

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy Life

How happy do you feel? Have you thought about that lately? Do you feel like one of those people, who wear their smile 24/7 or you belong to the other group that walk around mean and grumpy throughout the whole day? The happiness and the positive attitude is the key to any success and the sooner you change your attitude, the easier your life will get. By changing your thoughts and deciding to be happy, you will realise how good you can be in everything you do - in the career you are chasing, in every single thing you do like different sport activities or even cleaning at home. By changing your attitude everything becomes easy as a child's play.

In order to shift more easily to positive attitude, here are 8 rules that you could follow and try to live by:

Don't worry about things that aren't under your control. Make sure you did your best and leave the rest to happen.Make sure you are always surrounded by positive and happy people, who give you positive vibe instead of draining your energy by complaining constantly about their own problems. We all got problems, we all have to deal with them. Talk is cheap.Don't compare yourself to others and what others do, that will only make you feel worse about yourself. Every single person on this planet is unique and someone out there will appreciate that uniqueness of yours.Believe in everything you start and never give up until you get what you want. Sometimes it could be hard, but if you put you heart to it, you will make it.Don't hate. There is enough hate in the world as it is you don't need to add more. The hate is like rust - it eats you from inside.Have patience. I know that sometimes it could be really hard but some things take time. And if you want to get the best things, you have to learn to wait.Release your expectations. That will take some huge load off of your shoulders.Don't try to change someone. You either like the person in front of you for what they are or you don't..

I have decided to stop here. 8 rules are enough and even if you start following one of them it will be a significant change. Of course the list is open and you can always add as much as you like.

Dent Ford is currently woeking as a supoervisor of team for professinal cleaning . In his spare time he loves to write on different topics and advise people besides how to clean better how to feel better about themselves. Rate this Article

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy LifeNot Rated Yet

Dent Ford has published 15 articles. Article submitted on August 09, 2013. Word count: 396

Are you looking to boost your self-confidence with a trainer or by yourself? Unsure where to start? Read this article for eight quick tips you can use now to become a confident person.

Written by: Joshua Uebergang

Every day is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it.

Written by: Joyce Wang

Use standard management techniques to manage your happiness for your entire life. Sound impossible? Successful managers accomplish even greater tasks with these methods. You, too, can follow these very simple steps to become happy forever.

Written by: Gerry McRae

No one can necessarily teach you how to be happy. Happiness is something that's inside you. It's a mindset, an emotion, and a goal. It's something that has to be brought out passionately, so that you can not only find some type of happiness now, but also be happy for the rest of your life.

Written by: Scott Ryan Epp

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Advice and Tips for Online Journaling

Whether you want to write about your life to clear your head or to inspire others, online journaling is a great way to save your memories for the future. Many social networking websites allow you to write your stories and publish them. Some sites allow you to save them as drafts or make them visible to only you or to a small network of close family and friends. In this way, you can write something when your memory is fresh or when the inspiration to write strikes without feeling pressured to immediately share it with the world. With online journaling you can save all or part of your life story to possibly share at a later time or make it public right away. So here are some tips for making an effective online journal.

Decide what website you will save your journal to. There are several free online journaling sites on the Internet such as tumblr and LiveJournal. You can also sign up for a WordPress blog and save your works as drafts or publish. If you want to share your page with others right away and expect a large amount of traffic, you can also pay to have a URL by getting your own domain name.Learn all the features of the website you have chosen. Just write a few sentences or a quick story. Get a feel for how to use the site to post pictures, videos, or outside links.Decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write about a single event that happened to you, your response to something you saw, or do you plan to keep a daily journal? Start small.Come up with a theme to tie the posts together. The theme could be as simple as "I did it!" or something more complex like "Good friends make everything bearable." A small theme is good for each individual story post. A larger theme could tie all your journal entries together, such as "My observations about the world from my backpacking trip through Asia."Decide on your intended audience. Are you just writing this for yourself, for close family and friends, or for the public? Is this intended as a 'how to' for other people who would like to do something similar? Your tone will change depending on who you expect to be reading it.Put yourself in the scene. Where were you? What was the weather like? What were you doing? Who did you meet and what did they say? Was it day or night? Paint a picture with your words.Write! It really is as simple as just starting to write and you will probably enjoy it so much that you won't want to stop.

Online journaling is a great way to rediscover things about yourself through your experiences or to preserve cherished memories. Because it is personal, it should require no outside research or "work," and may amount to simply recording your thoughts. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, you can gain valuable insights about life by thinking through events. You may discover that other people who read it want to share their stories too!

Taylor Hill, author. Check out a unique online journaling site, and start journaling now one entry at a time. Become a member today it is free to join. Rate this Article

Advice and Tips for Online JournalingRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Taylor B Hill has published 16 articles. Article submitted on October 08, 2013. Word count: 521

Another important personal advice and key to self-improvement is the realization that success is not a particular destination. You do not have to stress yourself out trying to do ...

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Creating photo albums and profile pictures to develop attraction online are critical for success. Luckily there are tons of ways for men to do so.

Written by: Joshua Pompey

Electronic cigarettes have spawned a new trend of smoking today. No wonder, they are superior to any other tobacco substitutes and work even finer when compared to nicotine gums. You can get the best e cig online and kill the urge for smoking.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Time management tips can help you give meaning to your life. Ultimately, you shape each moment of your life for balance, satisfaction, and productivity. Perhaps you are so busy now that it's hard to assess just how well your time choices work for you! Maybe you are tired, rundown, frantic.

Written by: Paula Eder

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Best Pros of Working With Virtual Personal Assistants

Is work preventing you from developing your business? Do you desire that you just had a bit longer to pay on executing the items that got you aroused at the preliminary place? Constructing a business may transform into a really exhausting treadmill if you're careless. The additional business you perform the additional up on duties you've got, the longer you utilize more body duties, the less time you've got to target creating new profit. Thus to give a full stop to all these recurring problems, Virtual Assistants are in the market to help you with required solutions at much lesser cost.

Virtual Assistants are the professionals working off-site in their home-office. Amongst them Virtual Personal Assistants are in force for most of the companies. The benefits which make VPAs operational are as underneath:

*Judged against a permanent employee, VPAs are lucrative and can assist you in basic official operations like fixing appointments and organizing places for conferences, symposium, seminar etc. By and large they are very assiduous, unswerving and are highly adept in computer operations.

*We don't need to pay the VPAs on an hourly basis or salary basis. They are paid as per job done or according to how many hours they have worked at the time of necessity. We don't need to pay for their holidays, TA, DA etc.

*We don't need to pay heed to problems like accommodating them in office because of the fact that they work remotely away from our conventional office places.

*The most inevitable factor responsible for the growing popularity of VPAs are the fact that full-time assistant hired by us may fall ill or suffer from other diseases, thus resulting in the backlog of official works. On the other hand VPAs are at your service 24x7. They can work for you whenever you want keeping aside all the difficulties they face.

*A conventional full-time personal assistant would perform the works assigned to him/her while he/she is being appointed. But he/she won't do any other work whereas a VPA can work on other jobs if told to do so.

With a mission of providing the simplest quality service, we tend to tend to figure effortlessly to establish you smile.

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Best Pros of Working With Virtual Personal Assistants

Is work preventing you from developing your business? Do you desire that you just had a bit longer to pay on executing the items that got you aroused at the preliminary place? Constructing a business may transform into a really exhausting treadmill if you're careless. The additional business you perform the additional up on duties you've got, the longer you utilize more body duties, the less time you've got to target creating new profit. Thus to give a full stop to all these recurring problems, Virtual Assistants are in the market to help you with required solutions at much lesser cost.

Virtual Assistants are the professionals working off-site in their home-office. Amongst them Virtual Personal Assistants are in force for most of the companies. The benefits which make VPAs operational are as underneath:

*Judged against a permanent employee, VPAs are lucrative and can assist you in basic official operations like fixing appointments and organizing places for conferences, symposium, seminar etc. By and large they are very assiduous, unswerving and are highly adept in computer operations.

*We don't need to pay the VPAs on an hourly basis or salary basis. They are paid as per job done or according to how many hours they have worked at the time of necessity. We don't need to pay for their holidays, TA, DA etc.

*We don't need to pay heed to problems like accommodating them in office because of the fact that they work remotely away from our conventional office places.

*The most inevitable factor responsible for the growing popularity of VPAs are the fact that full-time assistant hired by us may fall ill or suffer from other diseases, thus resulting in the backlog of official works. On the other hand VPAs are at your service 24x7. They can work for you whenever you want keeping aside all the difficulties they face.

*A conventional full-time personal assistant would perform the works assigned to him/her while he/she is being appointed. But he/she won't do any other work whereas a VPA can work on other jobs if told to do so.

With a mission of providing the simplest quality service, we tend to tend to figure effortlessly to establish you smile.

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Advice and Tips for Online Journaling

Whether you want to write about your life to clear your head or to inspire others, online journaling is a great way to save your memories for the future. Many social networking websites allow you to write your stories and publish them. Some sites allow you to save them as drafts or make them visible to only you or to a small network of close family and friends. In this way, you can write something when your memory is fresh or when the inspiration to write strikes without feeling pressured to immediately share it with the world. With online journaling you can save all or part of your life story to possibly share at a later time or make it public right away. So here are some tips for making an effective online journal.

Decide what website you will save your journal to. There are several free online journaling sites on the Internet such as tumblr and LiveJournal. You can also sign up for a WordPress blog and save your works as drafts or publish. If you want to share your page with others right away and expect a large amount of traffic, you can also pay to have a URL by getting your own domain name.Learn all the features of the website you have chosen. Just write a few sentences or a quick story. Get a feel for how to use the site to post pictures, videos, or outside links.Decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write about a single event that happened to you, your response to something you saw, or do you plan to keep a daily journal? Start small.Come up with a theme to tie the posts together. The theme could be as simple as "I did it!" or something more complex like "Good friends make everything bearable." A small theme is good for each individual story post. A larger theme could tie all your journal entries together, such as "My observations about the world from my backpacking trip through Asia."Decide on your intended audience. Are you just writing this for yourself, for close family and friends, or for the public? Is this intended as a 'how to' for other people who would like to do something similar? Your tone will change depending on who you expect to be reading it.Put yourself in the scene. Where were you? What was the weather like? What were you doing? Who did you meet and what did they say? Was it day or night? Paint a picture with your words.Write! It really is as simple as just starting to write and you will probably enjoy it so much that you won't want to stop.

Online journaling is a great way to rediscover things about yourself through your experiences or to preserve cherished memories. Because it is personal, it should require no outside research or "work," and may amount to simply recording your thoughts. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, you can gain valuable insights about life by thinking through events. You may discover that other people who read it want to share their stories too!

Taylor Hill, author. Check out a unique online journaling site, and start journaling now one entry at a time. Become a member today it is free to join. Rate this Article

Advice and Tips for Online JournalingRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Taylor B Hill has published 16 articles. Article submitted on October 08, 2013. Word count: 521

Another important personal advice and key to self-improvement is the realization that success is not a particular destination. You do not have to stress yourself out trying to do ...

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Creating photo albums and profile pictures to develop attraction online are critical for success. Luckily there are tons of ways for men to do so.

Written by: Joshua Pompey

Electronic cigarettes have spawned a new trend of smoking today. No wonder, they are superior to any other tobacco substitutes and work even finer when compared to nicotine gums. You can get the best e cig online and kill the urge for smoking.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Time management tips can help you give meaning to your life. Ultimately, you shape each moment of your life for balance, satisfaction, and productivity. Perhaps you are so busy now that it's hard to assess just how well your time choices work for you! Maybe you are tired, rundown, frantic.

Written by: Paula Eder

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy Life

How happy do you feel? Have you thought about that lately? Do you feel like one of those people, who wear their smile 24/7 or you belong to the other group that walk around mean and grumpy throughout the whole day? The happiness and the positive attitude is the key to any success and the sooner you change your attitude, the easier your life will get. By changing your thoughts and deciding to be happy, you will realise how good you can be in everything you do - in the career you are chasing, in every single thing you do like different sport activities or even cleaning at home. By changing your attitude everything becomes easy as a child's play.

In order to shift more easily to positive attitude, here are 8 rules that you could follow and try to live by:

Don't worry about things that aren't under your control. Make sure you did your best and leave the rest to happen.Make sure you are always surrounded by positive and happy people, who give you positive vibe instead of draining your energy by complaining constantly about their own problems. We all got problems, we all have to deal with them. Talk is cheap.Don't compare yourself to others and what others do, that will only make you feel worse about yourself. Every single person on this planet is unique and someone out there will appreciate that uniqueness of yours.Believe in everything you start and never give up until you get what you want. Sometimes it could be hard, but if you put you heart to it, you will make it.Don't hate. There is enough hate in the world as it is you don't need to add more. The hate is like rust - it eats you from inside.Have patience. I know that sometimes it could be really hard but some things take time. And if you want to get the best things, you have to learn to wait.Release your expectations. That will take some huge load off of your shoulders.Don't try to change someone. You either like the person in front of you for what they are or you don't..

I have decided to stop here. 8 rules are enough and even if you start following one of them it will be a significant change. Of course the list is open and you can always add as much as you like.

Dent Ford is currently woeking as a supoervisor of team for professinal cleaning . In his spare time he loves to write on different topics and advise people besides how to clean better how to feel better about themselves. Rate this Article

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy LifeNot Rated Yet

Dent Ford has published 15 articles. Article submitted on August 09, 2013. Word count: 396

Are you looking to boost your self-confidence with a trainer or by yourself? Unsure where to start? Read this article for eight quick tips you can use now to become a confident person.

Written by: Joshua Uebergang

Every day is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it.

Written by: Joyce Wang

Use standard management techniques to manage your happiness for your entire life. Sound impossible? Successful managers accomplish even greater tasks with these methods. You, too, can follow these very simple steps to become happy forever.

Written by: Gerry McRae

No one can necessarily teach you how to be happy. Happiness is something that's inside you. It's a mindset, an emotion, and a goal. It's something that has to be brought out passionately, so that you can not only find some type of happiness now, but also be happy for the rest of your life.

Written by: Scott Ryan Epp

reade more... Résuméabuiyad


Ya conocemos distintas unidades de medida:
con ellas podemos medir el TIEMPO, el PESO, la CAPACIDAD..
Practica con tu familia y amigos jugando a...
Haz clic sobre la imagen

Ayuda al mosquito a escapar al exterior poniendo en juego tus habilidades matemáticas.
Haz clic sobre la imagen

Puedes encontrar más actividades en la columna de la derecha del BLOG, en el apartado de MATEMÁTICAS.
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Calcula con la mente

Os reto a jugar con vuestra mente en una
Aventura Submarina que os va a encantar.
Puedes elegir la operación que desees y el nivel de dificultad.
Como estamos en 2º, practicaremos sumas y restas, por ahora.

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8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy Life

How happy do you feel? Have you thought about that lately? Do you feel like one of those people, who wear their smile 24/7 or you belong to the other group that walk around mean and grumpy throughout the whole day? The happiness and the positive attitude is the key to any success and the sooner you change your attitude, the easier your life will get. By changing your thoughts and deciding to be happy, you will realise how good you can be in everything you do - in the career you are chasing, in every single thing you do like different sport activities or even cleaning at home. By changing your attitude everything becomes easy as a child's play.

In order to shift more easily to positive attitude, here are 8 rules that you could follow and try to live by:

Don't worry about things that aren't under your control. Make sure you did your best and leave the rest to happen.Make sure you are always surrounded by positive and happy people, who give you positive vibe instead of draining your energy by complaining constantly about their own problems. We all got problems, we all have to deal with them. Talk is cheap.Don't compare yourself to others and what others do, that will only make you feel worse about yourself. Every single person on this planet is unique and someone out there will appreciate that uniqueness of yours.Believe in everything you start and never give up until you get what you want. Sometimes it could be hard, but if you put you heart to it, you will make it.Don't hate. There is enough hate in the world as it is you don't need to add more. The hate is like rust - it eats you from inside.Have patience. I know that sometimes it could be really hard but some things take time. And if you want to get the best things, you have to learn to wait.Release your expectations. That will take some huge load off of your shoulders.Don't try to change someone. You either like the person in front of you for what they are or you don't..

I have decided to stop here. 8 rules are enough and even if you start following one of them it will be a significant change. Of course the list is open and you can always add as much as you like.

Dent Ford is currently woeking as a supoervisor of team for professinal cleaning . In his spare time he loves to write on different topics and advise people besides how to clean better how to feel better about themselves. Rate this Article

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy LifeNot Rated Yet

Dent Ford has published 14 articles. Article submitted on August 09, 2013. Word count: 396

Are you looking to boost your self-confidence with a trainer or by yourself? Unsure where to start? Read this article for eight quick tips you can use now to become a confident person.

Written by: Joshua Uebergang

Every day is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it.

Written by: Joyce Wang

Use standard management techniques to manage your happiness for your entire life. Sound impossible? Successful managers accomplish even greater tasks with these methods. You, too, can follow these very simple steps to become happy forever.

Written by: Gerry McRae

No one can necessarily teach you how to be happy. Happiness is something that's inside you. It's a mindset, an emotion, and a goal. It's something that has to be brought out passionately, so that you can not only find some type of happiness now, but also be happy for the rest of your life.

Written by: Scott Ryan Epp

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Best Pros of Working With Virtual Personal Assistants

Is work preventing you from developing your business? Do you desire that you just had a bit longer to pay on executing the items that got you aroused at the preliminary place? Constructing a business may transform into a really exhausting treadmill if you're careless. The additional business you perform the additional up on duties you've got, the longer you utilize more body duties, the less time you've got to target creating new profit. Thus to give a full stop to all these recurring problems, Virtual Assistants are in the market to help you with required solutions at much lesser cost.

Virtual Assistants are the professionals working off-site in their home-office. Amongst them Virtual Personal Assistants are in force for most of the companies. The benefits which make VPAs operational are as underneath:

*Judged against a permanent employee, VPAs are lucrative and can assist you in basic official operations like fixing appointments and organizing places for conferences, symposium, seminar etc. By and large they are very assiduous, unswerving and are highly adept in computer operations.

*We don't need to pay the VPAs on an hourly basis or salary basis. They are paid as per job done or according to how many hours they have worked at the time of necessity. We don't need to pay for their holidays, TA, DA etc.

*We don't need to pay heed to problems like accommodating them in office because of the fact that they work remotely away from our conventional office places.

*The most inevitable factor responsible for the growing popularity of VPAs are the fact that full-time assistant hired by us may fall ill or suffer from other diseases, thus resulting in the backlog of official works. On the other hand VPAs are at your service 24x7. They can work for you whenever you want keeping aside all the difficulties they face.

*A conventional full-time personal assistant would perform the works assigned to him/her while he/she is being appointed. But he/she won't do any other work whereas a VPA can work on other jobs if told to do so.

With a mission of providing the simplest quality service, we tend to tend to figure effortlessly to establish you smile.

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Advice and Tips for Online Journaling

Whether you want to write about your life to clear your head or to inspire others, online journaling is a great way to save your memories for the future. Many social networking websites allow you to write your stories and publish them. Some sites allow you to save them as drafts or make them visible to only you or to a small network of close family and friends. In this way, you can write something when your memory is fresh or when the inspiration to write strikes without feeling pressured to immediately share it with the world. With online journaling you can save all or part of your life story to possibly share at a later time or make it public right away. So here are some tips for making an effective online journal.

Decide what website you will save your journal to. There are several free online journaling sites on the Internet such as tumblr and LiveJournal. You can also sign up for a WordPress blog and save your works as drafts or publish. If you want to share your page with others right away and expect a large amount of traffic, you can also pay to have a URL by getting your own domain name.Learn all the features of the website you have chosen. Just write a few sentences or a quick story. Get a feel for how to use the site to post pictures, videos, or outside links.Decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write about a single event that happened to you, your response to something you saw, or do you plan to keep a daily journal? Start small.Come up with a theme to tie the posts together. The theme could be as simple as "I did it!" or something more complex like "Good friends make everything bearable." A small theme is good for each individual story post. A larger theme could tie all your journal entries together, such as "My observations about the world from my backpacking trip through Asia."Decide on your intended audience. Are you just writing this for yourself, for close family and friends, or for the public? Is this intended as a 'how to' for other people who would like to do something similar? Your tone will change depending on who you expect to be reading it.Put yourself in the scene. Where were you? What was the weather like? What were you doing? Who did you meet and what did they say? Was it day or night? Paint a picture with your words.Write! It really is as simple as just starting to write and you will probably enjoy it so much that you won't want to stop.

Online journaling is a great way to rediscover things about yourself through your experiences or to preserve cherished memories. Because it is personal, it should require no outside research or "work," and may amount to simply recording your thoughts. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, you can gain valuable insights about life by thinking through events. You may discover that other people who read it want to share their stories too!

Taylor Hill, author. Check out a unique online journaling site, and start journaling now one entry at a time. Become a member today it is free to join. Rate this Article

Advice and Tips for Online JournalingRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Taylor B Hill has published 14 articles. Article submitted on October 08, 2013. Word count: 521

Another important personal advice and key to self-improvement is the realization that success is not a particular destination. You do not have to stress yourself out trying to do ...

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Creating photo albums and profile pictures to develop attraction online are critical for success. Luckily there are tons of ways for men to do so.

Written by: Joshua Pompey

Electronic cigarettes have spawned a new trend of smoking today. No wonder, they are superior to any other tobacco substitutes and work even finer when compared to nicotine gums. You can get the best e cig online and kill the urge for smoking.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Time management tips can help you give meaning to your life. Ultimately, you shape each moment of your life for balance, satisfaction, and productivity. Perhaps you are so busy now that it's hard to assess just how well your time choices work for you! Maybe you are tired, rundown, frantic.

Written by: Paula Eder

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Advice and Tips for Online Journaling

Whether you want to write about your life to clear your head or to inspire others, online journaling is a great way to save your memories for the future. Many social networking websites allow you to write your stories and publish them. Some sites allow you to save them as drafts or make them visible to only you or to a small network of close family and friends. In this way, you can write something when your memory is fresh or when the inspiration to write strikes without feeling pressured to immediately share it with the world. With online journaling you can save all or part of your life story to possibly share at a later time or make it public right away. So here are some tips for making an effective online journal.

Decide what website you will save your journal to. There are several free online journaling sites on the Internet such as tumblr and LiveJournal. You can also sign up for a WordPress blog and save your works as drafts or publish. If you want to share your page with others right away and expect a large amount of traffic, you can also pay to have a URL by getting your own domain name.Learn all the features of the website you have chosen. Just write a few sentences or a quick story. Get a feel for how to use the site to post pictures, videos, or outside links.Decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write about a single event that happened to you, your response to something you saw, or do you plan to keep a daily journal? Start small.Come up with a theme to tie the posts together. The theme could be as simple as "I did it!" or something more complex like "Good friends make everything bearable." A small theme is good for each individual story post. A larger theme could tie all your journal entries together, such as "My observations about the world from my backpacking trip through Asia."Decide on your intended audience. Are you just writing this for yourself, for close family and friends, or for the public? Is this intended as a 'how to' for other people who would like to do something similar? Your tone will change depending on who you expect to be reading it.Put yourself in the scene. Where were you? What was the weather like? What were you doing? Who did you meet and what did they say? Was it day or night? Paint a picture with your words.Write! It really is as simple as just starting to write and you will probably enjoy it so much that you won't want to stop.

Online journaling is a great way to rediscover things about yourself through your experiences or to preserve cherished memories. Because it is personal, it should require no outside research or "work," and may amount to simply recording your thoughts. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, you can gain valuable insights about life by thinking through events. You may discover that other people who read it want to share their stories too!

Taylor Hill, author. Check out a unique online journaling site, and start journaling now one entry at a time. Become a member today it is free to join. Rate this Article

Advice and Tips for Online JournalingRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Taylor B Hill has published 14 articles. Article submitted on October 08, 2013. Word count: 521

Another important personal advice and key to self-improvement is the realization that success is not a particular destination. You do not have to stress yourself out trying to do ...

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Creating photo albums and profile pictures to develop attraction online are critical for success. Luckily there are tons of ways for men to do so.

Written by: Joshua Pompey

Electronic cigarettes have spawned a new trend of smoking today. No wonder, they are superior to any other tobacco substitutes and work even finer when compared to nicotine gums. You can get the best e cig online and kill the urge for smoking.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Time management tips can help you give meaning to your life. Ultimately, you shape each moment of your life for balance, satisfaction, and productivity. Perhaps you are so busy now that it's hard to assess just how well your time choices work for you! Maybe you are tired, rundown, frantic.

Written by: Paula Eder

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy Life

How happy do you feel? Have you thought about that lately? Do you feel like one of those people, who wear their smile 24/7 or you belong to the other group that walk around mean and grumpy throughout the whole day? The happiness and the positive attitude is the key to any success and the sooner you change your attitude, the easier your life will get. By changing your thoughts and deciding to be happy, you will realise how good you can be in everything you do - in the career you are chasing, in every single thing you do like different sport activities or even cleaning at home. By changing your attitude everything becomes easy as a child's play.

In order to shift more easily to positive attitude, here are 8 rules that you could follow and try to live by:

Don't worry about things that aren't under your control. Make sure you did your best and leave the rest to happen.Make sure you are always surrounded by positive and happy people, who give you positive vibe instead of draining your energy by complaining constantly about their own problems. We all got problems, we all have to deal with them. Talk is cheap.Don't compare yourself to others and what others do, that will only make you feel worse about yourself. Every single person on this planet is unique and someone out there will appreciate that uniqueness of yours.Believe in everything you start and never give up until you get what you want. Sometimes it could be hard, but if you put you heart to it, you will make it.Don't hate. There is enough hate in the world as it is you don't need to add more. The hate is like rust - it eats you from inside.Have patience. I know that sometimes it could be really hard but some things take time. And if you want to get the best things, you have to learn to wait.Release your expectations. That will take some huge load off of your shoulders.Don't try to change someone. You either like the person in front of you for what they are or you don't..

I have decided to stop here. 8 rules are enough and even if you start following one of them it will be a significant change. Of course the list is open and you can always add as much as you like.

Dent Ford is currently woeking as a supoervisor of team for professinal cleaning . In his spare time he loves to write on different topics and advise people besides how to clean better how to feel better about themselves. Rate this Article

8 Simple Rules to Go by for Real Happy LifeNot Rated Yet

Dent Ford has published 14 articles. Article submitted on August 09, 2013. Word count: 396

Are you looking to boost your self-confidence with a trainer or by yourself? Unsure where to start? Read this article for eight quick tips you can use now to become a confident person.

Written by: Joshua Uebergang

Every day is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it.

Written by: Joyce Wang

Use standard management techniques to manage your happiness for your entire life. Sound impossible? Successful managers accomplish even greater tasks with these methods. You, too, can follow these very simple steps to become happy forever.

Written by: Gerry McRae

No one can necessarily teach you how to be happy. Happiness is something that's inside you. It's a mindset, an emotion, and a goal. It's something that has to be brought out passionately, so that you can not only find some type of happiness now, but also be happy for the rest of your life.

Written by: Scott Ryan Epp

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Tenant Screening Services For Your Satisfaction

Soon after the appearance of the web and the far reaching accessibility of data, landowners and property supervisors were at a different detriment when it came to screening potential occupants. The vast dominant Tenant Screening part intensely depended on an occupant's financial assessment and quick historical verifications to furnish enough data keeping in mind the end goal to settle on an educated choice in respect to whether they may as well lease to them.

Criminal Records or past removals

While these techniques for foundation screening were incredible for removing occupants with monetary issues or those prone to make late installments, numerous others with criminal records or past removals un-identified with financials effectively snuck by the radar. A significant part of the time these occupants might be the ones to reason major issues for landowners and property holders. Appreciatively, today there are substantially more successful strategies to altogether screen potential occupants.

Expansive land organizations have admittance to endeavor version inhabitant screening administrations or employ outside firms to direct a substantial volume of occupant screening checks. While this works well for the huge gentlemen, numerous landowners and property holders don't have entry to these unreasonable assets. So by what means can the larger part of property possessors guarantee they are leasing to qualified occupants? The response is online occupant screening administrations. Premium inhabitant screening administrations permit landowners and property managers to rapidly and effortlessly run their own criminal and expulsion historical verifications on potential leaseholders with complete trust. Lands are a to a great degree important possession. Beneath are a portion of the things the top inhabitant screening results give.

The Online Tenant Screening Advantages:

Gone are the times of prolonged inhabitant personal investigations. Online administrations give you exact data in only seconds!

Premium screening results immediately sift through Millions of National Records incorporating the FBI's most needed record, the national terrorist database to the national sex wrongdoer database and gather all the important data into one clean, simple to read report!

The best locales concentrate on making a straight-forward and streamlined client experience making screening occupants less demanding than any other time!

None of the data in online databases ought to be more than one month old and all true blue administrations furnish data that is 100% FCRA consistent!

Notwithstanding the focal points recorded above, the excellence of premium occupant screening administrations is that they are amazingly adaptable, extraordinary for snappy one-off screening quests, and high volume hunt down bigger customers. Tenant detective is your one stop look for the greater part of your occupant screening needs. Quit squandering time utilizing antiquated screening systems. All things Tenant Screening considered, investing less time qualifying occupants will permit you to invest more of a chance bringing home the bacon. You can alter your occupant rental assertion by joining certain paramount terms as: no inhabitant will be dis-entitled on the foundation of color, race, conjugal status, and age. By asking your inhabitant to sign this occupant assention you guarantee that you mean business.

Tenant Screening should be the part of your Tenant screening selection procedure. There are for the most part two structures utilized when leasing or renting a livelihood unit: a month-to-month rental understanding.
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Seven Things That Can Make You Happy

Start everyday with a grateful heart. Being consciously aware of what you're thankful for can improve your level of happiness. Take some time to recall what you feel grateful when you wake up every morning. Start from simple things: Do you have a roof over your head? Enough to eat? Keeping a gratitude journal is useful.Give something back. Do you give 10% of your income to your favourite charity or church yet? You can get more in return beyond the act of helping others. When you're giving to others, you're delivering a positive energy to the universe: everything will be alright. By giving, you'll be taken care of , too. What you give is insignificant to yourself, but you do those people indeed a great favor. To give is to receive, and your happiness quotient will increase as well.Smile everyday. Laugh is better money. Do you spend each day smiling? Do you consciously look for something that can make you smile? Smiling can release a happy hormone called oxytocin. This hormone uplifts us when we share experiences with others. Even making you smile can also put yourself in a better place.Foster good relationship with your friends and family. Happy people don't spend most of time alone. Spending time with people you like can reduce stress and forge your relationship with others. You can bond with them through shared experience, such as discussing life's ups and downs. They are your supportive strength. People who find no time to stay with their family or friends are more likely to loneliness and depression.Find some time to be alone. In addition to the time with your family and friends, you also need some time to be alone, and this is also important. You'll be more energetic by getting some time to calm down. It's great for your mood.Do what you love. Have you ever heard such a phrase: do what you love, and money will follow? Getting something in return from what you love is the best way to improve your happiness. When your work is as easy as play, you can enjoy the joys of other things in life better.Give your time. Giving your time or talent can shift your focus to others. It can also make you realize this better: maybe your problems are not so bad. You invariably forge new relationships and experience an uplift in your spirits.Healthy choice makes healthy body. A person in good shape looks happy, approachable, and charming. You can get more professional health tips from whenever you want. Rate this Article

Seven Things That Can Make You HappyNot Rated Yet

Sophie Gong has published 54 articles. Article submitted on October 31, 2013. Word count: 397

Why look outside of ourselves for things that can only be found on the inside? Things like true happiness and success is found within us. Success is a process and the result of a special attitude. You must be successful in mind before you can become successful in life.

Written by: Stephane Therrien

The law of attraction is a concept that can help you radically change your life, but learning how to apply it and attract your desires can be more than challenging. There is lots of conflicting advice out there, some of which is downright misleading. Here is an easy way to get exactly what you want.

Written by: Bob Crawford

If you would like to live a life filled with fun and joy and passion and love, then doesn't it makes sense to be spending a good proportion of your time and energy on things that you love, with the people that you adore, wearing clothes that please you that make you feel great about yourself?

Written by: Imelda Leahy

Happiness is a state of mind given that happiness is temporary as sadness can pop in and out of us anytime just the same. Happiness is not a wall painting that can stay mounted in the wall unmoved.

Written by: Jocelyn Apple

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Quitting my Job to Have a Wealthier Life

Quitting my job and became wealthier? You must be curious about the title of my article. Is this true? Absolutely! Read on and you will know what jobs I quit in exchange to a more prosperous venture.

In my article "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneur, my primary concept here is TIME. How you value your time plays an integral part to your success. You can either be wasting your time or utilizing it to the fullest. How? That is why I quit my jobs.

Let me elaborate. I realize that most of my jobs (not all though) are not contributing to my sales. They are not allowing me to earn more. So here's what I did.

First, I quit my lawn mowing job and had it outsourced to a professional landscapers. They were faster and performed a better mowing job than me. I only paid a few bucks but saved 2-3 hours of my time. Now I gained three more hours doing more opportune activities.

Next, I quit washing my cars. Although I admit that washing your car is kind of fulfilling especially when it is new, but the truth is, it is a waste of time. How much do you have to pay for a car wash? About $5 or $20 dollars at the most? Don't you think there are more possibilities to earn more with those hours rather than spending it on washing cars?

Then I decided to quit swimming pool maintenance. This is a tough job and not worth my time either. So I had this outsourced as well. No more wasted time on jobs that can be outsourced.

The next job I quit was a hard decision to accounting job. I have been doing this for years and have given a lot of time in budgeting and accounting since my business started. It was kind of hard for me to let go but I have to. It was not making me productive (in terms of generating wealth), so it is best to give it to someone else while I plan for new strategies for my business' growth and success.

That's not it. I also gave up my Project Coordinator job. You see, I also recently wrote another article entitled "The Art of Delegation". So that's what I did, delegated my project coordinator job. The time spent for coordinating projects can be put to a more profitable task. I could brainstorm marketing ideas with my clients or formulate marketing strategies that can be useful to my business or my client's business. Now, isn't that a better job for me to do than simply coordinating projects?

Simply put, saving funds on tasks that can be outsourced or delegated will not make you wealthier at all. If you want to have a wealthier life, choose to do a job that will help in improving your sales. And to achieve higher sales, you need to have compelling marketing strategies, good products and the best services available to your clientele.

Spending your time on more valuable jobs allow you to run your business successfully and bring more revenues to your company. Now it's your turn to make your life wealthier. Try to find out the jobs you can let go of and open another door of opportunities that can contribute to the increase of your sales and to the overall success of your business.

Manuel Gil Del Real Photo Manuel Gil del Real is the owner of MGR Consulting Group, an Interactive Marketing Agency providing marketing solutions to companies worldwide. He's also an auto racing enthusiast and a blog author who enjoys sharing his thoughts and ideas on Internet Marketing, entrepreneurial advice, lifestyle and travel experiences among many others. You can read more interesting articles on various topics from his MGR Blog .
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Importance of Getting Over an Alcohol Addiction

Quitting alcohol is a healthy and desirable choice, and has profound effects on every aspect of our existence. If one chooses to give up use of alcohol entirely, it does not indicate that he has any alcohol related issues. Quitting is a conscious choice, wherein a person recognizes that negative effects of the substance are far more than any benefits that it might offer. However, if a person is addicted to alcohol, ceasing its use is all the more advantageous.

Alcohol affects our lives in many ways, more so if consumption is excessive. It can hamper the normal functioning of our bodies by destabilizing the blood glucose levels, and can also reduce energy levels. It can have telling consequences on our health, relationships, career and emotional well being. Giving up the substance allows us to put our life together. Quitting is tough, and becomes more difficult as a result of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. But the initial detox period generally lasts only for 2-4 days, after which the withdrawal symptoms are not severe, if they do occur at all. Thereafter, one regains fitness and starts feeling better as the body works towards getting over from the damage caused by alcohol.

Quitting brings about profound effects on our overall health, which are both, immediate and long drawn. Even though alcohol makes it easier for a person to fall asleep, it hampers our ability to remain asleep by disrupting restorative and deep sleep. On quitting, the quality of sleep improves significantly and one is able to sleep more soundly. Alcohol leads to weight gain by adding empty calories to our bodies and quitting alcohol helps our bodies lose weight. This correspondingly brings about the many benefits that come about with weight loss, like a healthier heart, enhanced self esteem and increased confidence. Consumption deprives our bodies of essential fluids and nutrients, and on quitting, appearance of our skin improves. Alternately, giving up can be extremely beneficial for our liver, and is one of the best ways to avoid cirrhosis and all types of liver damage. By leaving alcohol, one can prevent injury to pancreas, cardiovascular ailments and risk of certain types of cancer, including throat, esophagus and liver.

One of the biggest challenges that one has to overcome if he plans to quit is alcohol withdrawal symptoms. These are caused because the brain activity that is inhibited by alcohol is reversed instantaneously, which leads to overproduction of stress hormones. Some of the most common symptoms arising from alcohol withdrawal include anxiety, irritability, fatigue, insomnia and change in blood pressure. Getting over alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be tough, and it takes some resoluteness and commitment on one's part to subdue the same. On quitting, one must try and consume a diet that is wholesome and balanced, so that that the body is nourished and in a better position to fight the withdrawal symptoms. Similarly, having plenty of water allows our bodies to detox. Interacting with family and friends allows us to keep our morale high and tackle in a better way.

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Importance of Getting Over an Alcohol AddictionNot Rated Yet

Harshad Jethra has published 2 articles. Article submitted on July 15, 2013. Word count: 505

This article emphasizes on the problems of using drugs and their effects on health and work. The amount of medicinal information available is inadequate and it should be discussed to the young generation.

Written by: Nick Mutt

A lot of people drink alcohol but how many truly understand the effects of alcohol? As soon as we take our first gulp, alcohol begins to interact with your mind and body. It only takes a few drinks to feel more sociable, but if you...

Written by: Adam Soubra

Men and women of all ages are prone to drug and alcohol addictions. Various information campaigns are all over the place about the negative effects of drugs and alcohols.

Written by: Cullen Nedrich

When identifying the signs of addiction, it is important to know that while drug and alcohol use and abuse manifest themselves as different behavioral changes and inconsistencies, they also share a number of commonalities.

Written by: Steve Gifford

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Different Alcohol Cure Options For Alcoholism

If you or you know someone who suffers from alcoholism, do not be afraid. It is a treatable disease with many programs and approaches nowadays that are made available for patients like you or someone you know who seeks help but with no medical options available yet. No matter how or when you are diagnosed of being alcohol dependent bordering alcohol abuse or just know that you have a drinking problem, the first step to alcohol cure is recognizing that you do have a problem. This is a very important step in the curing process to be able to really help the troubled person deep within. People who suffer from this disease pressured by society or by peers to get into treatment rarely result in success stories. This is why acceptance of having the disease is important. Once that step is already done, there are various treatment processes that you can undergo to help you.

Alcohol Withdrawal

This is a very painful alcohol cure as it entails one depriving himself of alcohol over a long period of time until he no longer craves it. Chronic alcohol drinkers most especially will undergo some painful withdrawal symptoms because their intake of the substance has been halted already. Mild shakes, tremors, discomfort, anxiety, and life-threatening deliriums are just some of the common withdrawal symptoms that might occur. This is why it is important that the alcoholic seek medical attention first and make sure that there is a family member or a loved one who will be there for you as you cure your disease. Most patients experience mild to moderate symptoms which can be treated at home or on the out-patient department. But for those with severe symptoms, he might be required to check-in a facility that specializes in detoxification methods to cleanse the body thoroughly of alcohol.

Treatment Facilities

Going in some treatment facilities can be very beneficial especially to patients with severe alcohol problems. Detoxification in such facilities occurs anywhere between three to seven days. After the treatment, the patient's dependency to alcohol then becomes more psychological than the physical need. The purpose of this treatment is to prevent the patient from experiencing any relapse. Fortunately, there are many facilities all over the country that facilitates this kind of treatment as more and more patients are being diagnosed each day.


Medications are helpful to prevent people from relapsing and going back to their alcoholic stage. Antabuse is one of the most effective medications prescribed to many patients as it works by deterring alcohol consumption of patients making them sick each time they consume alcohol. Revia is another medication prescribed as it blocks any effect alcohol may have in the brain and reduces the person's craving for alcohol intake.

Support Groups

It is important for an alcoholic to join a support group to help him become sober. By joining such groups you get to meet people who will understand your condition and can help you get through what you are going through. This is a psychological treatment that can help you see the better things in life beyond alcohol consumption.

These are some alcohol cure now made available for patients. But before you decide on any of these, make sure to seek medical attention first so you know which ones suit your needs best.

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Best alternative for cigarettesare e-cigarettes. (Liza Shawn Smith)

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Cardboard Engineering - Everything You Need To Know (cactus containers)

What is Cardboard Engineering?

It is a form of modeling with paperboard, card stock, corrugated fiberboard and paper. It is far off making decorative cards for kids. Companies use cardboard engineering as a skill to commercially create products like cardboard boxes, cardboard displays, shipping boxes, mail tubes, foam inserts, box dividers and folding cartons. From a simple square box to a highly creative product that can be used to pop products at POS, cardboard engineering is leveraged everywhere.

Cardboard Engineers

For some people it is hobby and for some it is profession to create cardboard containers tailor-made to the clients' needs. We call these people 'cardboard engineers', 'packaging companies' or 'packaging suppliers' in the US.

Cardboard Engineering Solutions

There is a wide fleet of cardboard engineering products available in the market today. Based on their application or purpose, they can be divided into three main groups: packaging, storing/shipping and displaying.

Packaging Boxes - Cardboard packaging is one of the most popular and most widely used product packaging in the world today. From the cheapest item to the most expensive one, cardboard boxes are ruling the packaging world today. Cardboard material is light in weight, cheap, recyclable, flexible and durable. And yes, I haven't overstated it.

Storing / Shipping Boxes - Whether you are moving to another city or country or you want to ship some goods, shipping boxes are inevitable. Cardboard boxes feature highest structure flexibility, meaning it is easy to cut and shape them. Also, it doesn't take longer to get custom cardboard boxes for your shipment. Moreover, these boxes are much cheaper than plastic and wooden boxes.

Display Boxes - Cardboard engineering technique is also used to create POS units ranging from big floor standing displays to counter-top displays. Millions of packaging designers, or cardboard engineers, across the world constantly strive to design pop-up displays that bring sales. Cardboard displays are available in a great variety of shapes and sizes.

The world of cardboard engineering is highly creative and versatile. It is also one of the fastest changing and fastest growing arenas. If you are the one thinking that packaging is merely a means to store and protect the product, you are overlooking a major marketing and advertising arsenal for your business.

Numerous businesses today leverage the power of cardboard engineering. Why don't you give it a go and make the most of your product packaging or product displays?

Kathy has published a plethora of articles and blogs about interactive marketing products and promotional marketing products. According to her, Cardboard packaging products like corrugate boxes,
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Marchman Act Lawyer - How To Find One That You Can Rely On (Juanita Darling)

When seeking out a Marchman Act lawyer or any other type of lawyer you need to be very critical so that you end up with a good one. The differences between a poor lawyer and a good one will be directly related to your chances of getting the outcome that you want.

Has relevant experience

The best type of lawyer to hire is one that has experience with your type of case. Therefore, try to find a lawyer that has knowledge regarding the Marchman Act that is second to none. It is no good finding a lawyer that is a veteran when it comes to commercial law, but when it comes to the laws relating to your case they have little to none experience.

Go for a meeting

Before hiring a lawyer it is a good idea to meet with them in person so that you can discuss the particulars of your case and how they can be of assistance. An honest lawyer will tell you exactly how it is and will be able to give a good estimate regarding your chances of success. If your one of those people where you find that the law can become very compacted to you then it is a good idea to find the type of attorney that can explain to you exactly what you need to know in a manner that allows you to understand what is going on with your case.

A lawyer that is hungry for clients will not turn down an initial consultation so don't be afraid to phone a few of them up and set up some meetings to get a better idea of what is on offer.

Professional looking website

A service that is of good quality will tend to have a professional looking website that clearly explains their services and how they can be of assistance to you. It makes it a lot easier to get an idea of what a legal service is like if they have a website that uses a comprehensive approach to showing off what they are about and what they can do for their clients.

For instance, video presentations a great for you to quickly get a sense of what a particular legal service is about. Whenever you feel that there is insufficient information on the website of a legal service that you are considering to use then you should contact them in order to request more information. It is a bad idea to hire a legal service based on blind faith, because down the line you might find out something about them that you don't like and it might be too late to change to a different one.

Addiction Recovery Legal Services is a legal service that specializes with the Marchman Act. For high quality Marchman Act lawyers in Baker County that can help you with your legal issues check out
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Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Choosing the place for drug rehabilitation that will meet your needs and expectations is a very important matter. With the many different rehabilitation centers located in New Jersey, it is important to investigate which rehabilitation center has the right treatment program for you. If you are looking for a drug rehabilitation center in new jersey for yourself or someone you care about surrounding a problem that involves alcohol or substance abuse, there are several treatment centers available that can help by providing the necessary treatment options including all of the pertinent information you need to begin your journey on the road to recovery.

There are several factors to consider when making the decision on a drug rehabilitation center. For many, finding one that is located close to home is the first priority. Rehabilitation centers in New Jersey vary in location, however some patients seek a rehabilitation center as far as being in a different state. For example, a drug rehabilitation center in New Jersey near the border of New York will most likely attract New York patients. It is also important to know how much you will have to pay for drug rehabilitation treatment. Even though you may have found a center that is nearby and that you can afford, you should also consider some other important factors that will make a significant difference in the outcome of your treatment. Not all drug rehabilitation centers in New Jersey offer the same type of therapy and you should know if you have a preference for a particular type of treatment program before making your decision. Treatments can vary from the traditional 12 step program to more unique methods of treatment including holistic, or faith based treatments.

Another consideration when determining which drug rehabilitation center will best meet your specific needs is whether it accepts both men and women or if you would prefer a secular facility. There are also drug rehabilitation centers that specialize in young adults as well as those that are specifically for mature adults (55+). You might also want to consider a facility that specializes in the type of addiction you are seeking treatment for. Many people find it useful when they have others with them who have the same addiction to help them work through their abuse issues.

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How To Spot A Good Quality Forced Drug Rehabilitation Attorney (Juanita Darling)

Do you have a family member that is becoming out of control due to an increasingly problematic drug addiction problem? Then you need to seek out a lawyer in order to get forced drug rehabilitation so that the drug abuser can stop causing havoc to their life and the people surrounding them. Drug rehabilitation might seem like an aggressive approach to solve the problem especially if it is forced, but you can't sit by and watch a family member dig themselves an early grave because their drug use is getting out of control. The right thing to do is intervene and with the help of a qualified attorney you can use the Marchman Act to get your family member in a drug rehabilitation program.

The drug rehabilitation process

A good quality attorney that deals in such cases will know what the drug rehabilitation process involves and will bet able to explain to you what you need to know about the process. Finding out as much as possible about the process is a good idea so that you know what you will be getting your loved one into.

An easy to talk to lawyer

Ideally the lawyer that you pick will be easy to talk to and you will feel comfortable discussing personal matters with them. You are protected by the lawyer and client confidentiality agreement which is why you should feel comfortable discussing a range of personal matters with them.

The reputation of the law firm

Before opting for a law firm you need to do some background reading on them so that you can assess if they are the right fit for you. You need to find out about what type of cases they deal with, and if they have dealt with cases that are similar to your one. Furthermore, you need to find out how successful they have been with regards to getting people forced into a drug rehabilitation program in the past. If a law firm has a very high sucess rate then they are the type to go for.

Some lawyers work on a basis where they only charge a fee if they have been successful in winning your case for you. By finding and hiring such a lawyer you will have the peace of mind that you can trust them to do the job well and put a sufficient amount of resources into winning the case. There is also the added advantage that if you don't win the case then you will not incur any financial loss.

Addiction Recovery Legal Services can use the Marchman Act to get forced drug rehabilitation. If you need a loved one put into a Broward County drug rehabilitation program then check out
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Court-Ordered Drug Rehabilitation vs. Incarceration (Juanita Darling)

We often hear that addicts have to hit rock bottom before they are willing to seek treatment for a drug or alcohol problem. But some people don't have that option. Recent estimates duly inform us that as many as 60 percent of the patients at rehabilitation centers across the nation have had troubled with the law as a result of their addiction. As the courts slowly begin to change their stance on drug and alcohol abuse, many of these addicts are being sentenced to court-ordered drug rehabilitation, rather than jail or prison.

Does it work?

In addition to the myth about having to hit bottom, many believe that rehab only works if the person seeks treatment of their own free will. But the numbers contradict this common canard. According to most experts and medical professionals, rehabilitation is effective whether the patient voluntarily seeks treatment or is forced to receive it by a judge. Furthermore, court-ordered drug rehabilitation has many advantages over jail or prison time.

What are they?

Numerous studies have should that when sent to prison, the average addict will remain sober for his stay, since there is no or little access to drugs or alcohol on the inside. But once he gets out, the addict will begin to abuse his substance of choice almost immediately. By comparison, addicts who are treated as patients rather than criminals are far more likely to remain clean and sober after their release. The reason this is simple--court-ordered drug rehabilitation helps them accept the fact that they have a problem and teaches them the skills they need to deal with it on the outside.

Studies have also found that a person with a history of drug abuse is far less likely to commit another crime if they are sentenced to rehab instead of jail or prison. This is reason enough for judges to strongly consider drug treatment as an option when a non-violent offender with a history of substance abuse comes before them.

How can it help?

As any former addict could tell you, the first step on the road to recovery is admitting that you have a problem, a sickness. The fact that a judge orders them to receive treatment instead of throwing them behind bars often makes most addicts take a long, hard look in the mirror. Then after they get clean and sober in detox, they may finally be ready to face their addiction and the issues that drive them to abuse drugs or alcohol.

Court-ordered drug rehabilitation also helps addicts connect with others who know exactly what they're through. The understanding, support, and encouragement they receive during group and individual therapy sessions often gives them the confidence and self-respect they need to confront a problem that once seemed overwhelming.

The cost

Arguably the most controversial aspect of court-ordered drug rehabilitation is the cost. Although incarceration certainly isn't cheap, doctors and therapist make a lot more than prison guards, which means rehab is more expensive. However, when we consider the lower recidivism rates for addicted patients, forced drug treatment is almost certainly cheaper.

A private, for-profit law firm, Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC, helps families and loved ones deal with addiction through the Florida Marchman Act. Under this law drug and alcohol abusers can be compelled to receive court-ordered drug rehabilitation. For more information on forced drug treatment, please visit
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How to Break a Habit and Set New Year's Resolutions that Actually Work

It's that time of year again! It's time to focus on self improvement with an effective New Year's resolution. Unfortunately it's also the time when most people make promises to themselves that don't work because most of us don't know how to break a habit and keep it that way. For those that do, getting into the holiday spirit is a lot less stressful.

Why do most New Year's resolutions fail? One reason is because the resolution wasn't planned properly. Maybe it wasn't attainable. Or maybe you didn't commit the time necessary to achieve your goal. Follow this simple step by step guide on how to break a habit to help you succeed with your New Year's resolutions. When you are with your loved ones this Dec 31st, you'll be able cheer "Happy New Year!!" with a little extra confidence! :)

Step 1: Choose Achievable Resolutions

Choose your resolutions wisely! Many resolutions fail because they were not achievable goals. When making changes in life, one should always choose small, attainable goals. Don't resolve to lose 50 pounds right away; resolve to work out for 30 minutes each day or to consistently lose a little bit of weight each month. As long as you are heading in the right direction with your goals and can stay on target, you will inevitably see results. Don't aim too low either; it's important to challenge yourself a little bit.

Also, make it something you are proud to talk about with other people who love the time honored tradition. It should be something that matters to you as well, as ultimately you are the one to benefit. It's usually best to choose a resolution that relates to something you have a passion for.

Here are some ideas for your New Year's resolution:

I am going to swear lessI am going to quit smokingI resolve to get back in shapeI am going to work more hours each dayI will delete my non-friends from FaceBookI am going to organize my hoardI am going to make new friendsI'm going to start a blog and post regularlyI will save enough money to take a vacation

Step 2: Plan, Plan, Plan to Succeed

This is the time where you break down your goal. You may want to design the goal in phases if you have multiple related aims. For example, if you are organizing your closet, you may want to do the top shelf on day one, the middle shelf on day two, and so on. If you are taking up swimming, start with a half an hour for the first few weeks, then move up to 45 minutes for weeks 3 and 4, and so on.

The goal must be somehow measurable so you will have to find a way to keep track of your progress somehow. This helps you gauge your success later on in the year. Measurements can include pounds lost, money saved, family opinions, or boons gained. It helps if you prepare a journal to log your progress.

Consider what is needed in order to attain your goal. If you plan to go to the gym, you will need a gym pass and to arrange for transportation. If you want to get higher grades, find additional learned materials or a tutor. If you want to save money, make arrangements to work more hours or start a new job. Many failed resolutions didn't have the tools they needed to succeed in the first place.

Schedule your time wisely. If you are busy you might have to sacrifice a less desirable activity to make time. Use post-it notes to give yourself helpful reminders. You get out what you put in, so be sure to put a great deal of thought into the process of your resolution. That is one surefire way to know how to break a habit or learn a new positive one.

Step 3: Leap Into Action

Now is the time to really shine. Hopefully, your resolution brings you satisfaction while you are working towards it. Take it one day at a time, but get started no matter what - and follow the change laid out in your plan. Thank yourself each step of the way; it will motivate you to continue.

Here are some tips for securing the success of your resolution:

only try to break one habit at a timereplace bad habits with good onesfind support in your community, friends, or familybe kind to yourselftake it one day at a timeremember why you wanted to make the change in the first placekeep a progress journalbelieve in yourselfbe aware of your accomplishmentshave fun even though you're going through changes

Don't forget to make the most of your New Year's holiday celebration. Don't make the change until 2013 begins, to be sure you are good and ready for it. It's never too early or too late to learn something new - especially when it comes to learning how to break a habit and reaching your goals easily.

For more strategies on how to break bad habits and make your resolutions a reality, visit: You are just moments away form learning how to break a habit and keep it that way for good!
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Treatments Against Addictions - At Home or in a Clinic?

When addicts recognize their problem and decide to look for help they have several options. They could choose to spend a few weeks in a specialized clinic, or they could see the one of the Anonymous groups, or they could go and see a counselor or they could order a self-help program and treat themselves at home. Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous and similar groups are ideal to stay away from the drugs after an addict has overcome the addiction. Most experts agree that such a group should not be the only treatment. Therefore, a clinic, a counselor or a self-help program should be the starting point. Counselors can be an affordable option. It is important to find a specialized psychotherapist with whom the chemistry is right. Like with self-help programs, the advantage of seeing a counselor is that the patient can keep on living in the normal environment. From the first day onwards, patients learn how to resist the craving.

In a clinic there is no temptation as there is no alcohol, no poker nights, no shopping opportunities, no adult movies, or whatever the drug is that the patient is addicted of. This shows one of the weaknesses of therapies in clinics. Whilst it might at first be considered an advantage to finally get away from the opportunities to consume drugs, it can become an artificial situation, a world on its own, where patients don't learn how to resist craving. However, clinics have the advantage of offering a comprehensive treatment with several hours of counseling per day. Another advantage is that patients meet other people with similar problems and can exchange their experiences. This is the disadvantage of self-help programs where addicts stay on their own and need to work through the program themselves.

On the other side, self-help programs can be combined with attending the meetings of one of the Anonymous groups. Furthermore, good self-help programs offer personal coaching by email as well. Three advantages of self-help programs are that patients can start their treatment immediately and have no waiting time, the low cost (therapies in clinics can be very costly) and the fact that the addict can remain completely anonymous. The vast majority of people with addiction problems prefer not to talk about their problems and secrets to complete strangers and not to ask their boss at work and their family at home to go to a clinic for several weeks. For more information visit

Frank Lavario, founder of Lavario. Lavario offers self-help programs and counseling against gambling addiction, alcoholism, love addiction and others. The programs consist of ebooks, audio books and personal coaching. Lavario is active in the US and Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Brazil and offers their products world-wide through the internet. CONTACT: Frank Lavario, Lavario Ltda., Rua dos Ilheus 46, 88010-560 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil, +55 (48) 37337548, Rate this Article

Treatments Against Addictions - At Home or in a Clinic?Not Rated Yet

Frank Lavario has published 3 articles. Article submitted on May 19, 2013. Word count: 409

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What Are You Addicted To?

Have you ever done a Vision Quest? I recently went on one in the Arizona Desert. Although they are not easy, I have found each one very rewarding and worth the challenge.

One of the biggest challenges of a typical Vision Quest is giving up what you think you need. On a Vision Quest you give up food: fasting for at least a day and as many as four. You give up comfort; you are sleeping outside on the ground with just the very basics. You give up entertainment: no cell phones, newspapers, TV, internet, or books. There is just the sound of the wind and the stars in the sky to entertain you. You give up companionship; a Vision Quest is done solo. You are alone and isolated (at least from people). And you give up safety; it is just you alone out there with the wild beasts, creatures, and creepy crawlies of the night.

One of the major breakthroughs on a Vision Quest is this discovery: you don't need these things as much as you THINK you do! The key word here is THINK. If that THINKING is not challenged, it tends to go on running our lives for better or worse. What you can learn on a Vision Quest, by challenging your BELIEFs, is that you are whole and complete, safe and empowered, inspired and cared for, with far less stuff than you think you need. With this new knowing comes peace, true freedom, and your authentic power of choice. These are things worth "Questing" for.

In many ways what we are talking about here is addictions, things we think we need, or have to do, or can't live without.

Let's have a look at the word addiction: Ad-dict: from the Latin addicere, to give assent.

to give oneself up to a strong habit,to make become addicted; addiction.

When we think of "addiction," we typically think of the people who are abusing drugs, i.e. the drug addict. However, in reality, addiction is a far more prevalent and widespread challenge. Look carefully at the definition of addict above. To be addicted, you only have to give yourself up to, or over to, a strong habit. Drugs are just ONE of the habits we humans can give ourselves up to.

The problem with addiction lies in this notion of "giving oneSELF up" to something. You are literally giving up to and giving your POWER over to, something that is apparently "more powerful" than you. In this manner, the addict makes himself or herself powerless. Ouch! Every time you engage your habit in this manner as an addict, you reinforce your powerlessness and weaken your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. This is the pain, and this is the loss, experienced by an addict.

So what are you addicted to? How about Starbucks? Are you one of those millions of people who "can't start your day" without your morning cup of Joe. Really? You CAN'T start your day? Notice the powerlessness in this statement and the giving over of one's power. You feel you "have no choice, you have to do this." These are the words of an addict. Whether addicts consciously realize it or not, they are suffering because of it.

How about TV? Gaming? Alcohol? Shopping? The Internet? Or email? Oh, there's one for the masses: email (or put in texting for the younger crowd). I recently heard on the radio an announcer say "Studies show that decreasing time on email can significantly improve productivity, but changing that habit is very challenging because it is an ADDICTION." People feel powerless. Can you relate?

Even so called "good habits" can become detrimental addictions if we become powerless in our choice to engage them or not. Take, for example, work. You're called a work-a-holic if you're addicted to work. What starts out as a good thing - being productive, serving others, and doing a good job - becomes detrimental when you lose your freedom of choice. People in this boat will say things like "I have to work late, I have no choice." They are affirming they are powerless. We can put exercise, sleep, sex, eating, and all kinds of things into this category that are good and healthy when freely and appropriately engaged and chosen, but then become detrimental and even damaging when they move over into the category of addiction.

So why do we do this? What is underlying our addictions? Good question. My answer: FEAR. Fundamentally what is driving the addictive behavior is a fear of something. For the email or text addict it might be something like "I'm afraid I'll miss something important." For the work-a-holic it might be something like "I'm afraid my boss and colleagues will not approve of me." For the caffeine addict it might be "I'm afraid I will not have the energy and drive to think fast and succeed." For the social drinker it might be "I'm afraid of people; I may be awkward and rejected." Afraid, afraid, afraid. Fear, fear, fear.

Addictions are challenging to overcome because to achieve it you must FACE YOUR FEAR. To restore your peace, freedom, wholeness, and authentic power of choice you must embrace and face your fear, whatever it may be.

I am very intimate with this process. For me, addictions cloud my channel with the Divine. My tolerance for my addictions has been greatly decreasing over the years. When I give my power over to something outside of me, I am saying to myself, "The Divine in me is not powerful enough to overcome this addiction," and "This thing outside of me is more powerful than me." When I engage my addictions I am saying no to the Divine power within. I am saying "I need this to feel good, to be OK, to be safe." And on the flip side I am saying "I do not feel good, I am not OK, and I am not safe" (therefore I must engage this addiction to fix that). These are affirmations I am not interested in affirming!

As a social drinker of alcohol for most of my life, I have given up alcohol for all of 2012. I'm nine months into my challenge - and doing just fine. It is a spiritual practice for me, a sacrifice to the Divine in the greatest of ways. Each time I wish I could have a drink - usually weekend social events - I embrace the Divine within affirming "I feel good, I am OK, I am safe, etc." without alcohol. And you know what, I am! Plus, I've discovered a whole new world of fabulous non-alcoholic drinks.

Restoring your power can become addictive! I've now moved on to caffeine. Having been a black tea drinker for a number of years, I am moving to herbal choices and other no or very low caffeine options. In this process I must face my fear of "I need caffeine to be sharp, energized, and productive." Instead I affirm "I am sharp, energized, and productive" without caffeine. And you know what? I am.

Releasing your addictions is about restoring your power. It's about restoring your connection to Source and knowing yourself as whole and complete (without whatever you feel you must have). And that's the real truth for each and every one of us. Your wholeness, completeness, freedom, love, and inspiration are always inside waiting for you to choose and embrace in each and every moment.

Try this:

Become aware of things you might be addicted to. Jot down on a piece of paper a short (or long) list of these things to which you are giving over your power. As you look at that list, for each one, ask yourself "What fear would I have to embrace if I were to stop this addiction?" Write down whatever fear comes up for you.

Next, take one addiction, and for a minute or two, just embrace the fear you identified for it. Take a deep breath and just let it settle in - do not resist it. More often than not, the fear is not as scary, or real, as our minds make them out to be. If you "stand up" to that fear, very often you'll find it melting away, sometimes slowly over time, sometimes quickly.

Then ask yourself, "What would be available to me if I were to stop this addiction? What are the potential benefits of not engaging this anymore?" And make your list of benefits if you were to release your addiction.

Finally, perhaps ask yourself, "Which one of these addictions am I ready to release and evolve beyond?" If none, that's fine, perhaps a time will come later. If it is time, then start moving in that direction. Take the first step, whatever that may be for you to gently, awake and aware, day by day, restore your authentic power of choice.

Congratulations you're one step closer to your mojo!

Roger Kenneth Marsh Photo Roger Kenneth Marsh is a Spiritual Life Coach & creator of the Major Good Mojo System. He has an engineering degree, MBA, is a Certified Life Coach, HeartMath® Provider, and Passion Test® Facilitator. Get his book "NexGen Human" on, and FREE CD "3 Keys to Major Good Mojo" at
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How Do You Know When Using the Florida Marchman Act Is the Right Action? (Juanita Darling)

The Marchman Act is an involuntary commitment statute in the state of Florida. It allows family or friends of an addict to confidentially petition the court for help in addressing the addiction. When successful, invoking the Marchman Act orders an individual into mandatory assessment and stabilization (detox) and into rehabilitation treatment overseen by the court for at least a 60 day stay. The reason it works is because it imposes real consequences for not complying: return to the rehabilitation program or incarceration. If you're not sure whether using the Marchman Act is your next step, ask yourself a few questions.

Has Your Loved One Experienced Few Consequences for the Addiction?

Families and friends naturally want to help a person who is in the grip of an addiction, and early on that my involve "rescuing" the person from consequences of his or her actions. The problem is, with some addictions, not suffering major consequences for the behavior may only lead to more of the addictive behavior. For many addicts, ending up homeless, being taken to an emergency room by law enforcement or emergency medical personnel, being arrested, or being called into court under a Marchman petition is what it takes to finally realize the extent of the problem.

Has He or She Shown No Initiative in Getting Help?

Sometimes people with severe addictions have no desire to seek help. They may think that their problem is not that bad, or that a treatment program can't help them. The Marchman Act allows family or friends of an addict to be involuntarily sent to detox and rehab with real legal consequences for failing to comply.

Are Incarceration or Death Becoming the Most Likely Outcomes?

Addictions can become so severe that that the only outcome in the absence of professional treatment is either jail or death. If your loved one's addiction is severe enough that you are worried they will end up in jail or at the morgue, then invoking the Marchman Act is probably your best action. While you can do this without legal counsel, you are more likely to be successful if you work with an attorney with experience handling Marchman petitions. The process can be confusing, and a lawyer will know the potential problems you could face if you try to do it alone.

Your Next Step

If your family member or loved one is in the grip of a life-threatening addiction, contact an attorney specializing in Marchman petitions. He or she will guide you through all the steps of the process and will know exactly what you're up against when you petition the court. Your loved one will have legal counsel working to prevent a successful petition, and your having your own legal counsel can help you prevail at a Marchman hearing. Having someone you love involuntarily sent to detox and rehab is a major step and it's emotionally draining. Yet this may be the action that ends up saving the life of someone you love.

Do you know how the Florida Marchman Act works to help an addict get the help they need? It's done with a court order that commits the addict to forced drug or alcohol rehab, which will pave the way for their recovery. But you can't take advantage of the Marchman Act alone. To get the help you need, go to and talk to an expert.
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The Dangers Of A Methamphetamine Addiction

Methamphetamine is a dangerous and addictive drug which is a problem not only for the user, but for society as a whole. Methamphetamine addiction leads to an increase number of crimes and criminal activity ranging from theft, DWI, endangering of children and more. Production of meth has increased dramatically in American since the mid-1990s. According to Wikipedia Indiana state police found 1,260 labs in 2003 to only 6 in 1995. Methamphetamine production ranges from large scale production in super labs on foreign soil to domestic small time labs in trailer parks. In the United States of America, methamphetamine is a Schedule II stimulant, which means it is legally only available by a doctor's prescription. Prescribed uses for methamphetamine include attention deficit disorder, obesity and even in some cases narcolepsy.

Crystal, crank, ice, speed, whatever you call it methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant that has damaging side effects when abused. The frequent use of methamphetamine can lead to long term damage to the central nervous system. Brain images of meth addicts show that users dopamine transporters and receptors have been permanently damaged. After the dopamine system has been damaged users can experience anhedonia, which is the inability to experience pleasure. After the addiction has been addressed and the person is sober, it can be months before the brain begins to effectively produce and regulate dopamine.

The pleasurable side effects from meth are what lead users to develop their meth addiction. Patients describe an intense pleasurable rush that hits them once the drug has been ingested. Methamphetamine can be smoked, snorted or injected which can compound the health side effects from the drug use. Smoking provides the quickest fix for the user, whereas snorting provides effects that can last for a longer time. This intense rush can lead to addicts becoming hooked even after their first use of the drug. Meth mouth is an additional adverse health side effect associated with meth addiction. Meth mouth is a condition where methamphetamine users have a profound and quick loss of teeth. The American Dental Association believes the tooth loss is the result of a variety of factors induced from meth use including, poor oral hygiene, poor diet, poor sleep habits and excessive teeth grinding.

Besides the health issues facing the meth users themselves, methamphetamine creates a number of public health issues. The production of meth and the exposure to dangerous chemicals are a common risk created by meth. The meth labs are often run by people high on drugs themselves resulting in dangerous fires and explosions. The rush of methamphetamine can lead to risky sexual behavior which continues the spread of STDs like HIV/AIDS. Meth addiction is so strong that pregnant women often times pass the addiction on to their unborn child.

Meth addiction is a problem that often times requires clinical intervention to successfully reach a full long term stable recovery. A drug rehab center that specializes in handling methamphetamine cases would be an ideal solution. Nearly 90% of meth users will experience some sort of symptom when withdrawing from methamphetamine, which often times leads to a relapse, which is why many doctors would recommend a detox program in a clinical setting.

Jared Friedman Photo Jared K Friedman is an addiction counselor at Sovereign Health . Sovereign Health are experts at providing meth treatment for people dealing with addiction as well as providing mental health solutions.
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All about addiction social networking for addiction recovery (Nicholas Grimaldi)

What are the major problems ailing the youth section all over the world? Any person, who takes certain amount of interest in sociological developments and changing trends of the surrounding, would point a finger at substance abuse. While youths have been found to be the victims of the crisis most frequently, on the other hand it is also true that individuals, belonging to higher age groups also find it difficult to deal with addiction recovery and its consequences. And this is exactly where the online platform of addiction social networking plays its part.

There already have been quite a lot of discussions regarding the possible factors that may contribute to an individual's inclination over addictive substances, such as chemicals, drugs, anti-depressants and alcohols. While behavioral psychologists are of opinion that youths of the modern world suffer more from identity crisis and in order to suppress their anguish they incline more to such addictive substances, on the other hand, sociological scholars have opined that addiction has been projected in a glorified manner by the pop-cultural mediums; consequently, have made the vice appear more like a status symbol and integral part of the youth personality.

A recent report, published in the CNN, clearly suggests that only in the United States, over 68 million adults require special addiction help in order to get back to the normal course of life. Almost 25 million among them are addicted to more than one substance and every year several millions are reported to have suffered from different consequences of this problem that may ultimately lead to fatality.

Another major problem with substance abuse is that not only it continues to gnaw the physical condition of a person but also impacts significantly over the behavioral aspect. While these problems may not be realized at the very initial stage, within a year or two the victim starts realizing gravity of the situation and without special help it becomes almost impossible for him/her to get over the problem completely. As the behavioral condition of an addict gets severely affected, drug or alcohol abuse is also considered to be responsible for the increasing number of domestic violence cases in the United States. The CNN report further suggests that genetic heritability shares a strong connection with substance addition; thus, it is highly possible that the same tendency to depend on addictive substances may pass on from one generation to another.

Behavioral psychologists are of opinion that when it comes to helping a person with addiction recovery, the two most important factors are patient and empathy. The assistance providing individual, Addiction Social Networking group or organization should realize that the process won't be smooth or easy as the person was indulged in the addiction for quite some time. Today, the victim is both physically as well as psychologically dependent on the substance. However, simply giving the suffered time isn't enough as the chance of relapse remains pretty high at least during the first one or two years.

It is indeed important that a strict schedule of activities is followed and the subject is treated in a manner that is fused with empathy. With time, sincerity of the effort of many support groups like Amity Connect will surely bring positive results and definitely will also pave the path for accelerating the recovery process from substance abuse.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who educates people regarding drug rehabs and addiction recovery programs. He also helps by building Addiction Social Networking and communities such as Amity Connect that encourage learning and sharing problems as a method to fight addiction.
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