

Eight Social Skills Make You Popular in Conversation

Invite others to share his life. Almost everyone loves to talk about his own life, so you can start a conversation through showing your interest in other's stories, families, ideas and goals. Of course, don't gossip about other's private life. If others look not so natural when it comes to private topics, change to a neutral topic.Give enthusiastic response. Be responsive to what others said, and make sure they could accept your answer. Give your reaction in a positive, honest and fair way. You know, others can tell whether you echo with heart.Raise open questions. The answer to an open question is far more than "Yes"or "No", instead, it encourages others to talk about a certain topic in details. For example, " What makes you engage in nursing?" or "Why do you like living in Hawaii?" Those questions can guide others to talk more about their own stories and opinions.Wait until it's your turn. Never break into a conversation. Share your views until it's your turn. Interrupting people will put an end to a conversation even annoy the partner. Truly listen what other are talking about with respect, not thinking about what you should response to.Phrase what you have heard before sharing your thoughts. Repeat the last three words you heard, then rephrase what others said. This shows that you really are listening, but also works well for clarifying what you're talking about. Your partner will know whether you get the point of your topic, and you will not throw out your ideas before truly understanding it.Say "Tell me more". This is a great chatting technique. Because it invites others to talk more in details without prying. If your coworker tell you that he is looking for a new job, simply reply by " Tell me more". He can decide how much information he wants to show. This works well in dealing with the relatives, colleagues, and people who you meet for the first time. It shows people you are truly interested in hearing what they have to say.Ask for advice. This shows you value his or her opinions. Whereas, it doesn't mean you have to follow their advice. Seeking advice can make others feel important, whether it is major or minor. For example, ask your colleague what they think of your new clothes, or consult your friends how to tackle a certain situation.Ask for an explanation. Ask someone else to explain something to you shows that you think that person is smart and has something valuable to teach you. If you have no idea what someone is talking about, let him know and ask for an explanation. If someone installs a new application, ask him how to do it. If someone succeeds to persuade his boss to raise his salary, ask him how he makes it. Asking for explanations can invite others to guide and share with you. This is absolutely ace in the hole.Rate this Article

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Sophie Gong has published 62 articles. Article submitted on November 21, 2013. Word count: 486

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