

Can Mental Coaching Minimize the Effect of Bullying?

There has been a lot of research done to evaluate the effect of childhood memories on the rest of the life. It has been observed that those children who suffer physical or verbal abuse during childhood surely develop tendencies to fear. These experiences leave long-lasting effect on the personality and develop fearful tendencies in the later years. It affects the thought process and the feeling of insecurity triggers discomfort and stress. The trouble doesn't lie over the victims, but over the bullies as well. There are specific reasons behind the tendency of bullying. Troubled families and emotional imbalance are the common ones. It needs a lot of patience, sympathy and empathy while dealing with bullying.

When you talk to people who have been victimized by bullies always confess that the feeling is deeply hurting and damaging. They just don't want to remember those pitiful moments. However, it is required to recall and cleanse the memories to get rid of the agony and pessimism. Thankfully you have online help by stress relieving methods to benefit people. It builds high level of confidence and raises the feeling of pride in everything. The experts work on the specific aspect of the personality and improve the actions. They are taught to think positively. It is told to them that they did not have any role in the unfortunate incident and the suffering is because of somebody else. Therefore, the victims have all the rights to live stress-free, respectable life. It is everyone's responsibility to contribute towards stopping bullying when it is happening and to help many hundreds of thousands of victims. Society, we are together!

Why help is required?

Because of the simple fact that bullying affects the mental health and only mental coaching can help while taking action against bullying. The experts discuss with the victim and try to resolve the mental blocks through counseling sessions and discussion. They make the victims realize that they are not alone in the world, suffering the trauma. It offers no consolation, but insight that can leads to empowerment. There are many others who share the same agony and frustration. In first place forgive yourself and if possible even to the bully. It cleanses the mind thoroughly and you get rid of the disturbing memories. Deep-rooted feeling of guilt and sorrow gets reduced and the victims feel better.

The online helpline

Online help by fear consultants can be a long-running process. Victims are needed to go for multiple sessions to release the pressure accumulated for years. The experts do not treat the victims as patients, but more as fellow member of society; the thousand years old etymological original meaning of therapist is helping friend, brother in arms. Very appropriate paradigm in the fight against bullying is the common clinical therapist who excludes and shut-off to participate on the social part of the action against bullying. Online help shows sympathetic attitude, with special attention to let grow the self-respect and social skills from the victims. This is an important aspect of the treatment. The world of Internet comes to rescue and you can get wonderful help from the websites.

Online experts with online methods help by listening, giving advice, consultation and provide provision of tele- exercises to eliminate suffering and to solve problems. This allows to receiving help from their safe environment, if desired self anonymous. These forms of communication can do miracles and many victims vouch for the benefits of it.

With expert help and mental coaching along with the commitment, the will and motivation of those who want change can obtain a miracle and they can find an aha-experience.

De Levenskrachtlijn biedt deskundige ondersteuning, hulp, advies bij allerlei vragen, problemen en zingeving door middel van gesprekke en tele-oefeningen. Zoals aanpakken van pesten , stress, omgaan met angst , burnout, depressie, verlies van levensvreugde, problemen met liefde en relatie, etc Rate this Article

Can Mental Coaching Minimize the Effect of Bullying?Not Rated Yet

Jozef Labuche has published 1 article. Article submitted on November 15, 2013. Word count: 603

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