

Alcohol Licence - Expand The Business (Elvina Lorenza)

Every business setup comes with a few guidelines of legal procedures. To start a business or commercial establishment in the hospitality sector that will also serve alcohol beverages you will first need a personal alcohol licence. This is a legal authority granted in your name that allows you to serve liquor within a premise and commercially engage in this field of profession. There are steps to acquire a legal alcohol selling/serving permit that is laid down by governmental departments that are in charge of the same. It entails several inspections and checks upon your personal backgrounds and your intent of setting professional outlets.

It may be clarified at the onset that you will only need to apply for personal alcohol licence when you have a business interest - this could be an alcohol store for retailing or even a restaurant, pub or bar that serves the same to its guests. In the third instance if there is a club that serves and sells alcoholic beverages to its members or even serves these at their premises the presence of an Alcohol Licence is mandatory. To initiate the application process for this licensing there is a form that will have to be filled and submitted along with a specified fee. The fees amount is fixed on the basis of your premises and its valuation as a non-domestic sales point. There are some other charges that are mandatory costs and will be added to this basic fee.

Once you have submitted the application form to the local council there will be inspections carried out by the police department, fire department, alcohol permit authority board, health board and local trading boards among others. Following a satisfactory report from these and a clear assessment of the business as not posing any form of hazard to the region and children you will be granted a Personal Alcohol Licence; this is the mandatory permission to carry out business within your premise.

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