

Seven Things That Can Make You Happy

Start everyday with a grateful heart. Being consciously aware of what you're thankful for can improve your level of happiness. Take some time to recall what you feel grateful when you wake up every morning. Start from simple things: Do you have a roof over your head? Enough to eat? Keeping a gratitude journal is useful.Give something back. Do you give 10% of your income to your favourite charity or church yet? You can get more in return beyond the act of helping others. When you're giving to others, you're delivering a positive energy to the universe: everything will be alright. By giving, you'll be taken care of , too. What you give is insignificant to yourself, but you do those people indeed a great favor. To give is to receive, and your happiness quotient will increase as well.Smile everyday. Laugh is better money. Do you spend each day smiling? Do you consciously look for something that can make you smile? Smiling can release a happy hormone called oxytocin. This hormone uplifts us when we share experiences with others. Even making you smile can also put yourself in a better place.Foster good relationship with your friends and family. Happy people don't spend most of time alone. Spending time with people you like can reduce stress and forge your relationship with others. You can bond with them through shared experience, such as discussing life's ups and downs. They are your supportive strength. People who find no time to stay with their family or friends are more likely to loneliness and depression.Find some time to be alone. In addition to the time with your family and friends, you also need some time to be alone, and this is also important. You'll be more energetic by getting some time to calm down. It's great for your mood.Do what you love. Have you ever heard such a phrase: do what you love, and money will follow? Getting something in return from what you love is the best way to improve your happiness. When your work is as easy as play, you can enjoy the joys of other things in life better.Give your time. Giving your time or talent can shift your focus to others. It can also make you realize this better: maybe your problems are not so bad. You invariably forge new relationships and experience an uplift in your spirits.Healthy choice makes healthy body. A person in good shape looks happy, approachable, and charming. You can get more professional health tips from whenever you want. Rate this Article

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Sophie Gong has published 54 articles. Article submitted on October 31, 2013. Word count: 397

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