

Calcula con la mente

Os reto a jugar con vuestra mente en una
Aventura Submarina que os va a encantar.
Puedes elegir la operación que desees y el nivel de dificultad.
Como estamos en 2º, practicaremos sumas y restas, por ahora.

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8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy Life

How happy do you feel? Have you thought about that lately? Do you feel like one of those people, who wear their smile 24/7 or you belong to the other group that walk around mean and grumpy throughout the whole day? The happiness and the positive attitude is the key to any success and the sooner you change your attitude, the easier your life will get. By changing your thoughts and deciding to be happy, you will realise how good you can be in everything you do - in the career you are chasing, in every single thing you do like different sport activities or even cleaning at home. By changing your attitude everything becomes easy as a child's play.

In order to shift more easily to positive attitude, here are 8 rules that you could follow and try to live by:

Don't worry about things that aren't under your control. Make sure you did your best and leave the rest to happen.Make sure you are always surrounded by positive and happy people, who give you positive vibe instead of draining your energy by complaining constantly about their own problems. We all got problems, we all have to deal with them. Talk is cheap.Don't compare yourself to others and what others do, that will only make you feel worse about yourself. Every single person on this planet is unique and someone out there will appreciate that uniqueness of yours.Believe in everything you start and never give up until you get what you want. Sometimes it could be hard, but if you put you heart to it, you will make it.Don't hate. There is enough hate in the world as it is you don't need to add more. The hate is like rust - it eats you from inside.Have patience. I know that sometimes it could be really hard but some things take time. And if you want to get the best things, you have to learn to wait.Release your expectations. That will take some huge load off of your shoulders.Don't try to change someone. You either like the person in front of you for what they are or you don't..

I have decided to stop here. 8 rules are enough and even if you start following one of them it will be a significant change. Of course the list is open and you can always add as much as you like.

Dent Ford is currently woeking as a supoervisor of team for professinal cleaning . In his spare time he loves to write on different topics and advise people besides how to clean better how to feel better about themselves. Rate this Article

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy LifeNot Rated Yet

Dent Ford has published 14 articles. Article submitted on August 09, 2013. Word count: 396

Are you looking to boost your self-confidence with a trainer or by yourself? Unsure where to start? Read this article for eight quick tips you can use now to become a confident person.

Written by: Joshua Uebergang

Every day is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it.

Written by: Joyce Wang

Use standard management techniques to manage your happiness for your entire life. Sound impossible? Successful managers accomplish even greater tasks with these methods. You, too, can follow these very simple steps to become happy forever.

Written by: Gerry McRae

No one can necessarily teach you how to be happy. Happiness is something that's inside you. It's a mindset, an emotion, and a goal. It's something that has to be brought out passionately, so that you can not only find some type of happiness now, but also be happy for the rest of your life.

Written by: Scott Ryan Epp

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Best Pros of Working With Virtual Personal Assistants

Is work preventing you from developing your business? Do you desire that you just had a bit longer to pay on executing the items that got you aroused at the preliminary place? Constructing a business may transform into a really exhausting treadmill if you're careless. The additional business you perform the additional up on duties you've got, the longer you utilize more body duties, the less time you've got to target creating new profit. Thus to give a full stop to all these recurring problems, Virtual Assistants are in the market to help you with required solutions at much lesser cost.

Virtual Assistants are the professionals working off-site in their home-office. Amongst them Virtual Personal Assistants are in force for most of the companies. The benefits which make VPAs operational are as underneath:

*Judged against a permanent employee, VPAs are lucrative and can assist you in basic official operations like fixing appointments and organizing places for conferences, symposium, seminar etc. By and large they are very assiduous, unswerving and are highly adept in computer operations.

*We don't need to pay the VPAs on an hourly basis or salary basis. They are paid as per job done or according to how many hours they have worked at the time of necessity. We don't need to pay for their holidays, TA, DA etc.

*We don't need to pay heed to problems like accommodating them in office because of the fact that they work remotely away from our conventional office places.

*The most inevitable factor responsible for the growing popularity of VPAs are the fact that full-time assistant hired by us may fall ill or suffer from other diseases, thus resulting in the backlog of official works. On the other hand VPAs are at your service 24x7. They can work for you whenever you want keeping aside all the difficulties they face.

*A conventional full-time personal assistant would perform the works assigned to him/her while he/she is being appointed. But he/she won't do any other work whereas a VPA can work on other jobs if told to do so.

With a mission of providing the simplest quality service, we tend to tend to figure effortlessly to establish you smile.

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Advice and Tips for Online Journaling

Whether you want to write about your life to clear your head or to inspire others, online journaling is a great way to save your memories for the future. Many social networking websites allow you to write your stories and publish them. Some sites allow you to save them as drafts or make them visible to only you or to a small network of close family and friends. In this way, you can write something when your memory is fresh or when the inspiration to write strikes without feeling pressured to immediately share it with the world. With online journaling you can save all or part of your life story to possibly share at a later time or make it public right away. So here are some tips for making an effective online journal.

Decide what website you will save your journal to. There are several free online journaling sites on the Internet such as tumblr and LiveJournal. You can also sign up for a WordPress blog and save your works as drafts or publish. If you want to share your page with others right away and expect a large amount of traffic, you can also pay to have a URL by getting your own domain name.Learn all the features of the website you have chosen. Just write a few sentences or a quick story. Get a feel for how to use the site to post pictures, videos, or outside links.Decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write about a single event that happened to you, your response to something you saw, or do you plan to keep a daily journal? Start small.Come up with a theme to tie the posts together. The theme could be as simple as "I did it!" or something more complex like "Good friends make everything bearable." A small theme is good for each individual story post. A larger theme could tie all your journal entries together, such as "My observations about the world from my backpacking trip through Asia."Decide on your intended audience. Are you just writing this for yourself, for close family and friends, or for the public? Is this intended as a 'how to' for other people who would like to do something similar? Your tone will change depending on who you expect to be reading it.Put yourself in the scene. Where were you? What was the weather like? What were you doing? Who did you meet and what did they say? Was it day or night? Paint a picture with your words.Write! It really is as simple as just starting to write and you will probably enjoy it so much that you won't want to stop.

Online journaling is a great way to rediscover things about yourself through your experiences or to preserve cherished memories. Because it is personal, it should require no outside research or "work," and may amount to simply recording your thoughts. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, you can gain valuable insights about life by thinking through events. You may discover that other people who read it want to share their stories too!

Taylor Hill, author. Check out a unique online journaling site, and start journaling now one entry at a time. Become a member today it is free to join. Rate this Article

Advice and Tips for Online JournalingRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Taylor B Hill has published 14 articles. Article submitted on October 08, 2013. Word count: 521

Another important personal advice and key to self-improvement is the realization that success is not a particular destination. You do not have to stress yourself out trying to do ...

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Creating photo albums and profile pictures to develop attraction online are critical for success. Luckily there are tons of ways for men to do so.

Written by: Joshua Pompey

Electronic cigarettes have spawned a new trend of smoking today. No wonder, they are superior to any other tobacco substitutes and work even finer when compared to nicotine gums. You can get the best e cig online and kill the urge for smoking.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Time management tips can help you give meaning to your life. Ultimately, you shape each moment of your life for balance, satisfaction, and productivity. Perhaps you are so busy now that it's hard to assess just how well your time choices work for you! Maybe you are tired, rundown, frantic.

Written by: Paula Eder

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Advice and Tips for Online Journaling

Whether you want to write about your life to clear your head or to inspire others, online journaling is a great way to save your memories for the future. Many social networking websites allow you to write your stories and publish them. Some sites allow you to save them as drafts or make them visible to only you or to a small network of close family and friends. In this way, you can write something when your memory is fresh or when the inspiration to write strikes without feeling pressured to immediately share it with the world. With online journaling you can save all or part of your life story to possibly share at a later time or make it public right away. So here are some tips for making an effective online journal.

Decide what website you will save your journal to. There are several free online journaling sites on the Internet such as tumblr and LiveJournal. You can also sign up for a WordPress blog and save your works as drafts or publish. If you want to share your page with others right away and expect a large amount of traffic, you can also pay to have a URL by getting your own domain name.Learn all the features of the website you have chosen. Just write a few sentences or a quick story. Get a feel for how to use the site to post pictures, videos, or outside links.Decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write about a single event that happened to you, your response to something you saw, or do you plan to keep a daily journal? Start small.Come up with a theme to tie the posts together. The theme could be as simple as "I did it!" or something more complex like "Good friends make everything bearable." A small theme is good for each individual story post. A larger theme could tie all your journal entries together, such as "My observations about the world from my backpacking trip through Asia."Decide on your intended audience. Are you just writing this for yourself, for close family and friends, or for the public? Is this intended as a 'how to' for other people who would like to do something similar? Your tone will change depending on who you expect to be reading it.Put yourself in the scene. Where were you? What was the weather like? What were you doing? Who did you meet and what did they say? Was it day or night? Paint a picture with your words.Write! It really is as simple as just starting to write and you will probably enjoy it so much that you won't want to stop.

Online journaling is a great way to rediscover things about yourself through your experiences or to preserve cherished memories. Because it is personal, it should require no outside research or "work," and may amount to simply recording your thoughts. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, you can gain valuable insights about life by thinking through events. You may discover that other people who read it want to share their stories too!

Taylor Hill, author. Check out a unique online journaling site, and start journaling now one entry at a time. Become a member today it is free to join. Rate this Article

Advice and Tips for Online JournalingRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Taylor B Hill has published 14 articles. Article submitted on October 08, 2013. Word count: 521

Another important personal advice and key to self-improvement is the realization that success is not a particular destination. You do not have to stress yourself out trying to do ...

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Creating photo albums and profile pictures to develop attraction online are critical for success. Luckily there are tons of ways for men to do so.

Written by: Joshua Pompey

Electronic cigarettes have spawned a new trend of smoking today. No wonder, they are superior to any other tobacco substitutes and work even finer when compared to nicotine gums. You can get the best e cig online and kill the urge for smoking.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Time management tips can help you give meaning to your life. Ultimately, you shape each moment of your life for balance, satisfaction, and productivity. Perhaps you are so busy now that it's hard to assess just how well your time choices work for you! Maybe you are tired, rundown, frantic.

Written by: Paula Eder

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8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy Life

How happy do you feel? Have you thought about that lately? Do you feel like one of those people, who wear their smile 24/7 or you belong to the other group that walk around mean and grumpy throughout the whole day? The happiness and the positive attitude is the key to any success and the sooner you change your attitude, the easier your life will get. By changing your thoughts and deciding to be happy, you will realise how good you can be in everything you do - in the career you are chasing, in every single thing you do like different sport activities or even cleaning at home. By changing your attitude everything becomes easy as a child's play.

In order to shift more easily to positive attitude, here are 8 rules that you could follow and try to live by:

Don't worry about things that aren't under your control. Make sure you did your best and leave the rest to happen.Make sure you are always surrounded by positive and happy people, who give you positive vibe instead of draining your energy by complaining constantly about their own problems. We all got problems, we all have to deal with them. Talk is cheap.Don't compare yourself to others and what others do, that will only make you feel worse about yourself. Every single person on this planet is unique and someone out there will appreciate that uniqueness of yours.Believe in everything you start and never give up until you get what you want. Sometimes it could be hard, but if you put you heart to it, you will make it.Don't hate. There is enough hate in the world as it is you don't need to add more. The hate is like rust - it eats you from inside.Have patience. I know that sometimes it could be really hard but some things take time. And if you want to get the best things, you have to learn to wait.Release your expectations. That will take some huge load off of your shoulders.Don't try to change someone. You either like the person in front of you for what they are or you don't..

I have decided to stop here. 8 rules are enough and even if you start following one of them it will be a significant change. Of course the list is open and you can always add as much as you like.

Dent Ford is currently woeking as a supoervisor of team for professinal cleaning . In his spare time he loves to write on different topics and advise people besides how to clean better how to feel better about themselves. Rate this Article

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy LifeNot Rated Yet

Dent Ford has published 14 articles. Article submitted on August 09, 2013. Word count: 396

Are you looking to boost your self-confidence with a trainer or by yourself? Unsure where to start? Read this article for eight quick tips you can use now to become a confident person.

Written by: Joshua Uebergang

Every day is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it.

Written by: Joyce Wang

Use standard management techniques to manage your happiness for your entire life. Sound impossible? Successful managers accomplish even greater tasks with these methods. You, too, can follow these very simple steps to become happy forever.

Written by: Gerry McRae

No one can necessarily teach you how to be happy. Happiness is something that's inside you. It's a mindset, an emotion, and a goal. It's something that has to be brought out passionately, so that you can not only find some type of happiness now, but also be happy for the rest of your life.

Written by: Scott Ryan Epp

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Tenant Screening Services For Your Satisfaction

Soon after the appearance of the web and the far reaching accessibility of data, landowners and property supervisors were at a different detriment when it came to screening potential occupants. The vast dominant Tenant Screening part intensely depended on an occupant's financial assessment and quick historical verifications to furnish enough data keeping in mind the end goal to settle on an educated choice in respect to whether they may as well lease to them.

Criminal Records or past removals

While these techniques for foundation screening were incredible for removing occupants with monetary issues or those prone to make late installments, numerous others with criminal records or past removals un-identified with financials effectively snuck by the radar. A significant part of the time these occupants might be the ones to reason major issues for landowners and property holders. Appreciatively, today there are substantially more successful strategies to altogether screen potential occupants.

Expansive land organizations have admittance to endeavor version inhabitant screening administrations or employ outside firms to direct a substantial volume of occupant screening checks. While this works well for the huge gentlemen, numerous landowners and property holders don't have entry to these unreasonable assets. So by what means can the larger part of property possessors guarantee they are leasing to qualified occupants? The response is online occupant screening administrations. Premium inhabitant screening administrations permit landowners and property managers to rapidly and effortlessly run their own criminal and expulsion historical verifications on potential leaseholders with complete trust. Lands are a to a great degree important possession. Beneath are a portion of the things the top inhabitant screening results give.

The Online Tenant Screening Advantages:

Gone are the times of prolonged inhabitant personal investigations. Online administrations give you exact data in only seconds!

Premium screening results immediately sift through Millions of National Records incorporating the FBI's most needed record, the national terrorist database to the national sex wrongdoer database and gather all the important data into one clean, simple to read report!

The best locales concentrate on making a straight-forward and streamlined client experience making screening occupants less demanding than any other time!

None of the data in online databases ought to be more than one month old and all true blue administrations furnish data that is 100% FCRA consistent!

Notwithstanding the focal points recorded above, the excellence of premium occupant screening administrations is that they are amazingly adaptable, extraordinary for snappy one-off screening quests, and high volume hunt down bigger customers. Tenant detective is your one stop look for the greater part of your occupant screening needs. Quit squandering time utilizing antiquated screening systems. All things Tenant Screening considered, investing less time qualifying occupants will permit you to invest more of a chance bringing home the bacon. You can alter your occupant rental assertion by joining certain paramount terms as: no inhabitant will be dis-entitled on the foundation of color, race, conjugal status, and age. By asking your inhabitant to sign this occupant assention you guarantee that you mean business.

Tenant Screening should be the part of your Tenant screening selection procedure. There are for the most part two structures utilized when leasing or renting a livelihood unit: a month-to-month rental understanding.
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Seven Things That Can Make You Happy

Start everyday with a grateful heart. Being consciously aware of what you're thankful for can improve your level of happiness. Take some time to recall what you feel grateful when you wake up every morning. Start from simple things: Do you have a roof over your head? Enough to eat? Keeping a gratitude journal is useful.Give something back. Do you give 10% of your income to your favourite charity or church yet? You can get more in return beyond the act of helping others. When you're giving to others, you're delivering a positive energy to the universe: everything will be alright. By giving, you'll be taken care of , too. What you give is insignificant to yourself, but you do those people indeed a great favor. To give is to receive, and your happiness quotient will increase as well.Smile everyday. Laugh is better money. Do you spend each day smiling? Do you consciously look for something that can make you smile? Smiling can release a happy hormone called oxytocin. This hormone uplifts us when we share experiences with others. Even making you smile can also put yourself in a better place.Foster good relationship with your friends and family. Happy people don't spend most of time alone. Spending time with people you like can reduce stress and forge your relationship with others. You can bond with them through shared experience, such as discussing life's ups and downs. They are your supportive strength. People who find no time to stay with their family or friends are more likely to loneliness and depression.Find some time to be alone. In addition to the time with your family and friends, you also need some time to be alone, and this is also important. You'll be more energetic by getting some time to calm down. It's great for your mood.Do what you love. Have you ever heard such a phrase: do what you love, and money will follow? Getting something in return from what you love is the best way to improve your happiness. When your work is as easy as play, you can enjoy the joys of other things in life better.Give your time. Giving your time or talent can shift your focus to others. It can also make you realize this better: maybe your problems are not so bad. You invariably forge new relationships and experience an uplift in your spirits.Healthy choice makes healthy body. A person in good shape looks happy, approachable, and charming. You can get more professional health tips from whenever you want. Rate this Article

Seven Things That Can Make You HappyNot Rated Yet

Sophie Gong has published 54 articles. Article submitted on October 31, 2013. Word count: 397

Why look outside of ourselves for things that can only be found on the inside? Things like true happiness and success is found within us. Success is a process and the result of a special attitude. You must be successful in mind before you can become successful in life.

Written by: Stephane Therrien

The law of attraction is a concept that can help you radically change your life, but learning how to apply it and attract your desires can be more than challenging. There is lots of conflicting advice out there, some of which is downright misleading. Here is an easy way to get exactly what you want.

Written by: Bob Crawford

If you would like to live a life filled with fun and joy and passion and love, then doesn't it makes sense to be spending a good proportion of your time and energy on things that you love, with the people that you adore, wearing clothes that please you that make you feel great about yourself?

Written by: Imelda Leahy

Happiness is a state of mind given that happiness is temporary as sadness can pop in and out of us anytime just the same. Happiness is not a wall painting that can stay mounted in the wall unmoved.

Written by: Jocelyn Apple

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Quitting my Job to Have a Wealthier Life

Quitting my job and became wealthier? You must be curious about the title of my article. Is this true? Absolutely! Read on and you will know what jobs I quit in exchange to a more prosperous venture.

In my article "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneur, my primary concept here is TIME. How you value your time plays an integral part to your success. You can either be wasting your time or utilizing it to the fullest. How? That is why I quit my jobs.

Let me elaborate. I realize that most of my jobs (not all though) are not contributing to my sales. They are not allowing me to earn more. So here's what I did.

First, I quit my lawn mowing job and had it outsourced to a professional landscapers. They were faster and performed a better mowing job than me. I only paid a few bucks but saved 2-3 hours of my time. Now I gained three more hours doing more opportune activities.

Next, I quit washing my cars. Although I admit that washing your car is kind of fulfilling especially when it is new, but the truth is, it is a waste of time. How much do you have to pay for a car wash? About $5 or $20 dollars at the most? Don't you think there are more possibilities to earn more with those hours rather than spending it on washing cars?

Then I decided to quit swimming pool maintenance. This is a tough job and not worth my time either. So I had this outsourced as well. No more wasted time on jobs that can be outsourced.

The next job I quit was a hard decision to accounting job. I have been doing this for years and have given a lot of time in budgeting and accounting since my business started. It was kind of hard for me to let go but I have to. It was not making me productive (in terms of generating wealth), so it is best to give it to someone else while I plan for new strategies for my business' growth and success.

That's not it. I also gave up my Project Coordinator job. You see, I also recently wrote another article entitled "The Art of Delegation". So that's what I did, delegated my project coordinator job. The time spent for coordinating projects can be put to a more profitable task. I could brainstorm marketing ideas with my clients or formulate marketing strategies that can be useful to my business or my client's business. Now, isn't that a better job for me to do than simply coordinating projects?

Simply put, saving funds on tasks that can be outsourced or delegated will not make you wealthier at all. If you want to have a wealthier life, choose to do a job that will help in improving your sales. And to achieve higher sales, you need to have compelling marketing strategies, good products and the best services available to your clientele.

Spending your time on more valuable jobs allow you to run your business successfully and bring more revenues to your company. Now it's your turn to make your life wealthier. Try to find out the jobs you can let go of and open another door of opportunities that can contribute to the increase of your sales and to the overall success of your business.

Manuel Gil Del Real Photo Manuel Gil del Real is the owner of MGR Consulting Group, an Interactive Marketing Agency providing marketing solutions to companies worldwide. He's also an auto racing enthusiast and a blog author who enjoys sharing his thoughts and ideas on Internet Marketing, entrepreneurial advice, lifestyle and travel experiences among many others. You can read more interesting articles on various topics from his MGR Blog .
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