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Advice and Tips for Online Journaling

Whether you want to write about your life to clear your head or to inspire others, online journaling is a great way to save your memories for the future. Many social networking websites allow you to write your stories and publish them. Some sites allow you to save them as drafts or make them visible to only you or to a small network of close family and friends. In this way, you can write something when your memory is fresh or when the inspiration to write strikes without feeling pressured to immediately share it with the world. With online journaling you can save all or part of your life story to possibly share at a later time or make it public right away. So here are some tips for making an effective online journal.

Decide what website you will save your journal to. There are several free online journaling sites on the Internet such as tumblr and LiveJournal. You can also sign up for a WordPress blog and save your works as drafts or publish. If you want to share your page with others right away and expect a large amount of traffic, you can also pay to have a URL by getting your own domain name.Learn all the features of the website you have chosen. Just write a few sentences or a quick story. Get a feel for how to use the site to post pictures, videos, or outside links.Decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write about a single event that happened to you, your response to something you saw, or do you plan to keep a daily journal? Start small.Come up with a theme to tie the posts together. The theme could be as simple as "I did it!" or something more complex like "Good friends make everything bearable." A small theme is good for each individual story post. A larger theme could tie all your journal entries together, such as "My observations about the world from my backpacking trip through Asia."Decide on your intended audience. Are you just writing this for yourself, for close family and friends, or for the public? Is this intended as a 'how to' for other people who would like to do something similar? Your tone will change depending on who you expect to be reading it.Put yourself in the scene. Where were you? What was the weather like? What were you doing? Who did you meet and what did they say? Was it day or night? Paint a picture with your words.Write! It really is as simple as just starting to write and you will probably enjoy it so much that you won't want to stop.

Online journaling is a great way to rediscover things about yourself through your experiences or to preserve cherished memories. Because it is personal, it should require no outside research or "work," and may amount to simply recording your thoughts. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, you can gain valuable insights about life by thinking through events. You may discover that other people who read it want to share their stories too!

Taylor Hill, author. Check out a unique online journaling site, and start journaling now one entry at a time. Become a member today it is free to join. Rate this Article

Advice and Tips for Online JournalingRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Taylor B Hill has published 16 post. Article submitted on October 08, 2013. Word count: 521

Another important personal advice and key to self-improvement is the realization that success is not a particular destination. You do not have to stress yourself out trying to do ...

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Creating photo albums and profile pictures to develop attraction online are critical for success. Luckily there are tons of ways for men to do so.

Written by: Joshua Pompey

Electronic cigarettes have spawned a new trend of smoking today. No wonder, they are superior to any other tobacco substitutes and work even finer when compared to nicotine gums. You can get the best e cig online and kill the urge for smoking.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Time management tips can help you give meaning to your life. Ultimately, you shape each moment of your life for balance, satisfaction, and productivity. Perhaps you are so busy now that it's hard to assess just how well your time choices work for you! Maybe you are tired, rundown, frantic.

Written by: Paula Eder

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Anger Quotes

"There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot. "

"It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either."

-Wayne Dyer

"Men in rage strike those that wish them best. "

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."

-William Congreve

"The sharpest sword is a word spoken in wrath. "

"A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green."

-Francis Bacon

"Whate'ers begun in anger ends in shame. "

"I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him."

-Booker T. Washington

"In days that follow, I discover that anger is easier to handle than grief. "

"Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding."

-Mahatma Gandhi

"Never respond to an angry person with a fiery comeback, even if he deserves it...Don't allow his anger to become your anger."

"Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are."

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.


Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.


Anger is not the opposite of love, for the opposite of love is indifference. To be angry is to care tremendously. It is a signal that your caring extends beyond polite conversation, and that you are willing to risk a confrontation to share how you feel.


Anger ... it's a paralyzing emotion ... you can't get anything done. People sort of think it's an interesting, passionate, and igniting feeling -- I don't think it's any of that -- it's helpless ... it's absence of control -- and I need all of my skills, all of the control, all of my powers ... and anger doesn't provide any of that -- I have no use for it whatsoever.


Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves.


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Best Pros of Working With Virtual Personal Assistants

Is work preventing you from developing your business? Do you desire that you just had a bit longer to pay on executing the items that got you aroused at the preliminary place? Constructing a business may transform into a really exhausting treadmill if you're careless. The additional business you perform the additional up on duties you've got, the longer you utilize more body duties, the less time you've got to target creating new profit. Thus to give a full stop to all these recurring problems, Virtual Assistants are in the market to help you with required solutions at much lesser cost.

Virtual Assistants are the professionals working off-site in their home-office. Amongst them Virtual Personal Assistants are in force for most of the companies. The benefits which make VPAs operational are as underneath:

*Judged against a permanent employee, VPAs are lucrative and can assist you in basic official operations like fixing appointments and organizing places for conferences, symposium, seminar etc. By and large they are very assiduous, unswerving and are highly adept in computer operations.

*We don't need to pay the VPAs on an hourly basis or salary basis. They are paid as per job done or according to how many hours they have worked at the time of necessity. We don't need to pay for their holidays, TA, DA etc.

*We don't need to pay heed to problems like accommodating them in office because of the fact that they work remotely away from our conventional office places.

*The most inevitable factor responsible for the growing popularity of VPAs are the fact that full-time assistant hired by us may fall ill or suffer from other diseases, thus resulting in the backlog of official works. On the other hand VPAs are at your service 24x7. They can work for you whenever you want keeping aside all the difficulties they face.

*A conventional full-time personal assistant would perform the works assigned to him/her while he/she is being appointed. But he/she won't do any other work whereas a VPA can work on other jobs if told to do so.

With a mission of providing the simplest quality service, we tend to tend to figure effortlessly to establish you smile.

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10 Tips to Manage Work when Pregnant

Managing work while being pregnant is not a child's play, you need a level of dedication and stamina to take care of everything related to you, both at personal and professional fronts. The write up shares some tips which can help the expectant mothers to manage their work easily and healthily! IMG 1 Being pregnant is a rollercoaster ride of emotional and life changes. Going through biological, physiological as well as psychological changes, the responsibilities of a pregnant working woman skyrocket even further. Dealing with home and work issues, as well as managing mood swings and pregnancy-induced pains is not at all easy. But the good news is that you have many ways to enjoy working and pregnancy together, thus creating a perfect wok-life balance. Here are some of the suggestions, which can help you to not only manage work, but also alleviate the problems you face working while being pregnant. Informing your employer about your pregnancy is important! If you are planning to stop working after your baby arrives, inform your employee beforehand so that they can find a replacement for you, and help you to manage the important tasks and projects before you leave. Make sure that you break this news to your employer by yourself, and he doesn't have to hear this from the horse's mouth. This would sound extremely unprofessional. Act and behave responsibly, your employer will also understand your situation and wont force you to work for long hours or will assign you tedious tasks. Most women can continue working during pregnancy. Some do it until the day the baby arrives, while some have to opt for staying at home, as the health sometimes doesn't allow them to work for extended hours. Working during pregnancy can present some challenges. Learning not to take risks and stay comfortable can help you have a healthy pregnancy in the workplace. You may feel more tired than usual, particularly in the early and late pregnancy. To combat fatigue and have energy all day: Take frequent breaks; get up and walk a few minutes or try to sleep a short power nap.Go to bed early the night to rest as much as possible.Exercise whenever you can; this will help you have more energy during the day.Drink plenty of fluids.Eat a healthy diet, as working will put a lot of stress on your body.Relax and avoid stressful situations if possible. 4. Exposure to Hazardous Substances It is important that the environment around you is safe for you and your baby. Talk to your health care professional if you are working with: Metals (such as mercury or lead)Products containing many chemicals (such as certain cleaning solutions, pesticides or gas)Radioactive waste, radiation or other hazardous substances (such as drugs for cancer treatment or X-rays) Contact with such materials without appropriate protective equipment (gloves, gowns and masks) can cause birth defects, spontaneous abortion or other serious health problems. Describe the health care professional who treats your work environment and the safety equipment that you or your company uses. The professional can tell you if it is safe to continue working during pregnancy. Also, talk with your health care professional if you work in a place of extreme heat. Working in very hot places can raise body temperature. If your body temperature is too high, it can be dangerous for the baby. Pregnant women and their babies are more likely to be susceptible to infections around them. If you are working in a lab or a healthcare facility, make sure you are protecting yourself in the best possible manner. Some of the diseases such as chicken pox, measles or influenza can be very harmful during pregnancy. Be sure to wash your hands frequently. If you think your health and your baby are at risk, immediately speak to your health care professional. Some jobs may require more physical effort than others may. For example, if your work involves heavy lifting or climbing, it may be dangerous. The problems aggravate if you have nausea, fatigue and dizziness in early pregnancy. Later in pregnancy, carrying extra weight can alter your sense of balance and make it more likely to fall and get hurt. Talk to your employer about the possibility of doing other work while pregnant. 9. Using Computers and Desktops Most of the jobs today involve the use of computers and sitting at a desk for much of the day. Some women who do those jobs may feel discomfort in the wrists and hands, neck and shoulder pain, back pain as well as eyestrain. To help avoid these pains, follow these tips: Take short breaks frequently and walk around the office or building.Adjust the chair, keyboard and other office equipment to make them more comfortable to use.Use a cushion or small pillow for support at the waist.Keep your feet elevated using a footrest.Make sure the position of the hands and arms is correct to use the computer.Use a non-reflective cover glass on the computer monitor.Adjust the brightness and contrast controls of the computer that is comfortable for the eyes. Talk to your healthcare professional before taking decisions of travel to faraway places. Ask if travel during pregnancy is risky for you by any chance. Also consider the place to travel. Remember to bring a copy of your medical history in case of emergency.Find out what kind of medical care will be available and if your health insurance covers medical services.See if food and water are safe at your workplace.Ask your health care professional if you should be vaccinated before traveling, if in case you have to!Have a happy and healthy pregnancy! Rashmi Karan writes for the leading education and career related websites globally. Through this article she highlights different ways to enjoy working and pregnancy together, thus creating a perfect work life balance. Rate this Article

10 Tips to Manage Work when PregnantNot Rated Yet

Rashmi K has published 2 post. Article submitted on June 17, 2014. Word count: 942

Coaching can help you find the work/life balance.

Written by: Gerard O Donovan

You must constantly strive towards achieving life balance. That is between your work and family. Although things cannot be perfect, at least seek to harmonize your professional and ....

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Mindful listening is when you are not thinking and you remain fully present whilst the other person is speaking. There are many occasions in the course of daily life, at home and at work, when talking is an exchange of information, and this is entirely appropriate as is a thought-based response.

Written by: Stephen Warrilow

Time management tips clear paths for you to live your best life. This article explores five direct benefits of establishing boundaries to exercise more positive control over your time. Learn when "No" will help you say "Yes" to what matters most.

Written by: Paula Eder

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Choose Superior Quality Virtual Office Assistant

Virtual Office Assistants are the supreme tech-savvy pros assisting business entrepreneurs in different office works thus saving our time- the most imperative factor in business. The various tasks of VIRTUAL OFFICE ASSISTANTS are

# Client and customer service through mails and calls.

# Organizing office setup.

# word translation, transcription, data entry and other back-office jobs.

# Personal Assistant services.

# Virtual book-keeping, payroll management.

# Web-Designing and management.

# Marketing management through up-to-date marketing strategies of online marketing ( SEO, posting articles in different high-end sites).

# Live chat support, teleconferencing, video-conferencing.

# answering calls thus acting as 24x7 receptionists.

In this highly competitive market, there are hundreds and thousands of virtual assistant service providers. How to choose the suitable one amongst all of these? Being a business entrepreneur, we should clarify all the under-mentioned points while selecting your VOA organization:

[1] What exactly are the services we want them to provide?

[2]What is the motive of hiring a VOA?

[3] Consultation: Most of the VAOs provide free consultation.

After the free consultations here are a few points, we should keep in mind while choosing our VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS:

Did they respond timely?Could they solve the problems you have faced?Did they follow-up as they promise to do?Where they ready to attend our calls professionally?Thereafter, do their services match the ones we need?Do they have enough confidence?How will they enhance your business?How can they assist you and from where they will start?

[4] Experienced Virtual Assistants can understand your problem and the services you want. Thus, know-how or experience should also be kept into mind while looking for a VOA.

[5] Training: Being a business-holder, it's not mandatory that we know all updated softwares and technologies. We should be aware of the fact that whether the Pros hired are tech-savvy or not.

[6]Pricing: last but not the least, pricing or costing of Virtual assistants are also an important factor. If this factor exceeds the costing of hiring individuals in certain posts, then hiring them is not worth.

Thus, all these factors count when we are looking for a Virtual Assistant Service Provider.

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Do You Really Know Yourself Enough?

What do you enjoy? The fields we are interested in generally show the skills we possess. Take some time to think about what you really love to do or the key factors that make you satisfied. Can you find something common in them?Ask trusted friends and family. Most of us grow up in culture that advocates to be humble at all times. Without other's help, it's hard for us to determine our strengths well. Inquire trustworthy friends or family around you and know what your personal strengths are in their thoughts. Perhaps some answers will surprise you.What do you like about your qualities? What personal quality you admire also reveals your advantage. For instance, you really like to be persistent no matter how hard it is to make your goals, so being disciplined and strong-minded is one of your personal abilities.What you're engaged in? What makes you do well at work? Think about what you like most at work and why. Reflect what you've missed if you fail to figure them out.Do a test online. Try one of the online tests if you want to get a fair feedback about your capabilities.What makes you energized? We've known your favorite activities and skills, now it's time to look at what you feel energy-filled. You will find time flies when you fully commit yourself into the tasks at hand. This can be a clue to unearth your personal skills.What are you proud of? List three examples in your life, and consider what you take pride in. What values you offer to the world? Why are you proud of the behavior?Who is your role model? What their qualities do you admire? Most of us have our own role model at work and in lives, which can help us to discover us as well. Think about the abilities your role model have and whether you have these.What feedback you get from people around you? This sounds familiar to the second tip, but it's a totally different story. You have to get feedback from the people you contact with every day. It works well, because it's well-documented to see what others react to your abilities.What capabilities resonate you? Find what appeals to you most in a list of personal abilities. We're fascinated by the strengths what resonate us in our work and life.Sound mind is in sound body. Whether you are a little overweight, obese, even out of shape, you can get professional advices from meizitang if you are interested in staying in good shape. Rate this Article

Do You Really Know Yourself Enough?Not Rated Yet

Sophie Gong has published 62 post. Article submitted on July 11, 2013. Word count: 391

Are you looking for ways to start creating wealth in your life or are you just fed up with not having enough money? If you are, then you should know that you are not alone in this situation. Most people will love to create more wealth in their lives but do not know where to start.

Written by: James Okai

As people grow up they begin to pass through adolescence. This is a stage where children want to take up responsibilities and become independent of their teachers, parents and other guardians. This is reflected in the desire of every teenager to pass the learners test and own a car.

Written by: Grady McKenzie

Why do the top leaders and producers recommend for you to focus on your "WHY"? Well many of your believe it's a waste of time but you may ask yourself why do people make it when they fail over and over again for long periods of time? Let's go into more detail.

Written by: Sherman Smith

Are you living your life experiencing what you want? Or, are you settling for less than what you really want? Unless you figure out what it is you want out of life how will you ever be able to experience it?

Written by: Susan Russo

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Can Mental Coaching Minimize the Effect of Bullying?

There has been a lot of research done to evaluate the effect of childhood memories on the rest of the life. It has been observed that those children who suffer physical or verbal abuse during childhood surely develop tendencies to fear. These experiences leave long-lasting effect on the personality and develop fearful tendencies in the later years. It affects the thought process and the feeling of insecurity triggers discomfort and stress. The trouble doesn't lie over the victims, but over the bullies as well. There are specific reasons behind the tendency of bullying. Troubled families and emotional imbalance are the common ones. It needs a lot of patience, sympathy and empathy while dealing with bullying.

When you talk to people who have been victimized by bullies always confess that the feeling is deeply hurting and damaging. They just don't want to remember those pitiful moments. However, it is required to recall and cleanse the memories to get rid of the agony and pessimism. Thankfully you have online help by stress relieving methods to benefit people. It builds high level of confidence and raises the feeling of pride in everything. The experts work on the specific aspect of the personality and improve the actions. They are taught to think positively. It is told to them that they did not have any role in the unfortunate incident and the suffering is because of somebody else. Therefore, the victims have all the rights to live stress-free, respectable life. It is everyone's responsibility to contribute towards stopping bullying when it is happening and to help many hundreds of thousands of victims. Society, we are together!

Why help is required?

Because of the simple fact that bullying affects the mental health and only mental coaching can help while taking action against bullying. The experts discuss with the victim and try to resolve the mental blocks through counseling sessions and discussion. They make the victims realize that they are not alone in the world, suffering the trauma. It offers no consolation, but insight that can leads to empowerment. There are many others who share the same agony and frustration. In first place forgive yourself and if possible even to the bully. It cleanses the mind thoroughly and you get rid of the disturbing memories. Deep-rooted feeling of guilt and sorrow gets reduced and the victims feel better.

The online helpline

Online help by fear consultants can be a long-running process. Victims are needed to go for multiple sessions to release the pressure accumulated for years. The experts do not treat the victims as patients, but more as fellow member of society; the thousand years old etymological original meaning of therapist is helping friend, brother in arms. Very appropriate paradigm in the fight against bullying is the common clinical therapist who excludes and shut-off to participate on the social part of the action against bullying. Online help shows sympathetic attitude, with special attention to let grow the self-respect and social skills from the victims. This is an important aspect of the treatment. The world of Internet comes to rescue and you can get wonderful help from the websites.

Online experts with online methods help by listening, giving advice, consultation and provide provision of tele- exercises to eliminate suffering and to solve problems. This allows to receiving help from their safe environment, if desired self anonymous. These forms of communication can do miracles and many victims vouch for the benefits of it.

With expert help and mental coaching along with the commitment, the will and motivation of those who want change can obtain a miracle and they can find an aha-experience.

De Levenskrachtlijn biedt deskundige ondersteuning, hulp, advies bij allerlei vragen, problemen en zingeving door middel van gesprekke en tele-oefeningen. Zoals aanpakken van pesten , stress, omgaan met angst , burnout, depressie, verlies van levensvreugde, problemen met liefde en relatie, etc Rate this Article

Can Mental Coaching Minimize the Effect of Bullying?Not Rated Yet

Jozef Labuche has published 1 post. Article submitted on November 15, 2013. Word count: 603

As demonstrated by Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in February this year, embarrassing blunders can occur even at the most senior level of government, with leaders dropping the ball in terms of holiday cover.

Written by: Laura Ashley-Timms

What does it take for anyone to be the best at anything? And does being labelled the best success coach in the UK take different traits to being the best runner in the Olympics, the best artist of the Turner Prize, the best actress at the Oscars or the best leader in your organisation?

Written by: Jennifer Broadley

Coaching is one such option. In fact recent reports suggest that coaching is the second fastest growing industry in the world, next only to the IT industry. And considering that coaching in a formal manner is a fairly recent concept, this speaks volumes about the positive benefits and advantages.

Written by: Gerard O Donovan

Coaching mentoring programs provide fresh insights and the motivation for employees to reach goals, which, by themselves, have been difficult to achieve.

Written by: Sara Bern

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5 New Tissot Classic Dream Watches For 2015

Tissot is young, sporty, and virulent and effective by nature as it show glimpses of new age public. It is a collection that encourages you to select one for you. This brand has introduced many new facets of watch making like-anti-magnetic, first watch with plastic mechanical movement, touch screen technology. This technology allowed wearer to enjoy information about compass, altimeter, barometer etc.

Tissot Classic Dream T0334101605301 is an analogue watch which comprises silver bezel, steel case in round shape, black dial with sapphire crystal glass, leather belt.

Tissot Classic Dream T0334101105301 is an analogue watch which has silver bezel, steel case in round shape, black dial with sapphire crystal glass, in metal belt. This collection will fit in professional premise or leisure time. The occasion you name, the variety collections of classic dream will be in front of you.

Tissot Classic Dream T0332103311100 a collection with a golden bezel looks giant in feature and action also. The majestic glossy may take a center stage, wherever you move. In India you have number of occasion, where displaying apparels, jewels, accessories, shoes and made a signature statement-is common story. Men only accessorize them by luxury timepieces. Tissot classic dream collection suits their purpose clearly.

Tissot Classic Dream T0334102205301 reminds you a 'cheetah', when you put it on you. Black dial with golden numerals on it, bezel in golden and silver is an analogue watch. If a royal Bengal tiger moves fast in midst of jungle, certainly holds your breath for performance, appearance and insight over its prey. This very model for its looks, performance and attention hunting precision will take your attention for life time.

Tissot Classic Dream T0334103305101, when woman takes pride in their jewelry, a man lags behind in accessory. Displaying new possession, always keeps women in front row. Here a man with this piece may bring new waves in fashion scenario. The dominant nature of man has echoed with dream collection from Tissot.

With a broader, more versatile range of high quality timepieces at an attractive price, Tissot always expresses its thirst for excellence and infuse it in you.

Tissot has continued its ceaseless expansion and various collections to meet different functional needs, tastes. It cherishes the beauty and emotionality of classic watches, the mechanical one that have a beating heart.

Luxurious finishes and design details seamlessly link between yesteryear, today and tomorrow. In this family, watches meet modernity, meticulous craftsmanship via wheel inspired design and hand wound mechanical skeleton movement visible through the dial.

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Bridal Gift Ideas Buy Silver Earrings Online

The latest fashion earrings and bracelets in sterling silver are available online for less than one -third the price at costume and imitation jewellery shops in your city. Look at old -fashioned imitation jewellery shops in your favourite shopping locality, on the streets or in the malls- you will see that they sell their costume jewellery at very high prices and often are of low quality. When you protest about a broken clasp that was already broken when you picked it up- you pay for it! It doesn't matter whether you actually opened the clasp or even touched it- the shop will insist you pay for it, unlike online jewellery shops. When you open your jewellery in front of the delivery person, examine it & find that the product is damaged you can send it back. The vendor will even pay for it.

Shopping for silver earrings online doesn't mean that you have to pay for shipping or have to get stuck with substandard jewellery. In many cases, the shipping charges are according to the number of products you buy, which means you end up paying less when you buy more during online shopping than if you went to the mall or local costume jewellery shop.

A seasoned online shopper knows the secrets of shopping for fashion jewellery online. When you visit recognised market place jewellery online portals, you may not get prompt service or even delivery in smaller towns or villages. Online jewellery shopping portals dealing in Austrian crystal and cubic zirconia set into sterling silver will offer free shipping when you shop more even in smaller metro cites. Speedy delivery & very friendly customer service makes online jewellery boutique value their customers more.

Some online jewellery stores like GemLN India bring in chic earrings, rings and charm bracelets from European jewellery houses. You can go easily toe rings online shopping for lightweight designs that can be worn with western casual and ethnic wear. If you love switching your jewellery often, search for sterling silver bracelets and rings with golden or rhodium plating. These exquisitely designed pieces give you shine & protects the silver from tarnishing. The cubic zircons are import quality and are available in a variety of hues. They're manufactured with the Indian climate in mind so they are as bright & sparkly as the day you received them.

Dangling Austrian crystal earrings are the best gift for a girl at any time of the year, especially on her birthday. Whether it's an anniversary, friendship day or any reason at all, buying cheap jewellery online is the perfect solution for your budgetary needs. Online jewellery boutiques gift wrapit for you and deliver to the person -what a surprise. Giving surprise gifts from online shopping stores ensures free shipping for larger billing amounts, you actually save more when you buy in bulk.

You can opt for Cash on Delivery, though most e-commerce jewellery shopping websites now ask for a surcharge when you want COD.

Pinki Singha is a qualified gemologist with considerable experience in South Africa, USA & UK in the Fashion Jewellery industry. She loves to guide women and young girls on how to buy silver toe rings online .
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Are You Looking For The Diamond Jewelry or Loose Diamonds For Sale?

Diamonds, Girl's Best Friend, are available in a wide variety of stone colors, shapes and sizes. It is still the first choice of every girl as they are too much in love with diamonds. The demand of diamonds and diamond jewelry has survived the decades and still seen as great. Due to very high demands of colorful diamonds and its jewelry, merchants are often offering huge discounts or big sale to survive in battle. Merchant knows this very well that women are still covet for diamonds very much and it is still so captivating piece of stone for them, so they play the dice very well with new offering and great discounts but you should be patient until you get your deal.

The diamonds are available in different kinds of colors, shapes, cuts, sizes, clarity and carats. You can find detailed description about its professional examination and authentication in certificate that comes along with it. If you are buying the diamonds or diamond jewelry online than you should look for the certified dealers. You should check that the certificate is approved by the government authority before you purchase it. If it is not, you should not hesitate to ask for it as it is your only guarantee of the quality and value. The cuts of the diamonds are equally important so you should better inquire about this too.

There are different cuts of diamonds available and price of the piece depends on the cuts. The shallow cuts, deep cuts and regular cuts are more common cuts. Next is the shape of the diamond that includes round, marquise, princess, pearl, emerald, oval, radiant, cushion, heart, baguette and many others. The color of diamond is also a big factor in price. The most common are colorless diamonds that are considered as white diamonds even though they contain varying degrees of color. The yellows, pinks, and blues are considered as true fancy colored diamonds as they are graded on a separate color scale. Finally the carat, weight of the diamond, the heavier is more expensive and rare than lighter one.

The brightness of diamond has been inspired us for generations. The way they delicately reflect light and its sparkling appearance adds value to your stature. It is also the hardest of any bulk material on earth available in different shapes, cuts and colors and it is also a symbol of great love and romance into our culture.

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Buy Timeless Engagement Rings To Take Your Relationship A Step Further

It's your engagement!! Wow, the most awaited day has finally arrived and you are about to tie the knot with the man you are deeply in love with. And as you are getting engaged, the merriment is just incomplete without a dazzling timeless engagement ring. Your engagement ring! Oh, it's important because it retells the story of your love and togetherness.

Shopping your special ring is truly an exciting day in your relationship. Whether you are going alone or accompanying your partner along with you, both of you should be well informed about varied cuts, sizes and designs of engagement rings. The most significant factor in selecting a diamond relies on its shape that matches your style. Here is a guide that will help you to choose which shaped diamond looks perfectly beautiful on you.

Popular Diamond Shapes for Your Engagement

Princess: Princess cut is widely appreciated and it is good for those who are looking for contemporary style. They are slightly rectangular or square in shape with pointed corners. To add on, the intricate facets greatly enhances its glitz and spark.

Round Brilliant: It looks really classic. It features 57 facets which truly add to its beauty.

Emerald: Timeless and classy, emeralds cut diamonds are ready to offer you an elegant look with its lean and long lines. The rectangular cut with few facets highpoints the clarity of this beautiful diamond.

Asscher: This cut evokes feeling of 1920's and 30's.Its beauty and spark capture the heart of all beautiful brides.

Radiant: If you are considering a unique look, this cut will certainly suit your taste. Combined with geometrical lines, the brilliance of this diamond is characterized by its trimmed corners.

Marquise: The tapered points relatively at its ends add drama to it. When worn, it is perfect to create a slender and elongated look.

Cushion: Cushion also known as pillow cut has larger facets and rounded corners that enhances its simplicity and brilliance.

Oval: Oval shaped diamonds appeals everyone. Its elongated shape offers an interesting twist to its slender look.

Pear: This shape looks extremely classy. Its sharp tapered point adds seven stars to your personality.

Heart: It greatly symbolizes your true love to your beloved. Available in fancy colors such as yellow, pink or red, this shape is perfect for pendants.

Today, online market is booming in terms of selling vivid varieties of quality diamonds. With the huge availability of different online portals, it becomes really easy to buy diamond engagement rings sitting within the comforts of your home. Before purchasing one, ensure that you go through the sites and read the reviews. Also, make sure that the seller you are choosing online offers a detailed description of the ring such as the 4C's of diamond: cut, color, clarity and carat. These aspects should be briefly described in a written document and if possible, get a copy of the gemologist report. Furthermore, it is good to get an idea about what kind of return policy the seller is offering in case something goes wrong. Do your homework beforehand and choose World Wide Web as it is the best option to shop in just one single click.

So, what are you waiting for? If you are looking forward to walk the aisle with hand in hand with your beloved then look for a shimmering diamond ring online. After all, diamonds are best friend of all beautiful ladies.

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Analyzing Antique Engagement Rings

Engagement rings are not only a representation of the promise of long lasting love, but they have always signified the sanctity of a relationship in addition to the vow of a lifelong commitment of "till death do you part". Antique style rings in Houston TX have always been a popular jewelry option, but currently, a number of people are considering this particular vintage style for their engagement rings.

Here is an insight on antique rings, highlighting what one should keep in mind before considering the vintage option for an engagement ring.


If you plan to wear the ring all the time, even while doing tasks like laundry, dishes, etc, establishing the resilience of the ring is essential. Antique engagement rings are generally delicate, but ultimately, the construction and the stone setting demonstrate this. Make sure that you consider the services of an expert when buying an antique engagement ring!

Quality and Size

Vintage rings are usually part of the heirlooms in a family. On the other hand, if you are buying an antique ring, you will find them to be a beautiful, economically sound and lucrative choice. However, in order to make the best of these pieces, consider the opinions of expert manufacturers in Houston. The quality and the size of the rings are pivotal and only an expert can ensure the perfect ring for your hand.

Sturdy Stone Settings

Most antique engagement rings generally do not require the addition of another wedding band. These rings are a standout all by themselves. The stones and their setting, ultimately, influence the overall look. Before buying, make sure that the ring does not make a noise when you shake it, and test the stones with your fingers to see if they are moving. This is why experts suggest that the best antique engagement rings are housed by businesses that have their own manufacturing facility.

In addition to the durability and quality, the impact you want to create with an antique engagement ring is ultimately dependent on the place you purchase the diamond from. As opposed to conventional retail store, it is highly advisable to consider an outlet that manufactures diamond jewelry. For a wide collection of antique engagement rings in Houston, consider the Houston Diamond Outlet!

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Accessorize Yourself Like Your Favorite Stars Do With Skull Jewelry

Stars like Johnny Depp, Lindsay Lohan, Carmen Electra and Angelina have achieved cult status and youngsters obsessed with the idea of looking good and looking different strive to emulate them. Carmen Electra, for example, never shies away from wearing bold clothes and even more bold jewelry such as skull jewelry to create her own fashion aura and girls go crazy, mimicking her style because of the zing factor. If the girl next door looks good, you must look snazzier and the best way is to wear skull jewelry.

The Phantom left an indelible impression on wrong doers with his skull ring. You can leave an impression of a different kind with skull jewelry in wholesale, at prices so affordable you can buy a dozen different types of skull rings in addition to bracelets, pendants, bangles and earrings. A ring makes a perfect fashion accessory and a skull ring embedded with ruby red in the eye sockets is far out. There is no dearth of variety in skull rings with grinning skulls and folded hands, skulls with eye patches, skulls with goggles and a cigar, a Spiderman type webbed skull, a batman skull and a ring with a number skills set on the rim.

If you wear skull rings naturally the whole ensemble must have the same motif. A skull bracelet perfectly matches the ring and you can pick one with a similar design theme. Bracelets do enhance the look of the whole arm adding a certain appeal that is so irresistible. A simple chain bracelet with a grinning skull points to the type of zany personality that you have and, if you like, there is a chain link bracelet with a skull at each link.

Skull necklaces are the other skull jewelry in wholesale you can get at affordable prices and have a dozen or so in your collection. One of the most haves is a stainless steel curb chain necklace with a prominent grinning skull wearing biker goggles. The necklace can sit comfortably around your throat or you can have a rather longish 20 inch necklace that will hang down to your chest with skulls discreetly forming part of the links. Necklaces to add a certain flair and if love to flaunt them, you are doing nothing wrong. After all, celebrities did the same. The difference is they start a trend.

It would be difficult to buy gold, silver or platinum rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces by the dozen but with stainless steel, it is different. You can certainly afford skull jewelry in wholesale and accessorize yourself just like film stars do but at a far lower cost. One of the good things about stainless steel is it is tough, it can be polished to a high sparkling finish or a dull matt finish and looks contemporaneously mod, perfectly in tune with the current image people like to project. Once you are hooked, there is no going back because each piece is more attractive than the other. Each day you can look unique and different from the rest of the crowd. And that is what gets you noticed.

Get more details here:

Jack Henrys is a writer for one of the leading jewelry wholesaler, with the aim to educate retailers and potential entrepreneurs who want start their own businesses in the jewelry retail industry. In this excerpt he has illustrated the growing relevance of stainless steel jewelry for men and women.
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April Activities - Buy Earrings Online

April is the time for exam stress and relaxing after the holidays begin (for younger students and moms). The exams are hanging over most of our heads. For the girls who've finished with their board exams, it's time to plan your vacation with friends & family. An exotic locale would be ideal; like Maldives or the Turks & Caicos. Extroverts will do better to plan a visit to their chacha & chachi or friends to unwind and relax. Get friends your own age to party with or a visit to the larger metro cities like Mumbai will bore you to death.

Buy earrings online with brightly hued Austrian crystals & cubic zircons to revamp your holiday look & invigorate your sterling silver jewellery collection. Repurpose the jewellery you already own if you have pendants or charm beads laying around that you find boring. Thread them on your ribbons or through your hair, vivify a plain telephone wire band. Many indispensable jewelleries like cubic zirconia earrings, toe rings in sterling silver and enamelled anklets create a timeless look and go with every outfit you own.

Why dispose of old jewellery you're bored with? Re -using jewellery gives new life to your old earrings, rings and bracelets. You can come up with unique designs that are not available in the shops. If you have a Gold Plated Link Disc Bracelet in sterling silver, take the links out & repurpose it as a brooch or a hairpin. The old black crocodile clip doesn't have to be dull & dreary anymore. Tack on the colourful Austrian crystal pendants to your hair slide pins or to your watch metal strap to get instant glitz.

Get lots of ideas from visiting jewellery Pinterest boards or blogs & look at your own jewellery box. Any odd or lose stones that fall off your earrings, necklaces can be stuck on your hairpins or reused on your bags. Your bags get great quality sparkle and you've not squandered any old jewellery that's falling apart.

Make the rings online shopping india memorable gifts to give friends and family. Always find out if there's an exchange or returns policy that the online jewellery shop adheres to. Check to see if the toll free phone number on the website is valid and someone must answer it. Always ask for shipping charges, even you can't see it on the website. Every online jewellery shop doesn't offer free delivery below a certain billing amount and you should not be surprised by the final amount you pay.

Remember that more is actually less when you buy earrings online, get your friends together & buy in bulk, so you don't have to pay hefty shipping charges. Some websites offer free shipping for larger billing amounts. Express delivery is not a free option but do check for this when you're in a hurry. Shopping online helps you to save time and even lets you return stuff you changed your mind about, though in an offline store you can return your purchases for a full refund.

Pinki Singha is a qualified jewellery stylist with considerable experience in South Africa, USA & UK in the sterling silver & designer jewellery industry. She designs silver earrings for girls for the online jewellery store .
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10 Tips to Manage Work when Pregnant

Managing work while being pregnant is not a child's play, you need a level of dedication and stamina to take care of everything related to you, both at personal and professional fronts. The write up shares some tips which can help the expectant mothers to manage their work easily and healthily! IMG 1 Being pregnant is a rollercoaster ride of emotional and life changes. Going through biological, physiological as well as psychological changes, the responsibilities of a pregnant working woman skyrocket even further. Dealing with home and work issues, as well as managing mood swings and pregnancy-induced pains is not at all easy. But the good news is that you have many ways to enjoy working and pregnancy together, thus creating a perfect wok-life balance. Here are some of the suggestions, which can help you to not only manage work, but also alleviate the problems you face working while being pregnant. Informing your employer about your pregnancy is important! If you are planning to stop working after your baby arrives, inform your employee beforehand so that they can find a replacement for you, and help you to manage the important tasks and projects before you leave. Make sure that you break this news to your employer by yourself, and he doesn't have to hear this from the horse's mouth. This would sound extremely unprofessional. Act and behave responsibly, your employer will also understand your situation and wont force you to work for long hours or will assign you tedious tasks. Most women can continue working during pregnancy. Some do it until the day the baby arrives, while some have to opt for staying at home, as the health sometimes doesn't allow them to work for extended hours. Working during pregnancy can present some challenges. Learning not to take risks and stay comfortable can help you have a healthy pregnancy in the workplace. You may feel more tired than usual, particularly in the early and late pregnancy. To combat fatigue and have energy all day: Take frequent breaks; get up and walk a few minutes or try to sleep a short power nap.Go to bed early the night to rest as much as possible.Exercise whenever you can; this will help you have more energy during the day.Drink plenty of fluids.Eat a healthy diet, as working will put a lot of stress on your body.Relax and avoid stressful situations if possible. 4. Exposure to Hazardous Substances It is important that the environment around you is safe for you and your baby. Talk to your health care professional if you are working with: Metals (such as mercury or lead)Products containing many chemicals (such as certain cleaning solutions, pesticides or gas)Radioactive waste, radiation or other hazardous substances (such as drugs for cancer treatment or X-rays) Contact with such materials without appropriate protective equipment (gloves, gowns and masks) can cause birth defects, spontaneous abortion or other serious health problems. Describe the health care professional who treats your work environment and the safety equipment that you or your company uses. The professional can tell you if it is safe to continue working during pregnancy. Also, talk with your health care professional if you work in a place of extreme heat. Working in very hot places can raise body temperature. If your body temperature is too high, it can be dangerous for the baby. Pregnant women and their babies are more likely to be susceptible to infections around them. If you are working in a lab or a healthcare facility, make sure you are protecting yourself in the best possible manner. Some of the diseases such as chicken pox, measles or influenza can be very harmful during pregnancy. Be sure to wash your hands frequently. If you think your health and your baby are at risk, immediately speak to your health care professional. Some jobs may require more physical effort than others may. For example, if your work involves heavy lifting or climbing, it may be dangerous. The problems aggravate if you have nausea, fatigue and dizziness in early pregnancy. Later in pregnancy, carrying extra weight can alter your sense of balance and make it more likely to fall and get hurt. Talk to your employer about the possibility of doing other work while pregnant. 9. Using Computers and Desktops Most of the jobs today involve the use of computers and sitting at a desk for much of the day. Some women who do those jobs may feel discomfort in the wrists and hands, neck and shoulder pain, back pain as well as eyestrain. To help avoid these pains, follow these tips: Take short breaks frequently and walk around the office or building.Adjust the chair, keyboard and other office equipment to make them more comfortable to use.Use a cushion or small pillow for support at the waist.Keep your feet elevated using a footrest.Make sure the position of the hands and arms is correct to use the computer.Use a non-reflective cover glass on the computer monitor.Adjust the brightness and contrast controls of the computer that is comfortable for the eyes. Talk to your healthcare professional before taking decisions of travel to faraway places. Ask if travel during pregnancy is risky for you by any chance. Also consider the place to travel. Remember to bring a copy of your medical history in case of emergency.Find out what kind of medical care will be available and if your health insurance covers medical services.See if food and water are safe at your workplace.Ask your health care professional if you should be vaccinated before traveling, if in case you have to!Have a happy and healthy pregnancy! Rashmi Karan writes for the leading education and career related websites globally. Through this article she highlights different ways to enjoy working and pregnancy together, thus creating a perfect work life balance. Rate this Article

10 Tips to Manage Work when PregnantNot Rated Yet

Rashmi K has published 2 post. Article submitted on June 17, 2014. Word count: 942

Coaching can help you find the work/life balance.

Written by: Gerard O Donovan

You must constantly strive towards achieving life balance. That is between your work and family. Although things cannot be perfect, at least seek to harmonize your professional and ....

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Mindful listening is when you are not thinking and you remain fully present whilst the other person is speaking. There are many occasions in the course of daily life, at home and at work, when talking is an exchange of information, and this is entirely appropriate as is a thought-based response.

Written by: Stephen Warrilow

Time management tips clear paths for you to live your best life. This article explores five direct benefits of establishing boundaries to exercise more positive control over your time. Learn when "No" will help you say "Yes" to what matters most.

Written by: Paula Eder

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Choose Superior Quality Virtual Office Assistant

Virtual Office Assistants are the supreme tech-savvy pros assisting business entrepreneurs in different office works thus saving our time- the most imperative factor in business. The various tasks of VIRTUAL OFFICE ASSISTANTS are

# Client and customer service through mails and calls.

# Organizing office setup.

# word translation, transcription, data entry and other back-office jobs.

# Personal Assistant services.

# Virtual book-keeping, payroll management.

# Web-Designing and management.

# Marketing management through up-to-date marketing strategies of online marketing ( SEO, posting articles in different high-end sites).

# Live chat support, teleconferencing, video-conferencing.

# answering calls thus acting as 24x7 receptionists.

In this highly competitive market, there are hundreds and thousands of virtual assistant service providers. How to choose the suitable one amongst all of these? Being a business entrepreneur, we should clarify all the under-mentioned points while selecting your VOA organization:

[1] What exactly are the services we want them to provide?

[2]What is the motive of hiring a VOA?

[3] Consultation: Most of the VAOs provide free consultation.

After the free consultations here are a few points, we should keep in mind while choosing our VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS:

Did they respond timely?Could they solve the problems you have faced?Did they follow-up as they promise to do?Where they ready to attend our calls professionally?Thereafter, do their services match the ones we need?Do they have enough confidence?How will they enhance your business?How can they assist you and from where they will start?

[4] Experienced Virtual Assistants can understand your problem and the services you want. Thus, know-how or experience should also be kept into mind while looking for a VOA.

[5] Training: Being a business-holder, it's not mandatory that we know all updated softwares and technologies. We should be aware of the fact that whether the Pros hired are tech-savvy or not.

[6]Pricing: last but not the least, pricing or costing of Virtual assistants are also an important factor. If this factor exceeds the costing of hiring individuals in certain posts, then hiring them is not worth.

Thus, all these factors count when we are looking for a Virtual Assistant Service Provider.

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Do You Really Know Yourself Enough?

What do you enjoy? The fields we are interested in generally show the skills we possess. Take some time to think about what you really love to do or the key factors that make you satisfied. Can you find something common in them?Ask trusted friends and family. Most of us grow up in culture that advocates to be humble at all times. Without other's help, it's hard for us to determine our strengths well. Inquire trustworthy friends or family around you and know what your personal strengths are in their thoughts. Perhaps some answers will surprise you.What do you like about your qualities? What personal quality you admire also reveals your advantage. For instance, you really like to be persistent no matter how hard it is to make your goals, so being disciplined and strong-minded is one of your personal abilities.What you're engaged in? What makes you do well at work? Think about what you like most at work and why. Reflect what you've missed if you fail to figure them out.Do a test online. Try one of the online tests if you want to get a fair feedback about your capabilities.What makes you energized? We've known your favorite activities and skills, now it's time to look at what you feel energy-filled. You will find time flies when you fully commit yourself into the tasks at hand. This can be a clue to unearth your personal skills.What are you proud of? List three examples in your life, and consider what you take pride in. What values you offer to the world? Why are you proud of the behavior?Who is your role model? What their qualities do you admire? Most of us have our own role model at work and in lives, which can help us to discover us as well. Think about the abilities your role model have and whether you have these.What feedback you get from people around you? This sounds familiar to the second tip, but it's a totally different story. You have to get feedback from the people you contact with every day. It works well, because it's well-documented to see what others react to your abilities.What capabilities resonate you? Find what appeals to you most in a list of personal abilities. We're fascinated by the strengths what resonate us in our work and life.Sound mind is in sound body. Whether you are a little overweight, obese, even out of shape, you can get professional advices from meizitang if you are interested in staying in good shape. Rate this Article

Do You Really Know Yourself Enough?Not Rated Yet

Sophie Gong has published 62 post. Article submitted on July 11, 2013. Word count: 391

Are you looking for ways to start creating wealth in your life or are you just fed up with not having enough money? If you are, then you should know that you are not alone in this situation. Most people will love to create more wealth in their lives but do not know where to start.

Written by: James Okai

As people grow up they begin to pass through adolescence. This is a stage where children want to take up responsibilities and become independent of their teachers, parents and other guardians. This is reflected in the desire of every teenager to pass the learners test and own a car.

Written by: Grady McKenzie

Why do the top leaders and producers recommend for you to focus on your "WHY"? Well many of your believe it's a waste of time but you may ask yourself why do people make it when they fail over and over again for long periods of time? Let's go into more detail.

Written by: Sherman Smith

Are you living your life experiencing what you want? Or, are you settling for less than what you really want? Unless you figure out what it is you want out of life how will you ever be able to experience it?

Written by: Susan Russo

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Can Mental Coaching Minimize the Effect of Bullying?

There has been a lot of research done to evaluate the effect of childhood memories on the rest of the life. It has been observed that those children who suffer physical or verbal abuse during childhood surely develop tendencies to fear. These experiences leave long-lasting effect on the personality and develop fearful tendencies in the later years. It affects the thought process and the feeling of insecurity triggers discomfort and stress. The trouble doesn't lie over the victims, but over the bullies as well. There are specific reasons behind the tendency of bullying. Troubled families and emotional imbalance are the common ones. It needs a lot of patience, sympathy and empathy while dealing with bullying.

When you talk to people who have been victimized by bullies always confess that the feeling is deeply hurting and damaging. They just don't want to remember those pitiful moments. However, it is required to recall and cleanse the memories to get rid of the agony and pessimism. Thankfully you have online help by stress relieving methods to benefit people. It builds high level of confidence and raises the feeling of pride in everything. The experts work on the specific aspect of the personality and improve the actions. They are taught to think positively. It is told to them that they did not have any role in the unfortunate incident and the suffering is because of somebody else. Therefore, the victims have all the rights to live stress-free, respectable life. It is everyone's responsibility to contribute towards stopping bullying when it is happening and to help many hundreds of thousands of victims. Society, we are together!

Why help is required?

Because of the simple fact that bullying affects the mental health and only mental coaching can help while taking action against bullying. The experts discuss with the victim and try to resolve the mental blocks through counseling sessions and discussion. They make the victims realize that they are not alone in the world, suffering the trauma. It offers no consolation, but insight that can leads to empowerment. There are many others who share the same agony and frustration. In first place forgive yourself and if possible even to the bully. It cleanses the mind thoroughly and you get rid of the disturbing memories. Deep-rooted feeling of guilt and sorrow gets reduced and the victims feel better.

The online helpline

Online help by fear consultants can be a long-running process. Victims are needed to go for multiple sessions to release the pressure accumulated for years. The experts do not treat the victims as patients, but more as fellow member of society; the thousand years old etymological original meaning of therapist is helping friend, brother in arms. Very appropriate paradigm in the fight against bullying is the common clinical therapist who excludes and shut-off to participate on the social part of the action against bullying. Online help shows sympathetic attitude, with special attention to let grow the self-respect and social skills from the victims. This is an important aspect of the treatment. The world of Internet comes to rescue and you can get wonderful help from the websites.

Online experts with online methods help by listening, giving advice, consultation and provide provision of tele- exercises to eliminate suffering and to solve problems. This allows to receiving help from their safe environment, if desired self anonymous. These forms of communication can do miracles and many victims vouch for the benefits of it.

With expert help and mental coaching along with the commitment, the will and motivation of those who want change can obtain a miracle and they can find an aha-experience.

De Levenskrachtlijn biedt deskundige ondersteuning, hulp, advies bij allerlei vragen, problemen en zingeving door middel van gesprekke en tele-oefeningen. Zoals aanpakken van pesten , stress, omgaan met angst , burnout, depressie, verlies van levensvreugde, problemen met liefde en relatie, etc Rate this Article

Can Mental Coaching Minimize the Effect of Bullying?Not Rated Yet

Jozef Labuche has published 1 post. Article submitted on November 15, 2013. Word count: 603

As demonstrated by Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in February this year, embarrassing blunders can occur even at the most senior level of government, with leaders dropping the ball in terms of holiday cover.

Written by: Laura Ashley-Timms

What does it take for anyone to be the best at anything? And does being labelled the best success coach in the UK take different traits to being the best runner in the Olympics, the best artist of the Turner Prize, the best actress at the Oscars or the best leader in your organisation?

Written by: Jennifer Broadley

Coaching is one such option. In fact recent reports suggest that coaching is the second fastest growing industry in the world, next only to the IT industry. And considering that coaching in a formal manner is a fairly recent concept, this speaks volumes about the positive benefits and advantages.

Written by: Gerard O Donovan

Coaching mentoring programs provide fresh insights and the motivation for employees to reach goals, which, by themselves, have been difficult to achieve.

Written by: Sara Bern

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Anger Quotes

"There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot. "

"It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either."

-Wayne Dyer

"Men in rage strike those that wish them best. "

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."

-William Congreve

"The sharpest sword is a word spoken in wrath. "

"A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green."

-Francis Bacon

"Whate'ers begun in anger ends in shame. "

"I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him."

-Booker T. Washington

"In days that follow, I discover that anger is easier to handle than grief. "

"Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding."

-Mahatma Gandhi

"Never respond to an angry person with a fiery comeback, even if he deserves it...Don't allow his anger to become your anger."

"Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are."

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.


Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.


Anger is not the opposite of love, for the opposite of love is indifference. To be angry is to care tremendously. It is a signal that your caring extends beyond polite conversation, and that you are willing to risk a confrontation to share how you feel.


Anger ... it's a paralyzing emotion ... you can't get anything done. People sort of think it's an interesting, passionate, and igniting feeling -- I don't think it's any of that -- it's helpless ... it's absence of control -- and I need all of my skills, all of the control, all of my powers ... and anger doesn't provide any of that -- I have no use for it whatsoever.


Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves.


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10 Tips to Manage Work when Pregnant

Managing work while being pregnant is not a child's play, you need a level of dedication and stamina to take care of everything related to you, both at personal and professional fronts. The write up shares some tips which can help the expectant mothers to manage their work easily and healthily! IMG 1 Being pregnant is a rollercoaster ride of emotional and life changes. Going through biological, physiological as well as psychological changes, the responsibilities of a pregnant working woman skyrocket even further. Dealing with home and work issues, as well as managing mood swings and pregnancy-induced pains is not at all easy. But the good news is that you have many ways to enjoy working and pregnancy together, thus creating a perfect wok-life balance. Here are some of the suggestions, which can help you to not only manage work, but also alleviate the problems you face working while being pregnant. Informing your employer about your pregnancy is important! If you are planning to stop working after your baby arrives, inform your employee beforehand so that they can find a replacement for you, and help you to manage the important tasks and projects before you leave. Make sure that you break this news to your employer by yourself, and he doesn't have to hear this from the horse's mouth. This would sound extremely unprofessional. Act and behave responsibly, your employer will also understand your situation and wont force you to work for long hours or will assign you tedious tasks. Most women can continue working during pregnancy. Some do it until the day the baby arrives, while some have to opt for staying at home, as the health sometimes doesn't allow them to work for extended hours. Working during pregnancy can present some challenges. Learning not to take risks and stay comfortable can help you have a healthy pregnancy in the workplace. You may feel more tired than usual, particularly in the early and late pregnancy. To combat fatigue and have energy all day: IMG 2 Take frequent breaks; get up and walk a few minutes or try to sleep a short power nap.Go to bed early the night to rest as much as possible.Exercise whenever you can; this will help you have more energy during the day.Drink plenty of fluids.Eat a healthy diet, as working will put a lot of stress on your body.Relax and avoid stressful situations if possible. 4. Exposure to Hazardous Substances It is important that the environment around you is safe for you and your baby. Talk to your health care professional if you are working with: Metals (such as mercury or lead)Products containing many chemicals (such as certain cleaning solutions, pesticides or gas)Radioactive waste, radiation or other hazardous substances (such as drugs for cancer treatment or X-rays) Contact with such materials without appropriate protective equipment (gloves, gowns and masks) can cause birth defects, spontaneous abortion or other serious health problems. Describe the health care professional who treats your work environment and the safety equipment that you or your company uses. The professional can tell you if it is safe to continue working during pregnancy. Also, talk with your health care professional if you work in a place of extreme heat. Working in very hot places can raise body temperature. If your body temperature is too high, it can be dangerous for the baby. Pregnant women and their babies are more likely to be susceptible to infections around them. If you are working in a lab or a healthcare facility, make sure you are protecting yourself in the best possible manner. Some of the diseases such as chicken pox, measles or influenza can be very harmful during pregnancy. Be sure to wash your hands frequently. If you think your health and your baby are at risk, immediately speak to your health care professional. Some jobs may require more physical effort than others may. For example, if your work involves heavy lifting or climbing, it may be dangerous. The problems aggravate if you have nausea, fatigue and dizziness in early pregnancy. Later in pregnancy, carrying extra weight can alter your sense of balance and make it more likely to fall and get hurt. Talk to your employer about the possibility of doing other work while pregnant. 9. Using Computers and Desktops Most of the jobs today involve the use of computers and sitting at a desk for much of the day. Some women who do those jobs may feel discomfort in the wrists and hands, neck and shoulder pain, back pain as well as eyestrain. To help avoid these pains, follow these tips: IMG 3 Take short breaks frequently and walk around the office or building.Adjust the chair, keyboard and other office equipment to make them more comfortable to use.Use a cushion or small pillow for support at the waist.Keep your feet elevated using a footrest.Make sure the position of the hands and arms is correct to use the computer.Use a non-reflective cover glass on the computer monitor.Adjust the brightness and contrast controls of the computer that is comfortable for the eyes. Talk to your healthcare professional before taking decisions of travel to faraway places. Ask if travel during pregnancy is risky for you by any chance. Also consider the place to travel. Remember to bring a copy of your medical history in case of emergency.Find out what kind of medical care will be available and if your health insurance covers medical services.See if food and water are safe at your workplace.Ask your health care professional if you should be vaccinated before traveling, if in case you have to!IMG 4 Have a happy and healthy pregnancy! Rashmi Karan writes for the leading education and career related websites globally. Through this article she highlights different ways to enjoy working and pregnancy together, thus creating a perfect work life balance. Rate this Article

10 Tips to Manage Work when PregnantNot Rated Yet

Rashmi K has published 2 post. Article submitted on June 17, 2014. Word count: 942

Coaching can help you find the work/life balance.

Written by: Gerard O Donovan

You must constantly strive towards achieving life balance. That is between your work and family. Although things cannot be perfect, at least seek to harmonize your professional and ....

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Mindful listening is when you are not thinking and you remain fully present whilst the other person is speaking. There are many occasions in the course of daily life, at home and at work, when talking is an exchange of information, and this is entirely appropriate as is a thought-based response.

Written by: Stephen Warrilow

Time management tips clear paths for you to live your best life. This article explores five direct benefits of establishing boundaries to exercise more positive control over your time. Learn when "No" will help you say "Yes" to what matters most.

Written by: Paula Eder

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Do You Really Know Yourself Enough?

What do you enjoy? The fields we are interested in generally show the skills we possess. Take some time to think about what you really love to do or the key factors that make you satisfied. Can you find something common in them?Ask trusted friends and family. Most of us grow up in culture that advocates to be humble at all times. Without other's help, it's hard for us to determine our strengths well. Inquire trustworthy friends or family around you and know what your personal strengths are in their thoughts. Perhaps some answers will surprise you.What do you like about your qualities? What personal quality you admire also reveals your advantage. For instance, you really like to be persistent no matter how hard it is to make your goals, so being disciplined and strong-minded is one of your personal abilities.What you're engaged in? What makes you do well at work? Think about what you like most at work and why. Reflect what you've missed if you fail to figure them out.Do a test online. Try one of the online tests if you want to get a fair feedback about your capabilities.What makes you energized? We've known your favorite activities and skills, now it's time to look at what you feel energy-filled. You will find time flies when you fully commit yourself into the tasks at hand. This can be a clue to unearth your personal skills.What are you proud of? List three examples in your life, and consider what you take pride in. What values you offer to the world? Why are you proud of the behavior?Who is your role model? What their qualities do you admire? Most of us have our own role model at work and in lives, which can help us to discover us as well. Think about the abilities your role model have and whether you have these.What feedback you get from people around you? This sounds familiar to the second tip, but it's a totally different story. You have to get feedback from the people you contact with every day. It works well, because it's well-documented to see what others react to your abilities.What capabilities resonate you? Find what appeals to you most in a list of personal abilities. We're fascinated by the strengths what resonate us in our work and life.Sound mind is in sound body. Whether you are a little overweight, obese, even out of shape, you can get professional advices from meizitang if you are interested in staying in good shape. Rate this Article

Do You Really Know Yourself Enough?Not Rated Yet

Sophie Gong has published 62 post. Article submitted on July 11, 2013. Word count: 391

Are you looking for ways to start creating wealth in your life or are you just fed up with not having enough money? If you are, then you should know that you are not alone in this situation. Most people will love to create more wealth in their lives but do not know where to start.

Written by: James Okai

As people grow up they begin to pass through adolescence. This is a stage where children want to take up responsibilities and become independent of their teachers, parents and other guardians. This is reflected in the desire of every teenager to pass the learners test and own a car.

Written by: Grady McKenzie

Why do the top leaders and producers recommend for you to focus on your "WHY"? Well many of your believe it's a waste of time but you may ask yourself why do people make it when they fail over and over again for long periods of time? Let's go into more detail.

Written by: Sherman Smith

Are you living your life experiencing what you want? Or, are you settling for less than what you really want? Unless you figure out what it is you want out of life how will you ever be able to experience it?

Written by: Susan Russo

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Best Pros of Working With Virtual Personal Assistants

Is work preventing you from developing your business? Do you desire that you just had a bit longer to pay on executing the items that got you aroused at the preliminary place? Constructing a business may transform into a really exhausting treadmill if you're careless. The additional business you perform the additional up on duties you've got, the longer you utilize more body duties, the less time you've got to target creating new profit. Thus to give a full stop to all these recurring problems, Virtual Assistants are in the market to help you with required solutions at much lesser cost.

Virtual Assistants are the professionals working off-site in their home-office. Amongst them Virtual Personal Assistants are in force for most of the companies. The benefits which make VPAs operational are as underneath:

*Judged against a permanent employee, VPAs are lucrative and can assist you in basic official operations like fixing appointments and organizing places for conferences, symposium, seminar etc. By and large they are very assiduous, unswerving and are highly adept in computer operations.

*We don't need to pay the VPAs on an hourly basis or salary basis. They are paid as per job done or according to how many hours they have worked at the time of necessity. We don't need to pay for their holidays, TA, DA etc.

*We don't need to pay heed to problems like accommodating them in office because of the fact that they work remotely away from our conventional office places.

*The most inevitable factor responsible for the growing popularity of VPAs are the fact that full-time assistant hired by us may fall ill or suffer from other diseases, thus resulting in the backlog of official works. On the other hand VPAs are at your service 24x7. They can work for you whenever you want keeping aside all the difficulties they face.

*A conventional full-time personal assistant would perform the works assigned to him/her while he/she is being appointed. But he/she won't do any other work whereas a VPA can work on other jobs if told to do so.

With a mission of providing the simplest quality service, we tend to tend to figure effortlessly to establish you smile.

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Choose Superior Quality Virtual Office Assistant

Virtual Office Assistants are the supreme tech-savvy pros assisting business entrepreneurs in different office works thus saving our time- the most imperative factor in business. The various tasks of VIRTUAL OFFICE ASSISTANTS are

# Client and customer service through mails and calls.

# Organizing office setup.

# word translation, transcription, data entry and other back-office jobs.

# Personal Assistant services.

# Virtual book-keeping, payroll management.

# Web-Designing and management.

# Marketing management through up-to-date marketing strategies of online marketing ( SEO, posting articles in different high-end sites).

# Live chat support, teleconferencing, video-conferencing.

# answering calls thus acting as 24x7 receptionists.

In this highly competitive market, there are hundreds and thousands of virtual assistant service providers. How to choose the suitable one amongst all of these? Being a business entrepreneur, we should clarify all the under-mentioned points while selecting your VOA organization:

[1] What exactly are the services we want them to provide?

[2]What is the motive of hiring a VOA?

[3] Consultation: Most of the VAOs provide free consultation.

After the free consultations here are a few points, we should keep in mind while choosing our VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS:

Did they respond timely?Could they solve the problems you have faced?Did they follow-up as they promise to do?Where they ready to attend our calls professionally?Thereafter, do their services match the ones we need?Do they have enough confidence?How will they enhance your business?How can they assist you and from where they will start?

[4] Experienced Virtual Assistants can understand your problem and the services you want. Thus, know-how or experience should also be kept into mind while looking for a VOA.

[5] Training: Being a business-holder, it's not mandatory that we know all updated softwares and technologies. We should be aware of the fact that whether the Pros hired are tech-savvy or not.

[6]Pricing: last but not the least, pricing or costing of Virtual assistants are also an important factor. If this factor exceeds the costing of hiring individuals in certain posts, then hiring them is not worth.

Thus, all these factors count when we are looking for a Virtual Assistant Service Provider.

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Anger Quotes

"There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot. "

"It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either."

-Wayne Dyer

"Men in rage strike those that wish them best. "

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."

-William Congreve

"The sharpest sword is a word spoken in wrath. "

"A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green."

-Francis Bacon

"Whate'ers begun in anger ends in shame. "

"I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him."

-Booker T. Washington

"In days that follow, I discover that anger is easier to handle than grief. "

"Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding."

-Mahatma Gandhi

"Never respond to an angry person with a fiery comeback, even if he deserves it...Don't allow his anger to become your anger."

"Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are."

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.


Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.


Anger is not the opposite of love, for the opposite of love is indifference. To be angry is to care tremendously. It is a signal that your caring extends beyond polite conversation, and that you are willing to risk a confrontation to share how you feel.


Anger ... it's a paralyzing emotion ... you can't get anything done. People sort of think it's an interesting, passionate, and igniting feeling -- I don't think it's any of that -- it's helpless ... it's absence of control -- and I need all of my skills, all of the control, all of my powers ... and anger doesn't provide any of that -- I have no use for it whatsoever.


Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves.


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Can Mental Coaching Minimize the Effect of Bullying?

There has been a lot of research done to evaluate the effect of childhood memories on the rest of the life. It has been observed that those children who suffer physical or verbal abuse during childhood surely develop tendencies to fear. These experiences leave long-lasting effect on the personality and develop fearful tendencies in the later years. It affects the thought process and the feeling of insecurity triggers discomfort and stress. The trouble doesn't lie over the victims, but over the bullies as well. There are specific reasons behind the tendency of bullying. Troubled families and emotional imbalance are the common ones. It needs a lot of patience, sympathy and empathy while dealing with bullying.

When you talk to people who have been victimized by bullies always confess that the feeling is deeply hurting and damaging. They just don't want to remember those pitiful moments. However, it is required to recall and cleanse the memories to get rid of the agony and pessimism. Thankfully you have online help by stress relieving methods to benefit people. It builds high level of confidence and raises the feeling of pride in everything. The experts work on the specific aspect of the personality and improve the actions. They are taught to think positively. It is told to them that they did not have any role in the unfortunate incident and the suffering is because of somebody else. Therefore, the victims have all the rights to live stress-free, respectable life. It is everyone's responsibility to contribute towards stopping bullying when it is happening and to help many hundreds of thousands of victims. Society, we are together!

Why help is required?

Because of the simple fact that bullying affects the mental health and only mental coaching can help while taking action against bullying. The experts discuss with the victim and try to resolve the mental blocks through counseling sessions and discussion. They make the victims realize that they are not alone in the world, suffering the trauma. It offers no consolation, but insight that can leads to empowerment. There are many others who share the same agony and frustration. In first place forgive yourself and if possible even to the bully. It cleanses the mind thoroughly and you get rid of the disturbing memories. Deep-rooted feeling of guilt and sorrow gets reduced and the victims feel better.

The online helpline

Online help by fear consultants can be a long-running process. Victims are needed to go for multiple sessions to release the pressure accumulated for years. The experts do not treat the victims as patients, but more as fellow member of society; the thousand years old etymological original meaning of therapist is helping friend, brother in arms. Very appropriate paradigm in the fight against bullying is the common clinical therapist who excludes and shut-off to participate on the social part of the action against bullying. Online help shows sympathetic attitude, with special attention to let grow the self-respect and social skills from the victims. This is an important aspect of the treatment. The world of Internet comes to rescue and you can get wonderful help from the websites.

Online experts with online methods help by listening, giving advice, consultation and provide provision of tele- exercises to eliminate suffering and to solve problems. This allows to receiving help from their safe environment, if desired self anonymous. These forms of communication can do miracles and many victims vouch for the benefits of it.

With expert help and mental coaching along with the commitment, the will and motivation of those who want change can obtain a miracle and they can find an aha-experience.

De Levenskrachtlijn biedt deskundige ondersteuning, hulp, advies bij allerlei vragen, problemen en zingeving door middel van gesprekke en tele-oefeningen. Zoals aanpakken van pesten , stress, omgaan met angst , burnout, depressie, verlies van levensvreugde, problemen met liefde en relatie, etc Rate this Article

Can Mental Coaching Minimize the Effect of Bullying?Not Rated Yet

Jozef Labuche has published 1 post. Article submitted on November 15, 2013. Word count: 603

As demonstrated by Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in February this year, embarrassing blunders can occur even at the most senior level of government, with leaders dropping the ball in terms of holiday cover.

Written by: Laura Ashley-Timms

What does it take for anyone to be the best at anything? And does being labelled the best success coach in the UK take different traits to being the best runner in the Olympics, the best artist of the Turner Prize, the best actress at the Oscars or the best leader in your organisation?

Written by: Jennifer Broadley

Coaching is one such option. In fact recent reports suggest that coaching is the second fastest growing industry in the world, next only to the IT industry. And considering that coaching in a formal manner is a fairly recent concept, this speaks volumes about the positive benefits and advantages.

Written by: Gerard O Donovan

Coaching mentoring programs provide fresh insights and the motivation for employees to reach goals, which, by themselves, have been difficult to achieve.

Written by: Sara Bern

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Advice and Tips for Online Journaling

Whether you want to write about your life to clear your head or to inspire others, online journaling is a great way to save your memories for the future. Many social networking websites allow you to write your stories and publish them. Some sites allow you to save them as drafts or make them visible to only you or to a small network of close family and friends. In this way, you can write something when your memory is fresh or when the inspiration to write strikes without feeling pressured to immediately share it with the world. With online journaling you can save all or part of your life story to possibly share at a later time or make it public right away. So here are some tips for making an effective online journal.

Decide what website you will save your journal to. There are several free online journaling sites on the Internet such as tumblr and LiveJournal. You can also sign up for a WordPress blog and save your works as drafts or publish. If you want to share your page with others right away and expect a large amount of traffic, you can also pay to have a URL by getting your own domain name.Learn all the features of the website you have chosen. Just write a few sentences or a quick story. Get a feel for how to use the site to post pictures, videos, or outside links.Decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to write about a single event that happened to you, your response to something you saw, or do you plan to keep a daily journal? Start small.Come up with a theme to tie the posts together. The theme could be as simple as "I did it!" or something more complex like "Good friends make everything bearable." A small theme is good for each individual story post. A larger theme could tie all your journal entries together, such as "My observations about the world from my backpacking trip through Asia."Decide on your intended audience. Are you just writing this for yourself, for close family and friends, or for the public? Is this intended as a 'how to' for other people who would like to do something similar? Your tone will change depending on who you expect to be reading it.Put yourself in the scene. Where were you? What was the weather like? What were you doing? Who did you meet and what did they say? Was it day or night? Paint a picture with your words.Write! It really is as simple as just starting to write and you will probably enjoy it so much that you won't want to stop.

Online journaling is a great way to rediscover things about yourself through your experiences or to preserve cherished memories. Because it is personal, it should require no outside research or "work," and may amount to simply recording your thoughts. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, you can gain valuable insights about life by thinking through events. You may discover that other people who read it want to share their stories too!

Taylor Hill, author. Check out a unique online journaling site, and start journaling now one entry at a time. Become a member today it is free to join. Rate this Article

Advice and Tips for Online JournalingRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Taylor B Hill has published 16 post. Article submitted on October 08, 2013. Word count: 521

Another important personal advice and key to self-improvement is the realization that success is not a particular destination. You do not have to stress yourself out trying to do ...

Written by: Stephen Kavita

Creating photo albums and profile pictures to develop attraction online are critical for success. Luckily there are tons of ways for men to do so.

Written by: Joshua Pompey

Electronic cigarettes have spawned a new trend of smoking today. No wonder, they are superior to any other tobacco substitutes and work even finer when compared to nicotine gums. You can get the best e cig online and kill the urge for smoking.

Written by: Rakesh Sharma Jack

Time management tips can help you give meaning to your life. Ultimately, you shape each moment of your life for balance, satisfaction, and productivity. Perhaps you are so busy now that it's hard to assess just how well your time choices work for you! Maybe you are tired, rundown, frantic.

Written by: Paula Eder

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Eight Social Skills Make You Popular in Conversation

Invite others to share his life. Almost everyone loves to talk about his own life, so you can start a conversation through showing your interest in other's stories, families, ideas and goals. Of course, don't gossip about other's private life. If others look not so natural when it comes to private topics, change to a neutral topic.Give enthusiastic response. Be responsive to what others said, and make sure they could accept your answer. Give your reaction in a positive, honest and fair way. You know, others can tell whether you echo with heart.Raise open questions. The answer to an open question is far more than "Yes"or "No", instead, it encourages others to talk about a certain topic in details. For example, " What makes you engage in nursing?" or "Why do you like living in Hawaii?" Those questions can guide others to talk more about their own stories and opinions.Wait until it's your turn. Never break into a conversation. Share your views until it's your turn. Interrupting people will put an end to a conversation even annoy the partner. Truly listen what other are talking about with respect, not thinking about what you should response to.Phrase what you have heard before sharing your thoughts. Repeat the last three words you heard, then rephrase what others said. This shows that you really are listening, but also works well for clarifying what you're talking about. Your partner will know whether you get the point of your topic, and you will not throw out your ideas before truly understanding it.Say "Tell me more". This is a great chatting technique. Because it invites others to talk more in details without prying. If your coworker tell you that he is looking for a new job, simply reply by " Tell me more". He can decide how much information he wants to show. This works well in dealing with the relatives, colleagues, and people who you meet for the first time. It shows people you are truly interested in hearing what they have to say.Ask for advice. This shows you value his or her opinions. Whereas, it doesn't mean you have to follow their advice. Seeking advice can make others feel important, whether it is major or minor. For example, ask your colleague what they think of your new clothes, or consult your friends how to tackle a certain situation.Ask for an explanation. Ask someone else to explain something to you shows that you think that person is smart and has something valuable to teach you. If you have no idea what someone is talking about, let him know and ask for an explanation. If someone installs a new application, ask him how to do it. If someone succeeds to persuade his boss to raise his salary, ask him how he makes it. Asking for explanations can invite others to guide and share with you. This is absolutely ace in the hole.Rate this Article

Eight Social Skills Make You Popular in ConversationRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Sophie Gong has published 62 articles. Article submitted on November 21, 2013. Word count: 486

Thanks to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's work on flow and some conversation skills to keep talking with any guy or girl, you can keep a conversation going. Read this article and get a few tips on making any conversation flow smoothly from beginning to end.

Written by: Joshua Uebergang

Dear Reader As for as the Question of happiness in your life then it depend on your thinking view, that from where you see your life, mean which thing make you happy in your life etc.

Written by: Yogesh Kumar

Every child with the disorder of autism has varying degrees of communication skills. Do you want to improve the conversation skills for your child who has the disorder of autism? If you do, how can it be accomplished?

Written by: Bonita Darula

Are you shy and uncomfortable sometimes even around family members? I know I used to be. In this article, I share tips to help you feel more confident talking with family.

Written by: Dean J

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