohol is a depressant. It slows reflexes and body function. A high or toxic BAC level can affect a person's breathing, heart rate, and cause the person to lose consciousness. Many people who die from AP die because they pass out and then vomit and choke. Approximately 50,000 people die in the US each year from AP.

Signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Even after a person stops drinking, his or her BAC can continue to rise over the next hour. Symptoms that may indicate a person is experiencing AP include confusion, pale or bluish skin, hypothermia (decreasing body temperature), conscious but unresponsive, vomiting, seizures, loss of consciousness, and slow or irregular breathing.

How to help someone if you suspect alcohol poisoning

The most important thing you can do to help someone who is showing any signs of AP is to get them immediate medical attention. Don't think they can "sleep" it off. They could die in their sleep. Call an ambulance to get them to the hospital. If the person is awake, try to keep them awake and in a sitting position. If they can drink something, give them water only, to help counteract dehydration. If the person is unconscious do not try to give them water. Put them in the recovery position and check for breathing while you wait for the ambulance. To put someone (who is unconscious and still breathing) in the recovery position, roll them onto one side with the arms at a ninety degree angle and bend their top leg up towards their chest to brace their position. Rest their head on the back of one of their hands and lift their chin to make sure their airway is open but keep their mouth turned toward the side so they won't choke if they vomit. Stay with them and monitor them until the ambulance arrives. Alcohol poisoning is a serious condition and you could be saving their life.

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Used Mind Power to Overcome Addictions

Mind conditioning has been known to control and overcome addictions. However if your mind does not have enough power to control your addiction, you will probably end up in a rehabilitation center. The usual things that can be addictive are alcohol, drugs andcigarettes. If you are ready to stop the habits that will shorten the span of your life, then you will need strong will and mind power. You can achieve your goal when you engage in subliminal mind control audio.

Subliminal audio is a tool where you listen to its subliminal messages beneath instrumental music. You may not hear any words because only your subconscious mind can decipher the messages.

Here are the steps on how mind control can cure your addiction.

1. Identify the case of your addiction.

When you want to stop your addiction, you must identify your case first. What is the thing you are addicted to? Can you still control the amount of your consumption of the thing you are addicted to? If you are having difficulty identifying the cause of your addiction then a good subliminal resource can help. The subliminal messages will sweep your negative thoughts away to clear your mind and make room for some reflections about your addiction.

2. Feed your subconscious with subliminal messages.

In case your conscious mind is telling your body to take the thing that you are addicted to, then your subconscious mind should be ready to resist. So you need to feed your subconscious mind with subliminal messages containing positive affirmations and motivations to pursue the plan to stop your addiction. You have to secure subliminal audio loaded with enough messages that can help you re-condition your subconscious. Listen to the subliminal audio consistently so you can be motivated more to stop bring the habit again. There are subliminal messages that are particularly for stopping addiction, so you may want use that as your mind won't be confused on what you want to do.

3. Follow specific instruction contained in the subliminal audio.

When you use the subliminal mind control you must follow specific instructions contained in the subliminal resource. Remember, when you feed your subconscious mind with subliminal messages, it should be consistent as it will always work and guarantees long term stopping of addiction.

Basically, subliminal messages are focused to influence your subconscious mind and when you want to stop your addiction, this is perfect to use while not being disturbed on your daily routine.

Find out how subliminal messaging can assist you in finding harmony in your life, be more alert and develop a strong sense of self belief will help you in so many other areas of your life at Clear Away Stress Now.
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Make Your Office or Any Workplace Addicts Free by Conducting Drug or Alcohol Screen Program

In order to make appropriate decision during selection of candidates, various organizations conduct drug test. As per the technological advancement, you can get instant results of the conducted tests. Moreover, you do not have to wait for the laboratory test results. For secure and fruitful environment in the office many companies opt for such evaluations. With assistance of such kind of services, you can easily differentiate between addicted and non addicted people. You can also keep the office ambience clear and free from addicted people. Organizations can consult leading service providers offering their paramount services at really competitive prices.

To maintain the workplace free of addicts, you can opt for Dot durg screen organize for the employees. You will be provided with drug free surrounding in your workplace. The Dot drug screen is engaged with random testing. It comprises with five test panels as well as five drug components that are being tested and used in drug screen. These components include Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines, Marijuana, and phencyclidine. With assistance of this test you can get guaranteed satisfaction. Through this service you can eliminate the unusual problems. Along with testing, you will be provided with counseling and rehabilitation facility as well.

The drug test providers detect the problem and provide proper medication in order to maximize the health of employees. Moreover, they also help to confer outstanding health and future. You will be provided with different types of services that include specimen collection, review of current policy, laboratory testing, breath-alcohol screen, Data base management, Blind sample submission, confidential resulting reports, employee education, Drug and alcohol program, FAA drug program and much more.

You will be provided with FAA drug testing consortium services. Consortium is the assembly of businesses engaged together for the common reason and purpose. With the help of this service you can get gratifying federal drug and alcohol screen. By using innovative and professional approach, they will provide you effective services. This is the best way to maintain the office environment healthy and addiction free. For alcohol and drug screen you can get different types of evaluation services such as:-

Advanced urine testing

DOT and FAA screening

Hair Follicle Testing

Background Checks

Random Testing Program

Post accident testing

Trust on leading firms offering their services at reasonable costs. You can contact them via phone call or online. They are just one phone call away from you. Their phone representatives will answer all your queries and consult you effectively. Enhance the safety and sanctity of your office with the help of their superlative services.

New Era Drug Testing California - a finest source solution to your drug & alcohol testing needs. we provide dot drug screen, drug testing consortium, pipeline drug testing, faa drug testing consortium, faa drug program test and dot drug testing consortium.For more information please visit FAA drug program.
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Court Ordered Alcohol Addiction Treatment is an Option in Florida

Families and society pay a high price for alcoholism and other addictions. Alcohol addiction alone costs an estimated $235 billion per year in the United States due to costs for health care, loss of productivity, lost wages, and the costs of alcohol-related crime. Families can be torn apart by addiction, and innocent people can lose their lives due to tragedies like drunk driving accidents. If you love someone who is an addict, you have probably spent many sleepless nights worrying about them or coping with the problems addicts leave in their wake.

Some Addicts Refuse to Get Help on Their Own

One of the main problems with addiction is that addicts often don't see themselves as having a problem, and when that is the case, they aren't going to get treatment. As much as you may encourage an alcoholic relative or loved one to attend 12-step meetings or otherwise seek help, they won't make a serious effort unless they conclude for themselves that they have to get help. The result may be a series of relapses, further disintegration of relationships, brushes with the law, job loss, and sometimes the collapse of families. If the addict you love is able to admit that he or she has a problem, then you have hope that they may choose treatment. If not, your options are much more limited.

Personal Interventions Don't Always Work

You have probably seen inspiring stories on television of addicts and alcoholics who undergo a family intervention and realize what they have to lose, coming to the conclusion that they must go through rehabilitation. The problem is that personal interventions don't always work. If you have tried this and still your loved one refuses treatment, it isn't your fault, and it may be time to use the court system to get your loved one into court ordered addiction treatment.

Your Options Under the Law

In Florida, the Florida Marchman Law provides a way for family members and / or friends of an alcoholic or addict to legally compel that person to undergo rehabilitation. It isn't that easy, because the rights of the addict must be protected too, but in many cases it is the only way to make sure the person you love gets the help they need. A series of hearings in your county's court determine whether an addict needs to undergo evaluation and detox, and then if he or she needs to be in longer term treatment such as court ordered alcohol addiction treatment.

An Attorney Can Ensure You Follow All Procedures Correctly

The Florida Marchman Act requires very specific paperwork and evidence, and your loved one will be assigned their own attorney for the process. Having an attorney helping you through the process makes it less stressful and helps ensure that the case won't get thrown out on a technicality. Nobody enjoys having to use the Florida Marchman Act, but in some cases it is the only way to get court ordered addiction treatment for someone you love.

Court ordered alcohol addiction treatment can be the difference between life and death for those in the midst of a destructive addiction. If you or a loved one needs help, go to to find someone who understands how to get court ordered addiction treatment and get started on a new life today.
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Rehabilitation - There Is Support Available to Help You Beat That Addiction

No one ever said trying to come clean and overcome your addiction would be easy. In fact, it is one of the biggest obstacles you will face on a daily basis in order for you to remain sane and normal. Even though you may have felt alone while you were going through the addiction phase, there is help and support available during your recovery. That is why you should take advantage of the services that are offered at a rehabilitation center.

There is so much at stake when you make the decision to become sober and take back control of your life. Even though this situation will make you one of the strongest people in the world, it will also make you the most vulnerable. You are going to need more than the love and support of your friends and family to rise to this challenge. You will need the skill, expertise and professional services of the staff at a rehabilitation center.

Keep in mind that the path to overcoming addictions is not completely the same for all substances that are abused. In addition to needing counseling, you can also benefit from group therapy sessions with your peers that are going through the same thing that you are. It is important for you to know that you are not alone and no matter what stage you are at in the process, there is help and support available.

Don't make the mistake of assuming that you don't need help or can get through this trying time in your life alone. No matter how you got into this situation, you will need some type of assistance getting out of it. Beating an addiction is not something that once you stop taking the substance you are cured. It is a continuous and daily struggle that you will have to fight for the rest of your life. It is important for you to learn more about what caused you to resort to abusing. This means that you will need to get more in tune with yourself. You will need to get help so you can become healthy mentally and physically.

When it comes to choosing a rehabilitation center, you have two choices. You can choose to enroll in a day center or a residential center. If you have allowed your addiction to make you lose control of your life and you can barely make it through the day without thinking about your indulging in your addiction, then you may need to be under constant supervision. A residential rehabilitation center may be best for you. If you are currently struggling with an addiction, but are still able to maintain to work or handle some of your obligations, a day center may be what you need. No matter what type of rehabilitation you choose to got, you will receive the help and support you need to regain control over your life and fight your addiction.

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Recover From Addiction Using Addiction Social Networking Sites (Nicholas Grimaldi)

Drug, marijuana, or alcohol addicts find it difficult to recover from their obsession owing to withdrawal symptoms. These indications include anxiety, shaking of hands, high BP and heart rate, sweating, insomnia, and nausea. Sometimes, withdrawal symptoms get so severe that it becomes difficult for rehab centers to tackle patients. This is the reason more and more rehabilitation centers are using addiction social networking sites to help recovery groups share and communicate their problems. It's a platform that can be used by like-minded people to discuss situations, problems, and find a solution to the problems.

Platforms such as Amity Connect help drug, alcohol, and marijuana addicts to learn, share, discuss, and manage severe withdrawal symptoms. Like-minded people get to know about each other's situations, and try solving each other's problems. The most common symptoms found in addicts coming out of rehab centers are acute depression, trauma, irritation, and restlessness.

These sites are for those individuals who wish to quit the habit of substance abuse, or any other types of cravings. Let's have a look at some of the features of these social networking sites. It helps drug and alcohol abusers access:

- Tools for tracking and screening symptoms.
- Dependable information about recovery and treatments that make a real difference.
- Direct links and sources from where help and support can be obtained.

The information provided is helpful in handling stress and post-recovery symptoms. You will find members who have similar situations in life.

According to studies, it has been found that almost 248 million U.S. citizens, i.e. 75 percent of the total population are members of these social media communities. Such platforms can be effectively used by pharmacists, doctors, and patients to share ideas and exchange valuable information.

Statistics have proved that online social media communities have demonstrated optimistic and significant health benefits for those plagued by addiction. It also brings families and friends of the concerned people close together so that they can relate experiences, share views, help, and support one another.

These social platforms have gone a long way in helping victims suffering from behavioral disorders. To be honest, it has created a great impact on the people who are concerned. These sites are free, secure, and safe for all members who have issues with behavioral health and who are serious about improving health and lead a meaningful life free of addiction.

Addiction social networking sites by offering collaboration and connectivity between addicts, doctors, and supporters, have transformed into a full-time, accomplished behavioral solution.

These websites are safe to use as there are advanced security settings so that members can adjust privacy settings according to the level of comfort. There are other benefits, as well, like setting personal goals, participating in discussions and chats, tracking the progress, sharing stories and other pertinent information in interactive forums and blogs. Members are also able to access news, current resources, and other useful tools.

So, people having behavioral and withdrawal conditions will find these open platforms useful.

What are your views on the subject? Please leave your valuable comments.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who educates people regarding drug rehabs and addiction recovery programs. He also helps by building Addiction Social Networking and communities such as Amity Connect that encourage learning and sharing problems as a method to fight addiction.
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Combating Addiction with 12-Step Programs

When an individual has an addiction, this means that he or she has become physically or psychologically dependent on a substance or activity. Breaking the habit, even if the person wants to, can be very difficult and may cause physical or psychological pain. Some examples of substances or activities that people get hooked on include alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, food, sex, or even to another person. Luckily, 12-Step Groups are available in nearly every community seven days a week to help the addict kick their habit.

The original 12-Step Group was Alcoholics Anonymous, commonly referred to as AA. A man named Bill W. who was struggling with his own alcohol addiction started it back in 1935. The reason that Bill, the founder, is referred to by his first name and only the beginning initial of his last name is that the program focuses on anonymity. Many participants would not go if their identities were made public. Although a strength of the program is the moral support the members give to each other, each person honors the others by keeping names, occupations, and private details of the addiction within the walls of the meeting space.

These recovery groups have twelve steps that addicts are supposed to follow in order to be cured of their disease, hence the name. These steps include: honesty, faith, surrender, soul searching, integrity, acceptance, willingness, forgiveness, maintenance, making contact, and service. These tasks are universal duties in all of these groups and have been found to be helpful in a slew of cases.

AA began decades ago and has spread like wildfire throughout the country over the years. Alcoholism is considered a family disease so there are chapters to support the spouses and children connected to the alcoholic, drug addict called Al Anon. There are also groups called C.O.D.A., Gamblers Anonymous, Debtors Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts, and many more. When an addicted person drinks, gambles, uses their credit cards, or becomes obsessed with love relationships, it can get to the point where it is harming the individual and all those around him or her. Addicts can lose their jobs, their family members, their driving privileges, their self-respect, their health, and even their lives.

Struggling with an addiction is a difficult process without the support of a good recovery program and support group. In fact, trying to kick troublesome habits without help can be nearly impossible. In the past, individuals and their family members might have just given up. Today, there is help available for men and women suffering with these difficulties. One of the first things the addict will have to do is be honest with himself or herself and admit there is a problem. That is step one. He or she will have to commit to completely giving up the problematic substance or activity. Being in recovery is a lifelong process but one that will create a more successful life for all concerned.

Aloysius Aucoin Photo If you or a family member are struggling with addiction , help does exist. Contact the wonderful facilities at and take that first step.
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Amity Connect Encourages Alcohol Addicts to Take the Road to Recovery (Nicholas Grimaldi)

Addiction to alcohol destroys lives, family, and children. Over indulgence creates behavioral disorders, depression, nausea, loss of focus, and appetite. It makes you alienated from your loved ones, including wife and children. Coming out of this nefarious obsession could prove a long, difficult, and bumpy road for you. It might seem impossible to quit drinking, but it's not. If you are willing to quit and get the required support you need from your family, the road to recovery will be easy. Here are some useful tips from Amity Connect to help you tread the path of recovery.

Promise Not to Drink

First and foremost, you have to commit to stop boozing. This calls for a lot of courage and integrity. Some addicts think that they can change their habits overnight. No, it's a gradual process. These individuals stop for a day or two, and come up with excuses and drag their feet to a pub. This is the reason you need to acknowledge your uncertainty about quitting drinking. Make a solemn promise; only then you will be able to overcome.

Set Realistic Goals

In most cases, it has been observed stopping all at once is not possible. When it comes to alcohol addiction recovery, you need to decide whether you wish to stop completely or lessen the intake. If you are cutting down on quantity, decide which days you will drink and which days you will abstain from it. Decide how many drinks you will take per day. This way, you will be able to lessen the consumption gradually. Most important is staying away from all sorts of temptations. Remove alcohol related stuff like bottles, barware, and other reminders from your home.

Avoid People Who Drinks

It's better creating a wall and getting distant from friends, or associates who drinks heavily and doesn't appreciate your efforts to quit. If this implies staying away from your bosom friend, then do so for your health's sake. Let friends, family members, and colleagues know that you are trying to quit. If they drink, request them not to do so in your presence. Avoid the company of friends whose conversations are mostly based on booze. They are your worst enemies!

Find Some Interesting Hobby

If you are a heavy drinker, it is imperative to get sober safely. If the situation is serious, seek medical attention. Professional treatment and rehab centers can help you walk the road to recovery. However, to abstain from this habit permanently, you will need to find new meaning in life. Find some interesting hobby for your leisure hours, and especially when you are alone. It can be anything like watching movies, taking up a sport, joining the gym, or taking up swimming classes.

Avoid Situations that Trigger Your Urge to Drink

Amity Connect motivates you to avoid places and situations that trigger the urge to drink. If certain places, people, or situation arouses your desire to booze, simply avoid them. Do not fall prey to social pressures. Say a big no to alcohol in social get-togethers and parties.

Do you wish to share your experiences? Feel free to comment.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who educates people regarding drug rehabs and Addiction Recovery programs. He also helps by building Addiction Social Networking and communities such as Amity Connect that encourage learning and sharing problems as a method to fight addiction.
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Drug Rehab Program: Enjoy a Healthy, Addiction-Free Life (Nicholas Grimaldi)

Are you addicted to some life-threatening substance including tobacco, alcohol or for that matter Facebook? In these instances, it is better to consult a drug rehab center that helps people come out of any kind of addiction that may ruin his personal and professional life. There are multiple drug rehabilitation centers across the world offering best of services and tips to eliminate bad habits in people and help them lead a happy and healthy life once again.

With the introduction of different social media sites, a rising number of parents are complaining their teen-aged son or daughter spending long hours uploading photos and chatting with friends on Facebook and on such similar popular social media web platforms. According to psychologists, addiction to social networking is a common thing amongst young and old, men and women.

According to doctors, you are addicted to social networking sites when you:.

Spend over an hour on these sites everyday Feel restless without chatting with friends or an extended network Lose sleep because of your inability to connect with friends Unable to concentrate on your studies or at the workplace

Addiction to social media websites is creating a stressful situation in many households since people tend to avoid eating and sleeping to stay hooked to these sites for endless, odd hours. In a rehab, specialized doctors and psychologists work to provide relief from pain and discomfort following social media craving. Special Addiction Social Networking communities have been run by many rehab centers to help people overcome this problem.

Many people get addicted to drugs, alcohol, etc. because of a disturbed past or current personal problems or work pressure. My previous company boss was a chain smoker; he used to go out after every 30 minutes to smoke. Not only addiction affects your health but it also leads to intense anger, frequent mood swings, and loss of appetite and sleep.

Drug addiction can be of the following types:

Heroin Cocaine Marijuana, and more

Reputed rehabilitation centers offer one-to-one therapy to understand the specific drug problems properly and suggest an effective treatment program that would promote the inner strength of an individual.

A good drug rehab center uses advanced technology and methods to help an addicted person recover quickly. The toxins that got stored inside a human body can be flashed out easily via some exercises and eating of nutritious food. Doctor of a drug rehab center sits with a patient to learn about his lifestyle and how he got addicted to drugs. Based on the findings, the doctor selects a regime that will best help the concerned person get over his problem.

Through customized programs, a person can get back his self-confidence and trust of his loved ones. His friends and business colleagues will no longer avoid him in a public event but would rather cordially invite him for participation in any function or team meeting. A person's depression will go away and he can start living a life of an ordinary individual - stress-free and relaxed.

Best of rehab centers will recommend a program that would help a person get rid of the addiction forever. He or she will no longer ask for that substance for the rest of his/her life.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who educates people regarding addiction recovery programs and drug rehab centers. He also helps by building Addiction Social Networking and communities such as Amity Connect that encourage learning and sharing problems as a method to fight addiction.
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What Is An E Cigarette? How Do E Cigs Work? An Answer to All Your Questions (Rakesh Sharma Jack)

The first question that arises on the minds of the readers is "what is an e cigarette?" Simply put, an e-cig is a battery-operated device and you do not have to light these cigs nor is there any smoke or ash. The e-cig has four basic components and they are:

* The battery, which is rechargeable.

* The atomizer, which is the heart of the e-cig.

* The cartridge holding the e-liquid.

* The e-liquid (or e juice), which vaporizes to give a "smoking" effect to the people.

For a heavy or a chain-smoker, the battery may last only for some hours whereas for non-regular or occasional smokers, the battery charge may last as long as eight hours. Most of the e-cig kits come with two batteries but it takes several hours to charge one battery. The atomizer helps to convert the nicotine or the e juice into vapor. You will need to clean the atomizer regularly to increase the performance of the product. The e-liquid is the flavor that converts into vapor or "false smoke". The e-liquid base is either propylene glycol or vegetable glycol. The cartridge holds the e-liquid. It is the cheapest part of the entire product. You can buy the cartridge pre-filled or you can buy it and fill it up on your own.

How Do E Cigs Work?

The e-cigs work in the same way as the normal cigarettes; the difference is that this product does not produce smoke or ash and they are comparatively cheaper. Once you put in the e-liquid in the cartridge, the atomizer releases the nicotine vapor. When you inhale this, you will feel the nicotine vapor in your lungs and you will absorb the nicotine in the same way as the normal cigs. These are all available to you when you buy the product as a kit and it will definitely be more affordable for you than buying them part by part.

You can purchase the e-cig kits online or you can purchase them directly from the stores. Buying them directly from the stores allows you to check the product thoroughly and you may ask for a sample to try too. However, you have to ensure that it comes with a complete kit, polished and clean, and a life-time warranty. Sometimes, e-cigs also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to the user.

All beginners should try the basic kit first, to enable them to know the product. The above information will answer your question of "what is an e cigarette?" Another point is to remember that this kit will be available to people who are above the age of 18. E-cigs provide safety to both your health and environment.

If you are thinking, what is an e cigarette and do they really work then the answer is "yes", they do work and work better! Apart from tons of useful information, articles and other resources a good online store to buy e cigs at reasonable cost is at:
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Best E Cigs That Can Help You Get Rid Of Your Smoking Habit

Electronic cigarettes or e-cigs can help you stop smoking if you have never tried or tried once but not satisfied.E cigarettes are the best known alternative that is catching up with the smokers. There are many smokers who are quite satisfied and claimed to have stopped smoking tobacco cigarettes completely. On the other hand, there are also many users who are not satisfied and returned to traditional smoking again. This may be they are not able to find the right e-cig that meet their requirement. This article helps smokers find out the best e cigs to mark an end to their smoking habit.

Finding the suitable e cigarette calls for better ways. The advent of this magical device has brought in many companies and brands that make one difficult to choose the product one wants. Though the online market is the best option available, there are many things you should know before making a decision to buy. The success growth of electronic cigarettes as the best substitute to the tobacco cigarettes has brought in many companies, including those that offer spurious brands.

How to Buy Quality E Cigs?

Since e-cigarettes are looked more as a health-wise alternative and means to quit smoking than the substitute to the traditional cigarettes, buying them requires several factors to be looked upon. After getting one, if it causes any problem, you will be upset. Therefore, the quality e cigs should be:

The products of a reputed company that offers the best brands of e cigs.Backed up with the warranty for batteries that are leak proof and that would last for long.Using good resistance atomizer fair enough to last 6-8 weeks depending upon the intensity of its use.Supported with a range of cartridges that help smokers to move from high nicotine level to zero nicotine level and finally quit smoking completely.

It is always wise to read the reviews of users to find if a particular brand has any past defects attached to it. The questions with regard to the life of cartridges, intensity of the atomizer, cost, etc., can help you gain more information about the best e cigs in the market. Moreover, the starter kits with all the accessories available also help you to try and experience a product to your satisfaction. So, go ahead, take a right decision and get rid of your smoking habit, not to regret about it in future.

Rakesh Sharma Jack Photo If you are looking for a good online store to buy best e cigs for personal use or even bulk purchases, check out an ultimate catalog for a quick purchase at:
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Points to Consider About Alcohol Rehab New York

If you are considering the use of an alcohol rehab in New York, you may want to consider more than just the "basic" approach. For example, you may be thinking of traditional meetings and group discussions, but you can get a lot more if you choose an alcohol rehab for a NY resident that has a "live in" option.

For instance, there are options for drug and alcohol rehab in New York that last at least 2, but up to 21 days, and which address much more than a dependency issue. For example, you understand that you are addicted to alcohol and that you have come to rely on it throughout each day...but have you asked yourself exactly what is behind your need? A good alcohol rehab in NY will help you with this issue and often show you that there is more than just one thing going on.

For example, if you enter a full alcohol rehab in New York it is likely that you will soon discover that there are "neurobiological" reasons that you turn to alcohol, as well as some co-occurring disorders that can include anything form anxiety or depression to bi-polar disorder. This means that a reputable site for alcohol rehab in NY may be able to guide you towards true self-discovery.

This has to occur in the appropriate setting, however, and that is why we would suggest that you opt for the live-in type of alcohol rehab for a New York resident. This would allow you to get the kind of care and rest that are essential parts of the rehab process.

For example, you would want to choose an alcohol rehab in NY that "screens" you via a phone or "in person" interview. This would let you get the kinds of answers that you need and allow the facility to determine if they have a suitable plan for you. Then, you would want to inquire about their recovery plans, and determine if they look at "root" causes for dependency in order to permanently overcome addiction issues.

There must also be a recovery component that includes things such as rest and renewal, limited numbers of meetings or sessions in a single day, and options for visitation from friends and family. This all describes a "well rounded" and realistic program, but you may want to explore shorter and longer opportunities if you feel that might benefit you as well. Flexibility is often a major part of success.

High Watch Recovery Center integrate the latest breakthroughs in addiction medicine, for the treatment of neurobiology of addiction.For an ideal program alcohol rehab New York helps to get clean from alcohol,waking up hung over by facing alcoholism or get related assistance.
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Different Types of Electronic Cigarette Refills (Rakesh Sharma Jack)

With the advantages of being odor free and able to satisfy the nicotine crave of smokers, the electronic cigarettes are quite popular among the smokers. They offer different flavors through refills. The electronic cigarette refills are of three types:

* Pre-filled cartridges
* Blank E-Cartridges
* E-cartridge sample packs

By deciding to reuse the cartridges, one must learn the proper methods of refilling them. The requirements of nicotine content and the flavors differ from person to person. There are different types of e-liquid bases and they are:

* Propylene Glycol (PG)
* Vegetable Glycerin (VG)
* PG400

Customers can choose the pack they want with the variation in the nicotine density. They are:
* Non (with no nicotine content)
* Low
* Medium
* High
* XHigh
* XXHigh
* XXXHigh

There are a huge variety of flavors ranging from tobacco, e-juice, herbs, beverage, and so on. Based on the need, the customer can buy the e-liquid or e-juice. The electronic cigarette refills offer flavors such as strawberry, blackberry, menthol, peach, orange, and many more. On an average a bottle of 30ml e-liquid equals almost 600 traditional cigarettes. Refilling the cartridges is a job that one must learn so that there is no need to throw the cartridges after use. It helps to save lots of money. The e-liquid is readily available in the market or you can also prepare with the e-liquid materials. You can make it to suit your flavor strength. You can purchase or make light, medium or strong flavor as you want.

Methods to refill the cartridges of the e-cigs:

* The drip method
* The injection method

Where to Buy E Cigs?

If you have changed your mind and want to switch over to electronic cigarettes, the best way to purchase is through online stores. E-cigs are available basically in three types:

* Single piece in which the customer can begin to use the product after an initial charging of the battery. These cigarettes are for one-time use and non-refillable.

* Two-piece e-cig that include a rechargeable battery and a cartridge that a customer can reuse. You can choose to fill the cartridges with your favorite flavors.

* Three piece e-cig that includes a battery which has to be screwed into the cartridge and the atomizer.

Customers have the freedom to choose the place from where to buy e cigs and also compare the brands, prices, accessories and the ratings. By doing so, the customers can save money and spend on popular brands at discounted prices.

Smokers who switch over to electronic cigarettes are opting a healthier way. The customers are not aware of the nicotine intake in smoking traditional cigarettes. The e-cigs allows the customers to keep control over the nicotine consumption. It thereby reduces the impact on others, consumption of harmful chemicals and also helps to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

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The Marchman Act and Your Family

In an ideal world, drug addicts would recognize and accept that they have a problem and choose to undergo drug treatment. In reality, however, many people with substance abuse problems refuse to believe that they have a problem, or they think their case is hopeless. At some point many addicts become a danger both to themselves and to loved ones. In the state of Florida, families and friends of those with serious drug abuse problems can compel an addict to undergo forced drug treatment. In some cases this can be life saving treatment, and can prevent families from being permanently torn apart due to addiction.

How the Marchman Act Works

Family members and friends of an out-of-control addict may invoke the Florida Marchman Act in order to force the addict into treatment. The process starts with requesting a hearing in front of a judge, who may determine that the addict needs addiction assessment. If the addict is deemed to need assessment, and if the assessment results in the recommendation of drug rehabilitation, the addict can be sent into treatment by court order. If the addict leaves treatment before completing their program, they can be forced to return to treatment, or they can be incarcerated. Because the consequences of leaving rehab are severe, the addict is more likely to stick with treatment.

Specialized Help Is Available to Families in Crisis

When a loved one is addicted and has become a danger to himself or herself or to others, the family is already in crisis. The stress of watching a loved one's life fall apart due to substance abuse is tremendous. That's why there are attorneys who know how to use the Marchman Act and who make it their job to help families work through the courts to get the addict life-saving treatment.

The Risks of Going it Alone

While you do not have to use the services of an attorney when trying to get a loved one into court ordered drug treatment, there are benefits to doing so. At these hearings, the addict is appointed counsel as well, and it is their job to try to prove that the addict does not need forced treatment. Furthermore, paperwork and court filings can be complex, and you risk failing to get help for your loved one by making a mistake on a form or missing a deadline. Working with an attorney with experience in this area can be a smart investment.

When You Have No Other Options

Going through the court system to force an addict into treatment is not something to be taken lightly. But it is an option that is available when nothing else has worked. The truth is, some addicts simply will not get treatment unless they are forced to. Without treatment, they could die, and tear their family apart in the process. If your family is in crisis due to drug addiction, invoking the Marchman Act to get treatment for your loved one could save a life and prevent other lives from being permanently destroyed.

The Marchman Act was created to help families in crises that are dealing with an addict's out of control behavior. The Act allows for forced drug treatment ordered by a court that requires the addict to get help before they can injure themselves or anyone else. To learn more and help your loved one, go to
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Questions on Florida's Court Ordered Addiction Rehabilitation Program (Juanita Darling)

In Florida, if you believe your loved one's addiction has taken a drastically negative toll on their life, you have the option of filing a petition under Florida's Marchman Act asking for the court to order someone you care about into an addiction rehabilitation program. To many this sounds like drastic step, only taken for serious criminals that suffer addiction. However, in Florida, if an addict is a danger to his- or herself or others, or if they have tried rehab but not completed it, you do have the option of asking the court for help.

How do I File a Petition?

The best way to start petitioning the court for court ordered rehabilitation programs is by hiring a lawyer, preferably one experienced in the field. Not only will they help you create a strong case, they will also help during the actual negotiations concerning the petition. After your petition is filed, the court will appoint the respondent a lawyer so that they have the chance to prove that they do not need a court ordered addiction treatment program. Your lawyer will help the judge see exactly what you see: a person in desperate need of help in order to beat addiction.

What Can I Do to Help my Petition be Granted?

The best thing you can do is listen your attorney and give him or her all the information that they ask for. This may include records of the person's run-ins with the law, or a history of their addiction. Your lawyer may ask you to give many specific reasons why you feel that a court ordered addiction treatment program is necessary for your loved one, and it's vital that you don't hold anything back. Your attorney only knows as much as you do, and in order for you to have the best chance at helping your loved one, you need to cooperate with your attorney as much as possible.

What Happens When a Petition is Granted?

When a petition under the Marchman Act is granted, it means the judge has decided that a court ordered addiction rehabilitation is your loved one's best hope for getting their life back. Your loved one will be taken to a detox center, where an assessment will be made by the staff and a course of treatment recommended to the court. Your lawyer will monitor your loved one's compliance with the petition, and if necessary, notify the court if they break the conditions the court specified.

How Much Should My Loved One Know About the Petition?

Any information regarding the petition that you tell the target of the petition will make harder to proceed in court. Not only will the person be waiting for contact from the court, but they may also evade law enforcement in situations that don't regard the petition, making it more likely for them to end up in jail before the motion is granted. Treating addiction is difficult, and watching a loved one succumb to addiction is devastating. Filing a petition under the Marchman Act may be the only way the person you love can turn their life around.

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How To Find A Lawyer That Can Force Court Ordered Addiction Treatment On A Family Member (Juanita Darling)

Do you have a family member that is ruining their life due to an addiction? Then you should try to get them to stop their harmful addiction, and if you can't then you can use a legal service to get a court ordered addiction treatment. To increase your chances of getting the ruling that you want you need to do everything that you can to find a top class attorney. You wouldn't want to lose your case just because you had an inexperienced attorney that wasn't really prepared for the legal battle.

Have you never hired an attorney before, and are interested in how you need to go about picking one? There are numerous factors involved when choosing an attorney, and by paying close attention to them you give yourself a great chance of hiring an industry leading attorney.

Why use the courts

When someone you care about is addicted to a drug then it can be difficult to get them to stop because they may be in denial. However, you still want to help them because you don't want to see them ruining their life. By opting to use the courts you can get court ordered addiction rehab for your loved one that will finally get them back on track.

Find a lawyer that cares

It is important that you find a lawyer that actually cares about your case, because only then can you trust them to do everything they can to get the verdict that you want. Taking the time to meet the lawyer and have a discussion about what they can do for you will help you get a better sense of what they are about.

The attorney's previous cases

Before hiring the lawyer you need to see how successful they have been in the past in terms getting court ordered addiction rehab treatments for their clients. If they have high success rates then they are the type that you should be hiring.

An honest lawyer will disclose your chances of getting the verdict that you want and what previous cases they have had in the past. Trusting your lawyer is important if you are to have the peace of mind that everything is being done to win your case.

By taking your time you should be able to find a truly industry leading lawyer that is worth using for your case. No matter how long it takes to find one like that, you will be pleased that you found them because it will make winning the cases considerably easier.

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Amity Connect: More than Addiction Social Networking (Nicholas Grimaldi)

Possibly you know this already, those who are drug addicted or smoke marijuana gets a 'high' feeling whenever they seek resort to their addictions. Yes, this is definitely the 'negative effect' of addiction on the brain. The question which is frequently asked - How does drug addiction or marijuana reliance affect the Brain? Answer is written on the wall - the effects are deadly.

Drug abuse or smoking marijuana regularly can cause severe negative mental effects. Research has in fact proved - weed use and mental problems like schizophrenia, anxiety and depression and has a direct connection. To put it simply, clarity of mind is indeed one of the benefits of quitting weed and drugs. To lead a normal life, addiction recovery is therefore need of the hour. Options are practically endless when it comes to the point of getting the right kind of addiction help and this is exactly where Addiction Social Networking plays an incredible role.

"Do I really need to say bye to my addiction? "Well, that's possibly the most frequently asked question. Well, it's your choice indeed however if you are not aware, then this piece of information is for you -marijuana-induced and drug induced depressions are fatal. Amity Connects help you in getting rid of your marijuana and other addiction.

Aside from the short term and long term effects, marijuana also has a prolong effects on daily life. Marijuana abuse particularly in teenagers can create long term and serious obstacles in learning. Drug abuse can impair their normal graph of learning capabilities, thus blocking their critical thinking ability, and other related functions.

And you have heard that right; regular use of marijuana also causes serious issues at the workplace. No wonder, employees who abuse marijuana may look absolutely normal, however, deep inside, they experience tremendous disturbance and in most of the cases, drug abuse also affects their performance and productivity.

So, why do they fail to quit weed or other drug addictions? The answer is however simple - primarily because they don't much realize what to expect, or they don't understand how to develop any plan, which works.

Look for specialized programs, which offer realistic and individualized help to get rid of your addiction. Bank on any addiction Social Networking site to meet like-minded people who like you are also looking for ways to get rid of their addiction. The key is however not allowing your addiction to overpower you in searching for drugs, marijuana or other addictions to get high.

Honestly, you are valuable indeed and you have actually got a life waiting beyond all those mountains of addiction. Of course, the journey may seem long, however you are definitely not alone in the process and Amity Connect remains as one of the ultimate platform to get in touch with other likeminded individuals, desperately trying hard to get rid of their addiction.

First things first accept your addiction. This is typically because when it boils down to the point of addiction recovery, it is necessary to face your addiction issues, take responsibilities and then alter your ways.

Yes, choose an appropriate addiction help program and that's the very elementary base of any addiction treatment process.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who tries to find how effective the Addiction Social Networking websites and forums are. He also suggests the best ways to find forums and social networking site namely "Amity Connect".
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The First Steps To Take On The Road To Alcohol Addiction Recovery

It is time to face facts and admit that you have a drinking problem if you find that one day cannot pass without you imbibing alcohol. For all intents and purposes, alcohol addiction is a disease. However, it is treatable. The treatment for alcohol addiction will largely rely on the intensity of the desire of the person with the addiction to ultimately kick the habit. Acceptance is the first step. If you hope to lead the alcohol addict on his road to recovery, he must first recognize that he does have a problem and must want to get rid of it. This is no easy feat; and it does not produce results overnight either. You have to know who to handle a person who is deep into alcoholism to woe them and make them seek the dangers they face, both in their social life and physical health.

The inability of an alcoholic to see any apparent negative results or outcomes will make it doubly harder for him to see and recognize the alcohol problem for what it truly is at the beginning of the condition. Hence, the best card to play will be to wait for things to boil, while you keep a close watch, and then come in to point out the various negative consequences of alcohol addiction. Make it clear to him that whatever happens will be on him, so he has to face the problem head on. Never show any indication of your readiness and willingness to help them when they cry for help. Let this be the jarring wake up call that will make him or her realize that whatever he does will have a consequence that will greatly influence the lives of other people, not only his.

Keep a safe distance in your intervention measures, where by your efforts to bring a change in the addicted person is not that plain to him or her. But be circumspect and careful. Know when to push and to pull back. Know when to say something and when to say nothing. The person won't think that you are judging him if you do this. Make it a point to hold a conversation with them when they are drunk. Similarly, once they are sober, carry on conversing with them. It is important that you show them that you are willing and always available to listen to whatever they have to say, even if they are still not into accepting the truth that they have a problem.

Eventually, their barriers and walls will crumble and you can start getting to them. When this happens and they show signs of relenting to accepting help, that is the time you can start pushing for treatments. This time, you'd need the big guns. Look for someone who is knowledgeable about the problem of alcoholism. You are actually playing a crucial role in this whole battle against alcohol addiction so don't belittle what you can do. One ideal way to assist him would be to sign him with the Alcoholics Anonymous program. Make sure that you accompany him during the first sessions. You don't have to go with him all the time. There comes a point when you have to step back and let him continue attending the sessions alone.

Relapses are expected in some people, but paying close attention as they put in their effort and desire toward treatment and recovery, you can also chip in and remind them what is expected of them. Starting the treatment for alcoholic addiction until such time that they are pronounced completely recovered is not an easy or a quick journey. This would require a lot of patience on your part and the addicted person's part. Let the whole process run its course.

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Drug Rehabs and Support Systems for Effective Addiction Recovery (Nicholas Grimaldi)

Numbers of drug rehab facilities and addiction recovery programs conducted across the world are rising steadily and this is indicative of the how widespread the problem of drug and alcohol abuse is. Such cases are always in the news, some make headlines, some don't. And, we somehow manage to pass this as yet another social ill, but simply tagging it as a social problem like any other is a wrong way to look at addiction issues. Unlike other social problems that begin from an individual level and later spread across the society, this problem has its roots in the society itself. So, battling addiction and drug abuse effectively requires more than an individual's will. A support system is the best way to help a sufferer to walk towards a successful addiction recovery and many drug rehabs use this formula to treat their patients out of addiction.

Choose effective drug rehabs

A rehab can be distinguished from a good rehab by its sheer approach and treatment plans. For a quick look, these are what a good drug rehab must offer:
* Detox program
* Special addiction programs
* Holistic treatment modalities
* Family program
* Aftercare options

Discover the importance of family and friends

It is now widely acknowledged that support of family and friends can help a great deal in drawing an individual out of addiction. As such, these collaborative programs are used by many rehabs to carry out an effective treatment. In these programs, not just the patient but even his/her family is subjected to counseling which helps to reveal the factors contributing to addiction and abuse, so you can actually play a major role in your loved one's recovery.

Get educated

Educating the patients and their family is important too. It prepares you to understand the process of treatment and thus co-operating accordingly. Not just this, studying similar cases and learning about other successful recoveries can actually have a very positive impact. Educating yourself as a family is also necessary since it help you to be better equipped in case of a relapse.

Encouragement is the key

Remember that treatment never stops with the end of a stay at the rehab since cases of relapse are not uncommon. Involvement of family and friends at this point of time can prove to be extremely crucial. As a family, you can keep the patient busy with healthy activities so that (s)he does not fall prey to temptation.

Learning to accept

Learning to accept the situations can help both, the patients and their families from day one. You must understand that patients suffering from addiction problems need lifelong care since chances of relapse cannot be ruled out completely. This can be mentally taxing for the patient's family after having to cope with the stress of a long treatment procedure. So, accept the fact that the behavior of a patient can be erratic even after a treatment. These times require some patience and care. Such a realistic approach can actually be therapeutic and lead to your loved one's recovery.

So, with a proper drug rehab and some patience, you can give your loved ones the hope of a new life.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who educates people regarding Drug Rehab and Addiction Recovery programs. He also helps by building communities that encourage learning and sharing problems as a method to fight addiction.
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